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    slice of bread example sentences

    slice of bread

    1. ‘Just how much does the history of Earth overlap with that of Errd?’ I asked, reaching for another slice of bread

    2. bacon, beans, cheese, and a thick slice of bread,

    3. William reached forward and took the slice of bread; he broke off a piece about the size of the remaining Frittata and placed the Frittata on top

    4. She pulled the fat slice of bread in half

    5. I was given a big bowl of hot mush, a slice of bread and a large cup of steaming hot tea

    6. Wouldn"t mind a slice of bread

    7. ‘That’s why you only have one slice of bread for the evening meal?’

    8. Wendy picked the black tea� and a slice of bread which were the only things that she recognized

    9. spinach leaves and second slice of bread

    10. He had a quick breakfast of a slice of bread and honey

    11. He then decided to practice a bit his telekinesis talents and used his mind to raise in the air, then flip over the slice of bread smothered with mayonnaise, dropping it in place on top of the sandwich

    12. Cover with the other slice of bread, as is the way of sandwiches

    13. Another woman scooped two dollops of mashed potato and the next gave me a slice of bread

    14. Spread mayo on the top slice of bread

    15. such as a slice of bread or some crackers

    16. ” she said while ladling soup into his bowl and handing him a slice of bread

    17. ” and with his knife pierced a slice of bread and offered it to her

    18. a slice of bread)

    19. It was a good ten minutes before Hal sighed and looked longingly at the remaining slice of bread in the basket

    20. You astonish me; for have you not Miss Cheriton? Still, on reflection I think I do see that what you feel you want is more a solid bread-and-butter sort of relationship; no sentiment, genial good advice, a helping hand if not a guiding one--really a good thick slice of bread-and-butter as a set-off to a diet of constant cake

    21. A brittle slice of bread lay next to the

    22. He had a bowl in his hand and an entire slice of bread in his mouth

    23. Why Dodo, when she caught him in the china closet half an hour afterward, nearly squeezed the breath out of his little body with a tender embrace, instead of shaking him for being there, and why she followed up this novel performance by the unexpected gift of a big slice of bread and jelly, remained one of the problems over which Demi puzzled his small wits, and was forced to leave unsolved forever

    24. She was faint with fatigue and hunger, for she had had nothing but a cup of tea and a slice of bread that day, and her fare had not been much better for many weeks past

    25. `Immediately on waking in the morning, half a pint of milk - this should be hot, if possible - with a small slice of bread and butter

    26. She doubled a slice of bread into her mouth, asking:

    27. Earls and countesses breakfasted at five in the morning, on salt beef and herring, a slice of bread and a draught of ale from a blackjack

    28. This time he also brought with him a slice of bread and butter for the children

    29. Each took a slice of bread, a little fruit or some butter, and a glass of wine

    30. One can cut off a slice of bread, but not an army

    31. "How well bred! it eats the top of the slice of bread and

    32. Besides, there were fewer to feed; the sick could eat little; our breakfast-basins were better filled; when there was no time to prepare a regular dinner, which often happened, she would give us a large piece of cold pie, or a thick slice of bread and cheese, and this we carried away with us to the wood, where we each chose the spot we liked best, and dined sumptuously

    33. As she thought how he had eaten the last slice of bread and how there would be no bread for the morrow; as she thought how she had given him a shirt and a pair of trousers, she felt pretty bad; but when she thought of how he smiled, her heart was gladdened

    34. The boy, having a tolerable appetite, received about noon a considerable slice of bread-and-butter to keep him quiet till dinner-time

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