Use "smash into" in a sentence
smash into example sentences
smash into
1. Reaching the bottom door, Terry barrelled his way across the clearing and had almost reached the cover of the trees when he felt something smash into his left arm
2. They had done their job well against the flanks and the front rank of the Tanarian army now poured down the hill to smash into the confused enemy lines
3. The Tanarian foot-soldiers came within fifty yards of the enemy, then a distinctive horn sounded and the marauding riders turned tail and rode rapidly back up the sides of the track in single file, allowing the weight of the infantry to smash into the waiting invaders
4. Your forearms smash into your face and she follows up with another blow, your weapon flys from your hand
5. His little fist was powered up with the Hiranien, allowing it to smash into the side of the head and hit the vitals
6. and caused to smash into the peninsula,
7. She thought they would smash into one another
8. The crates crash behind Cass as they smash into the side of the hull
9. way that makes their outflows smash into each other
10. The $11 billion Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN Switzerland will send beams of protons around a 27 Km underground chamber to smash into each other and hopefully recreate, on a nano of a fraction of the scale of the big Bang a nano of the fraction of the heat and energy of the Big Bang
11. Therefore, the protons of energy used to smash into one another are, as a prerequisite for their existence, made from something
12. smash into the opposite wall
13. Within an hour, two carefully sequenced tidal waves would rush back down their old river courses picking up debris as they went and smash into the city of Kingdom Pass and the wall beyond it
14. I had hoped to come away from the north with twenty thousand hardened warriors at my back with which I could smash into the enemy’s rear and take them by surprise
15. “What say you then? Are you saying that you wish to march fourth from these very mountains out into the light of day to smash into the rear of the enemies might and crush them with our resolve to see that our honor and that those who have died before us be avenged?”