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    side effect example sentences

    side effect

    1. And the side effects of many medications used to treat some of these organic conditions can themselves compound the problem

    2. Excessive alcohol consumption and side effects from medications can lead to falls, but ongoing problems with instability should be reported to a physician

    3. However, when stress levels increase and become prolonged, feelings of exhaustion, debilitation and inadequacy begin to set in along with various physical side effects

    4. It does not have any side effects

    5. Among the things to look out for are: the possibility of demarcation lines – lines that show which part of the face received treatment and which did not, redness, irritation, and other side effects

    6. withstand the side effects of the various supplements

    7. There will be tests, of course, just to make sure, to make sure that there's no lasting side effects, as it were, but I'm sure Rebecca will be up and about in no time…"

    8. However, in the past years, people are now more receptive to these healing methods, as modern drugs have been proven to entail negative side effects

    9. Carol Lee had just awoken after sleeping soundly for more than six hours, more than likely a side effect of the painkiller she was on

    10. As a side effect all taps, and drink machines had to have an attachment to fit that universal standard valve

    11. Manny tested it in the lab at his Temple some time back, and there were no negative side effects for a Lead Arrow using a Golden Arrow’s blood

    12. "Case solved, but one unfortunate side effect

    13. do?” Jazzy will need to undergo yearly blood tests, as amitriptyline might affect her liver enzymes, though research says the drug does not usually have long-term negative side effects on cats

    14. Essential oils that are completely natural and without the side effects often associated with chemical flea treatments are fabulous for deterring annoying insects

    15. “That’s one of the side effects of industry

    16. Such ―side effects‖ were properly observed during America‘s Civil War

    17. I was not alarmed when, soon after treatments began, I started to have the side effects I had previously been warned about

    18. It was coping with Tamoxifen’s side effects of hot flashes and weight gain that was a little harder

    19. Another side effect of having only eight inches of colon is that, no matter what I eat, I visit the restroom more than I ever did before and some days there are never enough bathrooms around

    20. These are the seemingly random side effects that cause ripples in our own frame of reference, quite unbeknownst to Hartle

    21. Almost all of the things he was taking had warnings, that he should have noticed, about possible psychotic side effects,” I said

    22. They just seemed to laugh more about nothing which made me laugh more about nothing too, so I got the side effects without even needing to inhale

    23. I’ll tell you this though; my pennies were more elevated than usual that night, which was undoubtedly due to the adrenaline that was pumping through my body with vigor that had produced the side effect of me banging my forehead down to the ground that much harder with each revolution of my no handed windmills

    24. the side effects of prescription drugs and other medications, and your

    25. replacement therapy) route because of all the negative side effects

    26. Almost instantly after that we were back in normal space, but none of us suffered any side effects from the trip

    27. But Acnezine is a natural acne removal medication with no side effects!

    28. Acnezine is the answer to all these acne lesions for it is a natural product with no side effects and guarantees positive result if treated for a

    29. What side effects are there?

    30. Most of these drugs have severe side effects that

    31. does have some severe side effects if ingested in large dosage

    32. told me that a side effect of my medication is that if I stop taking it, I will have a

    33. I have even heard advocates of scientism describe qualities such as love, consciousness, and personal experience as nothing more than illusory side effects of matter and energy

    34. They are just secondary side effects—useful fictions or illusions—which arise from matter

    35. Therefore, everything from love to friendship to poetry to literature to art to music to meaning to purpose to intention to agency to beauty to values to philosophy to spirituality to religion to all the virtues—all these qualities are nothing more than illusions, side effects, secondary phenomena that emerge from the underlying matter

    36. Can this process reflect reality? Is it not a necessary simplification of reality, a poor substitute for what is really unfolding in the body? My fine sir, you and I know the answer: once a drug hits the general public and the community starts experiencing numerous undocumented side effects, then you get a clearer picture of reality than the 'reality' presented in the drug's preclinical–clinical research trials

    37. If you believe there is more to life, then you are experiencing an epiphenomenon—a mental and illusory side effect that emerges from matter

    38. A child, for example, thinks a cave was designed for shelter, whereas an adult knows that a cave emerged as a natural side effect of erosion and land movement

    39. And even though animals and people might use a cave for shelter, this is just a secondary use, or side effect, of a random and natural process

    40. Everything emerges as a side effect of randomness, of natural processes

    41. Agents, like you and me, mean nothing—for we are mere epiphenomena, side effects of randomness and natural processes

    42. For all these so-called epiphenomena—or illusions or side effects of matter—are the enemy of Sci–Coll and its ultimate pursuit of nihilism

    43. have numerous side effects and can inflict injury on the patients and users

    44. risk of side effects to newborns

    45. and see if you can substitute this medication for one with side effects that don't mess with your sex

    46. Pills can have side effects,

    47. You will have flashbacks of your other life, and this will come with severe side effects, like nose bleeding, unconsciousness, severe migraines and most of all, thirst

    48. side effects of the abuse I experienced

    49. Nucleus, also gasping for air, said, “This reaction is not a side effect of our treatments

    50. “Although she’s taking a larger dose of the beta blocker, it causes more and more sedation, and she’s upset about gaining a lot of weight due to her inactivity and the side effects

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