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    Use "skills" in a sentence

    skills example sentences


    1. How else would I have learned my skills? Or got a hold of the really cool gadgets I’ve got

    2. ‘It would require someone with specific skills … have you any idea who might have been able to do that?’

    3. ‘He certainly has the skills and equipment needed to repair the gun

    4. I grope in my handbag for the information which the agency sent me about the job … reading through the job description again … personal assistant to the sales director – all usual computer skills, office practices etc - no problems there

    5. ‘I feel it will use the skills and experience I have acquired over the years

    6. Of course, this means that my knowledge of languages and secretarial skills is entirely indifferent to the company

    7. With his skills as a technician he removed that feature and would not even allow even these animated drawings of women to endure more than a slap on the ass

    8. He could guess plenty of techs that had the skills to get the drop on him, but not one who would use the religious symbolism

    9. Jarome certainly had the skills to create this reality box and stuff him in it, who else could do that, he wasn't sure

    10. Of course Jarome had the skills to record that laugh anywhere

    11. approached by a photographer and learned the skills which he would pursue for the rest of his life

    12. ‘I think Iain might be useful too – he has organisational skills from what I can see

    13. The skills he learned as Alan's father were still with him as he strode it down that ramp

    14. Whilst Poopsie was being taught the skills of

    15. JayJay not only performed in this extravaganza but also compered, introducing with great pride all the students he has helped hone their skills to professional status

    16. They would have to keep working on their juggling skills

    17. It is as if you lose all social skills

    18. On the other hand, if I sit in studying every evening, this could be considered painful while I’m doing it, however in the long term I will have gained skills and knowledge and I could possibly go on and gain better employment

    19. Your talents are innate, whereas knowledge and skills can be acquired

    20. The easily recognizable talent of singing is of no use if you don’t learn your lyrics and then learn the skills necessary to turn this into a strength

    21. Improve my skills of

    22. folk too with his juggling skills

    23. Take sales skills with a score of 5

    24. A year where they both needed to improve their skills and

    25. ‘It is one of the skills I have acquired over the years

    26. Think about it, he spent yesterday using his skills as a … a bodyguard to keep us, his friends, alive; he died today clowning around

    27. Master Jeffery asked them what they could do; and after seeing their writing skills he placed them in charge of detailing the history of the Dragons; they would work directly for him

    28. The older gent's self preservation skills flickered into life as soon as he saw the approaching policemen, and by the time the boys in blue reached the two abandoned children the older gentleman was nowhere to be seen

    29. This of course is very true of an ill person, in fact any person failing in life could be deemed mentally ill, since they are not showcasing the mental skills and tools to live properly

    30. Because he didn't really have the skills to fake the data from the entire expedition, if he had done so, he must have had help

    31. Do you have the skills to remove an encapsulation if you are outside it?"

    32. Terry was amazed at the transformation in his skills

    33. “You’re as delusional as Alan,” was what she said, “But without the skills to make it happen

    34. He lead his country through all of the qualifying matches with an authority that mixed stern determination with the most sublime football skills that the world had ever seen

    35. ‘Heartless women!’ he said good naturedly, obviously accustomed to the fact that his son does not rate his practical skills

    36. “This is where my warriors train to hone their skills,” Lord Tarak explained

    37. In the two hours between finishing the evening’s murderous chores and Ken’s return from the pub, Helen Roach’s insidiously persuasive skills were brought to bear on her daughter, convincing Lucy that she had killed her step-brother, but that her mother loved her so much that so long as Lucy never uttered another word on the subject of Alan’s disappearance, then she would protect her forever and a day

    38. Meditation trains your awareness and your skills of attention

    39. Although he didn’t have the skills or techniques to

    40. skills that far exceed anything we’re consciously aware

    41. She has need of your skills and asks that you come

    42. Rayne had used her Eloi skills and paid a visit to Lord Boras’ Hold

    43. Exceptional organizational skills and a deductive mind that rivaled most were his best traits

    44. sublime football skills that the world had ever seen

    45. society as a middle-aged man with no skills or

    46. management skills that conquer the issues before them they know that very

    47. I have skills and I sold them, making simple drugs for the other prisoners

    48. Of course he didn’t really know what genes did what and how they were inherited, but he’d seen many skills run in families

    49. regiment, where he had minimal opportunity to use his skills

    50. “And those skills will be useful, but you are here to learn – and

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