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    Use "slogan" in a sentence

    slogan example sentences


    1. pink t-shirts with their chosen slogan emblazoned across the chest

    2. frontispiece of his Academy the slogan “Who is not a

    3. the whole class invented a slogan:

    4. station slogan of ‘ Chai-Chai’

    5. Many Anglos had already begun to leave by moving to other “culturally friendly” States as the slogan went or began the exodus to their homelands in Europe

    6. Not just in Russia where diplomatic relations were known to be a foreign – in every sense of the word – concept to the new president elect, but throughout the United Bloc of nations: a committee, including the non-aligned (neutral) countries such as Japan, Korea (north & south), and India, which had at the heart of its ethos the slogan finding the middle way

    7. He had his foibles but when he adopted the IOS slogan, “Do You Sincerely Want to be

    8. A popular slogan during the 1992 campaign was, “Saddam still has a job

    9. Perhaps the Neo Confederates' greatest success has been popularizing their slogan “Heritage not Hate” while successfully hiding their white supremacist beliefs from much of the public

    10. The SCV even hoodwinked the State of Georgia into offering the slogan on their license plates, and part of the fee goes to the SCV

    11. He was elected with the slogan, “Let us have peace

    12. He campaigned strongly against its return under the slogan, “We built it, we paid for it, it's ours

    13. Protesters were mingling with sightseers, and from within the crowd, three long haired hippies, two male and one female, had removed their jumpers to reveal T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan ‘Ban Nuclear Power’

    14. Our slogan is “New better world is possible, because now there is authentic alternative system”, without being utopia or political demagogy

    15. All organization or community that to agree to the Project will be recognized by the society in its countries when placing in its installation, residence or site in Internet, the slogan: “Here it practices the use instead of the consumption”, “We practiced the users’ network”, “We acted with Bank3Sector”, among others

    16. Most of them, believe the slogan, ―Make Peace Not War‖

    17. Change, change is not just a slogan; it will be a series of actual events

    18. The slogan went ‘We’re here to help’ and a nice packaged drug would be pictured below

    19. In Chinese, the KFC slogan "finger lickin' good" comes out as "eat your fingers off"

    20. the slogan, “There is no higher power than the council,”

    21. Try selling this slogan to the people: 'We do not believe in progress, because there is no such thing as real progress

    22. ' What person would vote for a party with such a slogan, even though it is the truth?"

    23. Our slogan, on bumper stickers and posted throughout the Raleigh area on billboards, was “Somebody Loves You!” It was becoming clearer and clearer that my parents wanted me to wait until I graduated before I got married, and that her parents (who seemed to like me well enough when I was just the boyfriend) didn’t want her marrying me, being a Yankee, at all

    24. It was a dramatic setting for the Latin-American division of the “World’s Most Experienced Airline,” as its slogan proclaimed

    25. And we have a slogan

    26. Many there repeated the slogan amidst a round of chuckles, and then a third of the delegates vanished in a burst of light that left spots in Mark’s eyes

    27. “Park insists on local autonomy,” the article reported, quoting Babcock as saying, “That’s more than just a slogan with us

    28. I also pardon error, to use an old Procter & Gamble advertising slogan 99

    29. Star Trek slogan: Where no man has gone before)

    30. I have also read that, “You are what you eat” is a slogan that I love to use to show

    31. jumped onto the canvas and began dancing, as a slogan

    32. by the accompanying slogan:

    33. Not that she recognized the slogan

    34. It’s not just about your slogan

    35. slogan "Just enjoy!" There is nothing wrong with enjoyment per se, provided the experience which

    36. The problem is with the first word in the slogan, namely "just"

    37. " That was the slogan of the masses


    39. and not just a slogan to sell more stuff guaranteed to wear out faster

    40. fact that was our slogan: "If it's made of metal, we can make it!" Two years ago

    41. Many years ago there was a meat company whose slogan said that they answered to a

    42. As the old recruiting slogan goes they are a Force of One

    43. "Remember the good old days" is the slogan they have pushed for the entire campaign and apparently it has rung true with many people in North America

    44. It's hard to resist using that old slogan because it's perfect for this step

    45. slogan was “All the News Before It Happens, Guaranteed to Be Falla-

    46. The slogan of an ‘awakening Germany’ was a slogan which affected us because the new life of the Germans gave a lift to life in Poland

    47. ‘ … Stalin's slogan was one which Julius Nyerere favoured: "Socialism in One Country" which gave the rationale for the social and economic transformation of the USSR through a series of five year plans

    48. So he kills her, then paints that slogan on the walls

    49. Then, when you killed her, you painted that slogan to make us think it was some religious nut

    50. I had imagined that this city slogan was some kind of joke as Grandpa used to tell me horror stories about things that happened in Philadelphia

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    Synonyms for "slogan"

    catchword motto shibboleth slogan axiom legend device

    "slogan" definitions

    a favorite saying of a sect or political group