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    Use "siesta" in a sentence

    siesta example sentences


    1. The locals appear to have vanished indoors for the siesta; only a couple of birds perched on a roof and a cat sitting on a doorstep watch us as we make our way towards the waterside

    2. It was no good keeping this thing locked up I leaned across to Alessandra and whispered, 'So sorry Alessandra, but can I have a quick word? You see the man with Mercouri? I didn't like to say in front of everyone earlier, but someone crept into the house at siesta and opened the door to my room

    3. Instead they cater to a belief that Mexico is full of volatile Latins who are at each other’s throats whenever they aren’t taking a siesta

    4. After lunch and a siesta, Nithya’s mother made coffee

    5. After they had finished their lunch, the Chief suggested a siesta before moving to

    6. He finished a bit past noon and yearned for a long siesta, but needed to wash up and run to the grocery

    7. Later, serene with a sense of spirituality that he never before experienced, Suresh went into a siesta

    8. Siri had intended to readopt his strategy of a predawn start and midday siesta, but both he and the co-pilot were in good spirits, and optimistic about their chances of completing the anticipated one hundred miles or so to Khartoum

    9. ” Unlike Arcadio, who had never known his real origins, he found out that he was the son of Pilar Ternera, who had hung up a hammock so that he could take his siesta in her house

    10. In the house where Aureliano José took his siesta, the girls from the neighborhood would receive their casual lovers

    11. Until puberty Fernanda had no news of the world except for the melancholy piano lessons taken in some neighboring house by someone who for years and years had the drive not to take a siesta

    12. The doors of the house, wide open from dawn until bedtime, were closed during siesta time under the pretext that the sun heated up the bedrooms and in the end they were closed for good

    13. So what if nobody was about? It was the middle of the afternoon and many people took their siesta round about now; people always shunned the sweltering heat of the midday Smug and dozed in the cool of their shacks

    14. laid their mats down anywhere to take their siesta, and spoke without regard for the sensitivities of ladies or the proper behavior of gentlemen

    15. During the boredom of her abandonment her only distractions were the clav-ichord lessons at siesta time and the letters from her children

    16. The sticky sweat of the unwanted siesta aroused the scars of the sores in his armpits

    17. They spoke in whispers, ate in silence, recited the rosary three times a day, and even clavichord practice during the heat of siesta time had a funereal echo

    18. ” arranged Melquíades’ broken-down cot for him and at two in the afternoon, while Fernanda was taking her siesta, she passed a plate of food in to him through the window

    19. Housewives were exhausted from sweeping away so many dead birds, especially at siesta time, and the men dumped them into the river by the cartload

    20. A short time later they sent Father Augusto Angel, a crusader of the new breed, intransigent, audacious, daring, who personally rang the bells several times a day so that the peoples spirits would not get drowsy, and who went from house to house waking up the sleepers to go to mass but before a year was out he too was conquered by the negligence that one breathed in with the air, by the hot dust that made everything old and clogged up, and by the drowsiness caused by lunchtime meatballs in the unbearable heat of siesta time

    21. He would go out when the heat of siesta time had eased and would not return until well into the night

    22. He would appear with them at siesta time and have them skip rope in the garden, sing on the porch, and do acrobatics on the furniture in the living room while he would go among the groups giving lessons in good manners

    23. Since they like that time away so much, why not make the siesta for them a permanent thing? The number of bills passed in this Congress also confirms their incompetence

    24. He did not have the pretext of climate to hasten their return because nature had endowed him with a colonial liver which resisted the drowsiness of siesta time and water that had vinegar worms in it

    25. One winter night while the soup was boiling in the fireplace, he missed the heat of the back of his store, the buzzing of the sun on the dusty almond trees, the whistle of the train during the lethargy of siesta time, just as in Macondo he had missed the winter soup in the fireplace, the cries of the coffee vendor, and the fleeting larks of springtime

    26. Although Amaranta Úrsula did not lose her good humor or her genius for erotic mischief, she acquired the habit of sitting on the porch after lunch in a kind of wakeful and thoughtful siesta

    27. This is not the first time that signing statements have been employed, but others have used them very sparingly, especially before the Reagan siesta

    28. He rubbed at his nose with his beefy hand, then settled further into the gravelly shore for another siesta

    29. After siesta, however, at Sandhya’s behest, the aged couple accompanied the newly weds in the evening to the Sathyanarayana Swamy temple on the banks of the village tank

    30. As if to place Rani’s unease in their place in its contrast, that Sunday afternoon, Tara visited the Sathyams as they were having their tea after siesta, as Sathyam had developed a taste for tea, fed up giving an explanation for his abstinence

    31. Fed by her anxiety, she had a meager meal, and as though to push the issue into her subconscious self, she settled for siesta

    32. The conversation could continue after sleep, there is always the priority of the siesta embrace

    33. She once seized his car key, refusing to allow him step out of our premises unless he took his siesta

    34. Testing the siesta field: The corner was left open – maybe Laekur would try to leave and accidentally touch the tarp whereby he would get a reward

    35. Marie and Linda were taking a siesta in the garden

    36. During the day it was so hot in the tent that even in short sleeves I was sweating; the heat ruined my siesta

    37. Eventually we did manage to get a cab and we returned to the hotel and into bed for a late siesta

    38. In those days I was too tense to take a siesta and I could no longer stay at my empty home

    39. The higher-ranking police officers go home for lunch and a siesta and report again for duty at eight

    40. In the afternoon, a siesta

    41. We then had a siesta but before the siesta we burned all the meal"s calories in

    42. It is seem from afar sprawling along the banks like a cowherd taking a siesta by the water-side

    43. A net hammock was swung under one of the beams—for the official's afternoon siesta, no doubt

    44. Meantime, how was he going to take his siesta? He had expected to find comfort and luxury in the Intendencia after a year of hard camp life, ending with the hardships and privations of the daring dash upon Sulaco—upon the province which was worth more in wealth and influence than all the rest of the Republic's territory

    45. The National Guards were thinking of siesta, and the eloquence of Gamacho, their chief, was exhausted

    46. A table, a chair, a wooden bedstead had been procured for His Excellency, who, after a short siesta, rendered absolutely necessary by the labours and the pomps of his entry into Sulaco, had been getting hold of the administrative machine by making appointments, giving orders, and signing proclamations

    47. I bet you he will step into the cathedral to say a prayer or two on his way home to his siesta

    48. She had brought her uncle over to see dear Emilia, without ceremony, just for a moment before the siesta

    49. He had seen everything from the upper floor and, swollen and livid, he came down the stairs buttoning his shirt, his side-whiskers still in an uproar after a restless siesta

    50. One afternoon she began to darn socks on the terrace while her husband was reading, as he did every day after his siesta

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    Synonyms for "siesta"

    siesta doze rest snooze respite

    "siesta" definitions

    a nap in the early afternoon (especially in hot countries)