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    Use "smile at" in a sentence

    smile at example sentences

    smile at

    1. “Honestly Aldous, that horrid man is SO AGGRAVATING! I HAVE to marry him!” Sam allowed himself an uncertain smile at the shrieks of laughter from Kira and Aldous as they cheerfully returned to work

    2. She smiled that cold, hard smile at them and released their ears

    3. She turned to smile at him with a dangerous gleam in her eye

    4. He’s still holding my hand and I grip his fingers with mine, trying to smile at him

    5. Trying to repress a smile at that comment, I reply to his message :

    6. on the floor while they smile at each other

    7. and who smile at her between mouthfuls of bacon

    8. I smile at him, this man with whom I am going to spend the rest of my life

    9. She smiled a gap toothed smile at him as she lit an unfiltered cigarette and blew smoke all over his iced bun

    10. I smile at the men, unsure of what is expected of me as we pass by

    11. I smile at her trying not to allow the shadow of Berndt’s mission to affect me too much

    12. I have to smile at the absurdity of comment, as he intended I should, and start nibbling one of the sandwiches

    13. Rayne chuckled and Duncan couldn’t help but smile at her remark

    14. ’ Relief pouring off me, I smile at Gary

    15. Simon is standing in the door, this tragedy outside his sphere … I glance up at him and smile at him through my tears, drawing him into our circle

    16. She smiled a gap toothed smile at him as she lit an

    17. She found it wasn’t hard to smile at him this time

    18. Smile at the happy birds and know, truly know, you have "a place to call

    19. She saw her move confidently toward the maidenstand and smile at Ava as she passed

    20. I smile at myself in the mirror above the hand basin, toothbrush in hand

    21. Meeting his eyes, I smile at him and take the paper

    22. We smile at each other across the table

    23. I look up quickly from the heap of papers on my lap and smile at him

    24. I smile at the woman called Jo

    25. Oh how I love this man! I smile at him and he relaxes a tad, his expression changing to one of warm, deep joy

    26. I have to smile at that and snuggle closer still

    27. He shot a smile at the janitor, something that happened only when bad

    28. The motionless body before him couldn't possibly be the man he knew, the man who used to smile at him with teeth brighter than the Twin Moons

    29. He cast a wicked smile at the staff – which, thanks to Anon’s blood, he held in his regenerated right hand

    30. smile at their teasing remarks as they called me ‘Jeejaji’

    31. one by one, and flashed a smile at the old man who looked at us

    32. I could only smile at that

    33. ” I crooked my smile at her

    34. He opens one eye as he turns his head to smile at her

    35. smile at them everyday, chances are by next week, they shall have

    36. Then the Elf turned to Deni with a little smile at the corner of her eyes

    37. As soon as he broke through the last line of people, he swept his arms out in a huge arc and beamed a smile at me

    38. He just continued to smile at her

    39. ” She faced them again, the hint of a smile at her lips

    40. He couldn’t help but smile at the irony, though, that he, an anti-Phoenix protestor, had ended up in Salverford

    41. ” I actually managed to smile at him as I told him

    42. and a day's fighting; but he was not too weary to smile at the dear

    43. He turned to smile at her

    44. She opened her bright eyes as wide as she could and flashed a broad smile at him

    45. “Yes,” agreed Trent with a quick look and a small smile at Sim

    46. Large, green eyes looked back at her in the same defiant way until she could not help but smile at herself

    47. His face was open now, friendly, and she could not help but smile at him although she felt he was cornering her with his questions

    48. Moments later, Nurse Mary walked in with swollen red eyes and sniffles but she flashed a smile at us to hide what she may have been thinking

    49. I smile at her in the mirror

    50. They are silent, but not somber—they smile at the Amity they pass, inclining their heads, a few of them stopping to exchange pleasantries

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