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    Use "shortwave" in a sentence

    shortwave example sentences


    1. Someone might be able to listen in on our conversation, on the standard cellular network, but they won’t be able to on the other two settings, especially not the shortwave radio frequency, and even on the cellular network, the signal is scrambled between point A and point B

    2. It has been months since he last heard the Frenchman on the shortwave

    3. Werner thinks of the shortwave radio tucked into the old wooden first-aid cabinet beneath his cot

    4. It has shortwave, wide frequencies, a big attenuator—this radio costs more than everything at Children’s House put together

    5. Then he rises from his cot and takes the little shortwave radio out of the first-aid box—six years old and bristling with his modifications, replacement wires, a new solenoid, Jutta’s notations orbiting the tuning coil—and carries it into the alley behind the house and crushes it with a brick

    6. In the elaborate press headquarters inside Haus West, hundreds of journalists from all over the world tested their telewriters and their shortwave and standard radio-transmission equipment

    7. Each came with a shortwave tuner and a special “high-efficiency aerial” kit to ensure clear reception of both the standard radio broadcast on NBC and shortwave broadcasts in a variety of languages direct from Berlin

    8. Stephan either picked up the signal on shortwave radio or received a report of it

    9. In the winter we covered her with a heavy tarp and when baseball season opened again we removed it and listened to Tigers games on a shortwave radio

    10. A message crackled over the shortwave

    11. “He has a shortwave! He’s intercepting us!” I grabbed the mike and warned Kyle

    12. His face was a brilliant aluminum light above that polka-dot bow tie and that shock of red hair, and his voice came to me like a shortwave radio transmission

    13. Coleman used the opportunity to check out a shortwave radio near the building’s only window

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