Vinnie was sliding the glove around the door in small circular motions, every now and then he would tap one of the fingers of the glove against the door in alternating rhythms
Dave feels the cool sand sliding between his fingers
The temple is constructed of rough timber and lumber with no ornamentation, the sliding doors are made of rice paper
sliding out at the back
sliding down her neck feeling his life hung by a thread
lock and the heavy, ratchet grumble of sliding tumblers
"Grrr," she said, and the palm of her hand started sliding up the inside of his thigh
I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress
After each halt the truck then began its ponderous attempts at acceleration, jerking through the gears, sliding me slowly towards the rear of the box where my head would hit hard metal
It seemed so strange to hear the sound of two trays sliding across the floor instead of one
If you are sliding on ice, you have invested in unprofitable enterprises
With the rain slanting across the road and the windshield wipers sweeping furiously across glass, the black Aston shimmied around a tight right hand bend, sliding out at the back
sliding sideways on tectonic southerlies,
They took off bounding out the door sliding across the hall rug to the stairs
of the glitter rain shine, sliding across
Most of the slime came sliding off
slipping and sliding, down the sea wall,
call to home, sliding thunder on the deep cold
His hand sliding up the inside of her thigh discovered that she didn't need to wait til Noonsleep either
Another is, you play to her weakness, she fears sliding back
His trilby kept sliding about as he nodded his head in time to the music
Politicians come and go, passing through the revolving doors of power and celebrity, and sometimes even infamy, like eels sliding from a barrel
Shivering under my blanket, I squelch after him, my boots slipping and sliding on the boggy ground to where Berndt is standing, similarly wrapped up
Our pace quickened for the final thrust and so we raced, slipping and sliding through scattered sun-bleached tree bark, fragments of branches and odd pieces of driftwood that littered the stony ground until we were close enough to resist it no longer
I rolled onto my stomach, allowing the water to wash and revive me, pulling myself forward over the pebbles like a lizard, sliding down into the water past the boulders, keeping as near to the bottom as I could and then turning, and looking skyward through sparkling shafts of sunlight beaming through my open fingers
Perhaps the crates were sliding about on deck or maybe she was top heavy, or maybe she wasn't handling to his liking, any one of a thousand reasons
As the wind and snow swirled and howled against the Hold, Tarak bent and kissed Rayne sliding his arms around her and pressing himself to her
It was incredibly difficult to keep his hands from sliding down to her ass
see poor Brandy on the other side of the sliding glass
in one of the divided sections, sliding their way onto the worn seating
Vastly relieved, she quickly and quietly slipped into the room, put her damp towel to hang over the back of a chair and turned out the light before sliding under the covers careful not to disturb him
“Are you playing with me?” Jorma asked, sliding the cups back for a re-fill
length of stout iron railing and sliding it across the causeway
She imagines the tip of the needle breaking skin, sliding into muscle, the bulge where the liquid pools as she presses on the plunger, and the spasms, a face, a rictus grin
His head aches and he feels as though he is sliding down into the cold earth
Tom could see him sliding on the stones
quickly, slipping at the top and sliding inelegantly down the other
He climbed, rather than walked over huge roots and dead trunks, falling into drops under overgrown piles of dead branches and sliding on the dead leaves and damp rocks
Heather straddled him now, grabbing him with her hand, sliding on slowly
Sliding down into the claw foot tub, Emma released a deep sigh of relief
Max pounded on the brown door, only to be answered with a sliding piece
She turned and kissed him, sliding the silk
" Was all she replied, while sliding down from the table? "I can't
Snow squished into her cast, from the opening at her toes, sliding back in to the van, she pulled on the woolen sock she’d brought with her, Just in case it got a bit nippy before she could drive back to the house after dark
Sliding into the car, she wondered just how she’d managed to go so long without spending money
Sliding down the door, in an attempt to cover her numb legs, she replayed the scene they had just witnessed
The aeroplane had been cleaned and the catering service was sliding the last of the food carts into the galleys when Sue entered the aeroplane
And one time while I was driving on a city street in Tucson, Arizona the canvas type sunroof that you could slide open and see the world actually ripped off the screws and blew away along with the drivers sliding side window
Agent Johnson ran to one of the vans, opened its sliding
" Desa got up to get it, sliding as much of the best of herself across him as she could while doing so
All he heard were the drapes sliding shut, then Gypsum's light faded to a glow
The sliding sound of the heavy table on the thick carpet got louder and faster
He could see that this would be a very difficult maneuver as his foot began sliding on the mold that covered this wood
They moved away from the store as notices flipped and flopped all over the windows, when Beauty moved closer they all converged in the spot opposite her face, slipping and sliding to get her attention
Once you see the veil, it becomes possible to push it aside and walk through to an accessible universe of opportunities and abundance, just the way one pushes aside a sliding glass door
But it was impossible to avoid sliding as she hurled her stones
But as the substance began sliding down her thighs, Nerissa couldn’t help fearing what it
He turned his confounded gaze upward, noting the clouds sliding against the darkening expanse
The rock was increasingly ragged, his foot sliding, almost slipping off the edge except
For Scott the cabin’s extension, with its solar panelled roof and sliding bay windows, was the next best thing to being outside
Glen took her hand in his, its cool, smooth weight sliding in and out again before he was even aware
He grabbed the edge of the hatchway again with his left hand to stop himself sliding, and paused for a moment
” Sebastian grunted noncommittally as he prepped a needle, sliding it under his skin
“Are you comfortable?” She nodded, and Sebastian grinned in reply, sliding down in his seat
Phil began to pull himself back out, sliding with some difficulty against the fuel pipe
Worryingly there was no sound from behind the door so Chris tore his gloves off, pulled the manual release lever beside the door and the two of them set about sliding it open by hand
” he replied, sliding the fingers of his right hand into his HEPO pocket
He moved to the communications console and opened a sliding panel at the right-hand end
“Yes, the first one was about a bearded man shining a torch at a rectangular block of stone in a cave and another one sliding down a rocky tunnel
After a couple of minutes you arrived in the cave, sliding out-of-control down the sloped tunnel and landing on the ground
‘Then there is nothing more I can ask of you,’ she said before sliding off the bed
But he seemed to enjoy every minute of it, slipping and sliding on the slops on the floor and licking the beer of his arms and throwing himself around in a wild frenzy, while his friends, friends!, clapped and jeered and sang and shouted and danced, danced!, bumping and pulling and shoving until all ended in a drunken heap on the floor
Then he struggled downstairs with it, sliding it down the
with the man sliding his prick into her arse
She crawled across the huge ocean of a bed sliding onto the floor
Empress of the Office, where she spent most mornings on the red willow love seat that faces my desk, raising her regal head only at unfamiliar sounds: in winter, the heavy snow sliding off the metal roof and crashing to the deck below, startling us both; in early spring, the northern flickers trying in vain to pluck insulation for their nests from the roof vents; a heavy summer rain; the grinding noise of the propane truck making its first delivery in fall
Since that day Adem had felt himself sliding deeper and deeper into a state of mental illness
Someone came sliding into my shell hole with an avalanche of stone earth and grit I was just about to give them a mouthful when I saw who it was
He stepped through the portal to enter a dark tunnel with cave like walls that flowed down around him like mud sliding down mountains, flames danced on those walls and further ahead
“This is Silver Snake,” she said as she stopped to swing the blade upwards sliding it around through the air like a live serpent thrashing
He was sliding down a slope, not even trying to scramble back up
Sliding an arm across the back of Carmen’s chair, he leaned close, speaking softly in her ear
The door was a heavy metal slab, with two locks and a tiny barred window with a sliding shutter
There was no vocal invitation to enter; just the door quietly sliding aside, revealing a
Halon grasped the handle and tried pulling, sliding, turning and pushing it to obtain some indication of its purpose, but it would not budge
Pulling open the door Terry made his way up the steep spiral staircase, one hand sliding around the circular wall to steady himself
Sliding his back up the wall, Terry stood on shaky legs and listened as hard as he could, holding his breath so as not to distract himself
Sliding more than climbing, she made the bottom in seconds
She moved into the main chapel, heading toward the trunk, pulling out the leather jerkin and sliding it over her head in one smooth pull
He had polished it to a smooth finish to give it the best chance of sliding the tumblers without a catch
Guard - The crossed top of the sword's hilt which keeps the enemy's sword from sliding down and chopping off the wielder’s fingers
Sliding towards the rear of the vehicle, I desperately scrabbled about for a handhold to stop myself careering right off the back
Sliding the remote down the side of his chair so I had no chance of using it, Uncle Hobart saluted me with his can
He sat at the kitchen table, sliding his hands under the sides of his thighs to stop them trembling
The bastard always teased her this way, slipping his tongue through her pubes - almost but not quite there - then sliding it away again, over and over
She slithered downwards, rolling him on to his back, sliding off the end of the bed so she was kneeling between his thighs
He bent his head toward mine, his hand sliding under my hair to cradle my neck
As if he could sense my reaction, he moved the arm behind me again, sliding downward to slip his hand into the rear waistband of my pants so it rested against my buttocks and urged me harder against his thigh
He changed the movement of his hand, no longer simply sliding smoothly but pushing, stretching against the inside of me
Its horn blared, and I yanked the wheel hard to the right, sliding across the intersection and hitting the highway shoulder in a spray of gravel as my car came to a stop