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    Use "simultaneously" in a sentence

    simultaneously example sentences


    1. Women can handle phone call, TV, child cry, kitchen sound simultaneously

    2. He lurches at the Trooper, pushes him and grabs his gun simultaneously, points it at his chest

    3. simultaneously grabbing and wrapping about Clarisse

    4. John looks back, sees the balcony and house collapsing simultaneously

    5. JURGEN, about 40, a big guy, 6 feet and 250+ pounds, the owner of the cantina, wipes off a table and simultaneously argues in Spanish and German with ROSITA, 30-something, a waitress and his sometimes girlfriend

    6. Khalid then translates simultaneously for the pilot, who speaks at length

    7. John snatches up the weapon, puts the soldier in a headlock simultaneously and points the gun at his head

    8. The soldier in the back of Ricci’s truck jumps down, cocks his weapon simultaneously, but his hand slips and he discharges the weapon into the pavement

    9. He is apparently wailing, screaming and crying simultaneously

    10. The membrane ripped and came apart in a hundred places at once and receded from all points simultaneously

    11. Simultaneously, all the white pools of ectoplasm melted away fast

    12. When you have practiced with alternate legs for a few days try the full Locust Posture which involves the raising of both legs simultaneously as in figure 21

    13. ‘Do you need a hand in the kitchen at all, Sally?’ Jo and I ask simultaneously

    14. be obvious to those in the know while simultaneously appearing

    15. Titania and Hipolyta kissed him on his cheeks simultaneously, and he finally did blush

    16. simultaneously by the telephone call from the shore patrol and by a

    17. fact that the closure must be triggered simultaneously on both sides of

    18. glasses on the table simultaneously

    19. He raised the tool aligned above the target hole and with his back held straight, dropped the digger's blades into the soil with force while simultaneously dropping into a semi-squat, with his feet more than shoulder width apart

    20. Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy

    21. Nine heads simultaneously bowed over the pages of questions and essay topics and set to work

    22. texts simultaneously! He concluded that it must be the

    23. Though risky -- should the Plague decide to reenter their world -- it greatly facilitated his task, allowing him to work both sides of the wall simultaneously

    24. If he had been in charge of the criminal gang then he would have attacked simultaneously from four sides at once

    25. Simultaneously Brice and the twenty-one other mages lit up like a struck match

    26. "Nathalia!" the children simultaneously shouted

    27. Simultaneously, they touched each other’s flesh

    28. Despite suffering what was an obvious mortal wound, he used what little power he had left to cover his steaming pile of guts in a shield of Oneness, while simultaneously attempting to shove the twisted pile of entrails back inside with his hands

    29. Within chaos, structure was inevitable, and was simultaneously Experienced as pain and desire

    30. Simultaneously, I lit the candle, caused the water in the chalice to spin like a whirlpool, ca small bud to grow within the bowl, and made the feather float

    31. Yes, I was born a city boy, but my circumstances were rather unusual I’ve come to learn since I was simultaneously brought up as a country boy

    32. You see, he’s got these tremendous claws called talons that are so incredibly sharp and strong that many times with a swift grasping and clamping he can not only crush the skull of his victim (ouch!) but also knead its body (ouch again!), thereby giving it a first-round knockout blow (with no ten-count) and simultaneously preparing it for a soon-to-be scrumptious munching down (yum!)

    33. He knew he had spent the vastly greater portion of the previous evening drinking with the eccentric man, as well as imbibing before and after they simultaneously gulped down full tankards

    34. Helez burst out crying, nodding simultaneously

    35. If you see where the ball is now, and simultaneously examine your memory of where it was 1/100th of a second ago, you will know if the ball is moving up or down

    36. And even the reflections therein that simultaneously saddened and enraged him were a sort of comfort to his soul

    37. Danny withdrew from the tree-net and both he and Ben landed simultaneously with a gut-wrenching thump into their respective dog’s bodies half a second later

    38. Zafearon's front legs paused for a microsecond as the two great dogs simultaneously launched themselves into the air

    39. Faced with the same antagonists of all of those years ago and yet, simultaneously having to shake their hands and curse them behind closed doors was a strange twilight reality

    40. She was simultaneously embarrassed by her very candid expressions of worry, and deeply frustrated

    41. In that moment, even though the Redguard was far more optimistic, far more unafraid than he imagined himself ever being, he felt as if the man had been able to simultaneously encourage and calm him

    42. Approximately simultaneously (at the beginning of 30th of 20

    43. In concrete there are capillaries of the various size, therefore various mechanisms of moving of gas and liquids can simultaneously operate

    44. However, with the passage of time and through experiments, scientists are admitting this openly that they believe in the existence of multiple dimensions which seem to co-exist with our physical world simultaneously

    45. ‘I doubted it was possible two could exist simultaneously

    46. Slightly over 300 metres from bow to stern, it had a crew of almost 200 personnel, the ability to launch eight fighter craft simultaneously and internal housing for 24 fighters in total

    47. Simultaneously, she woke all of the captives

    48. the highest and lowest paid contracts in Nightchild history were executed simultaneously

    49. Simultaneously, 19 submachine guns were cocked with trembling fingers as the

    50. My rejoinder is that it would be at least comparably difficult for a man laying bricks to have an orgasm and lay bricks simultaneously

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    Synonyms for "simultaneously"

    at the same time simultaneously concurrently at once

    "simultaneously" definitions

    at the same instant