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    Use "shoeless" in a sentence

    shoeless example sentences


    1. "Look at the good-for-nothing!" cried the old woman, full of wrath at the sight of the shoeless boy

    2. Shoeless, Sam cut a strip from his shirt and tied it around his head pushing his silver streaked mane from his eyes as his thoughts drifted to JY

    3. " David looked at the man’s shoeless attire

    4. “Ouch!” Her shoeless foot stung

    5. Shoeless, snoring inside a pair of Bermuda shorts and a bright Hawaiian print shirt, his target appeared quite harmless

    6. We stopped at a spot called Sidi Abdel Rahman, where the road skimmed the beach, and walked a while on the sand, shoeless, hatless and humorless

    7. The sick cared for, the shoeless shod, the orphan father'd and mother'd, The hungry fed, the houseless housed;

    8. Mattie preferred to hang around too, and each afternoon by 5:30 she was roaming around, shoeless, looking for Samantha

    9. Mattie, too, was shoeless late Thursday afternoon when Samantha returned to the office

    10. I wanted to tell her what had happened to me nine years previously, on a night when I had drunk too much, and how my sister had led me home, shoeless and crying silently, in the early hours

    11. Before lying down he crept shoeless upstairs, and listened at the door of her apartment

    12. This spade is sharp as hone can make it; the spademan's feet are shoeless; the thing he stands on will sometimes irresistibly slide away from him, like a sledge

    13. She came home dirty, draggled, and shoeless; she had walked for a whole week without shoes; she had slept in the fields, and caught a terrible cold; her feet were swollen and sore, and her hands torn and scratched all over

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    Synonyms for "shoeless"

    barefoot barefooted shoeless

    "shoeless" definitions

    without shoes