Use "social structure" in a sentence
social structure example sentences
social structure
1. They wanted to retain their old language, and their consumer social structure
2. It is past time for the continuing dominance of our social structures by white males to be done away with
3. It is also probably safe to say that there has been a more complex social structure than the family since before Man emerged as a separate species, but the family has always been the root of all human cultural edifices for the most obvious of all reasons
4. that they would not want to disrupt their children’s social structure
5. The expected and the efforts to achieve the social structure brings to the public
6. Reaching further still into the politics and social structure of the nation, he added that the
7. But more immediately, we will see how religious philosophy can determine the economic and social structure of a nation
8. What to do? Bismarck invites Lassalle for a series of chats! Taking into account the rigid social structure of Prussia, it is hard to imagine a Prussian Junker (nobleman) inviting a Jew for a series of chats, but it happened
9. I took a bit of time to design a suitable social structure and a system of administration, and then I became The Dragon Lord of Serminak
10. Migratory behaviour is more or less influenced by social structures of the
11. education and developing the social structures
12. The organized religions of the world only ask for your submission to religious authority; very little is required of the believer other than conformity to the social structure and group attendance
13. integrated part of the social structure
15. least on those worlds that actually had a social structure and culture to speak of
16. carnivores, and had an intricate social structure that launched our
17. And thus, if you can build up such trustworthy and effective small units of human association, when these are assembled in the aggregate, the world will behold a great and glorified social structure, the civilization of mortal maturity
18. Social Theory and Social Structure: Toward the Codification
19. Social structure and classes developed and with the exception of the unusually high percentage of combat ready personnel, the society’s structure was almost a microcosm of Earth’s population
20. The changes in their social structure will bring a great change to their leadership
21. The social structure wasn't as rigidly outlined as that of
22. Unfortunately, fundamentalists overreacted when denouncing the social gospel’s view that God only cares about institutional sins and unjust social structures
23. His sincere sacrifice to convert individuals, without confronting oppressive social structures, demonstrates how many white fundamentalist missionaries usually think
24. Seemingly undistracted by consequences of unjust social structures, he expressed no concern that oppressive white governments might undermine the credibility of a Gospel
25. everything, did Josef forget his place in the social structure and
26. Though Lady Jane would surely be upset that she was not overdressed for the occasion, she would find this the ideal setting in which to explore the social structure of the South and compare it to the aristocracy of England upon which it had presumably been based
27. and social structures! In their minds, supporting the child was not
28. The empress has little appreciation for the social structures and
29. relationship to a larger social structure, as we’ve mentioned
30. perpetuate—as they are intended to—a social structure where some are
31. land, communicate with its own kind, and form social structures
32. The social structure now included only a few of the extremely wealthy—the city council and a few others, with the police in between, and on the other side were the masses of the lower income and the very poor
33. “A different set of social structure defines my relationship with her,” Garcia said
34. You wouldn’t want to just plop a certain culture down and allow it to remain static, unless you’re a zoo keeper and you want to maintain the costs of fortifying social structures to guarantee society remains constant
35. Such as those in key positions within our social structures or any expert within their field
36. structures of the cityscape below to the social structure of Vulcan culture
37. “As well as to better understand the social structure of
38. They wore armor, and brandished weapons, spoke loud, and carried on in what might appeared to be uncivilized behavior by any who were not apt at seeing through the illusion to the harsh social structure which governed every aspect of their lives
39. Our lives, their ignorances and awarenesses, their intentions and acts are the unconscious will within the social structures that comprise cultural systems
40. social structure of the Indian population is governed by the hierarchical
41. “Conspiracies of design manifest the engineering conspirators' intentions; it is a regaming of the existent social structure
42. to certain aspects of the social structure
43. The center of their sleeping social structure was no longer themselves… it was the fire
44. Fire ended the natural hardships which kept them fit, and alert, it ended the entire organic social structure of the band: it ended the role model of the strongest being protectors of the weakest, it ended the perimeter of the band being defended; it ended their need to fight off preying killers during the night
45. Healthier social structures
46. It is a social structure which is supposed to ensure the proper upbringing of its members
47. So, when our social structure accumulated to the point where it was dynamically imbalanced
48. When a species that existed universally as a community in the same numbers, suddenly changes its social structure and refuses to go back to the size that worked for 100,000 years: there is something very, very wrong about this
49. Their social structure changed
50. The value, importance of social standing as an indicator of what class you belong to only exists in a social structure that is hierarchically pyramidalized
51. Rotting Social structures and only change by continuing to rot
52. Only if you experience-evaluate-compare-and put into perspective all of human civilization can you gain an understanding of it as a single basic social structure
53. So, the question is: how much should people use tools? In what ways? To what ends? In what context? Within what kind of social structure? The same questions apply to ourselves as human animals: how much should we develop our creative potential? Our love? Courage? Honesty? Our sense of wonder? In what ways? To what ends? In what context? Within what kind of social structure? What are the root problems, the root imbalances of human existence?
54. It was corrupted and poisoned into an elitist organization; it became just another elitist snobbery of ‘higher spirituality’; just like all the other elite pyramidal social structures that oppress mankind
55. Moreover: its expression has become abstracted and specialized into different niches of aberration which mirrors the split-off, aberrant development of the human psyche within a segmented social structure that has no balanced or universal code on how to raise its children
56. This works the same on every level, and in every way in civilized societies: it is the same in all piled-up, pyramidal-hierarchical social structures, groups, and organizations
57. But that is exactly how people regard their own social structures, cultures, and societies
58. The point is: why live in a social structure where toil-slavery-work is the only form of usefulness… the only currency of human value? Humans cannot conceive of any other kind of social order except the one they already exist in
59. [45] The reference here is to work of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) wherein the only motivation for social structures comes in fear of a life that will become "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" without a dominator structure
60. civilization, societies, and social structures that have the primary purpose of producing and providing
61. Once people have acquiesced to this social structure they
62. The social structure of the Western
63. al of these bans can be explained from the point of social structure
64. homeostasis between social structure and the sociotype
65. Th e development of society social structure has also facilitated the
66. spect of creative traditions and norms, established social structures,
67. In the 400 million years since the early precursors of nervous systems developed to the present time, nervous systems have evolved to include the spectacularly successful brains with which we are now endowed; brains that allow us to experience the world and to reflect on it in ways that no other living things on Earth can, brains that can imagine and build wondrous social structures, fascinating civilizations, beautiful works of art, rich cultures, impressive architectural structures and incredibly complex machines
68. Then I reminded myself there might not even be a Europan overlord—the briefing film said we still didn’t know anything about their biology or social structure
69. It is well understood here, that by the words Venice, England, we designate not the peoples, but social structures; the oligarchies superposed on nations, and not the nations themselves
70. Certainly, such a wrenching market decline today would wreak havoc on the financial and social structure of the republic, as it did 70 years ago
71. WALLACE-HADRILL, "The social structure of the roman house", PBSR, 56, 1988, pp
72. What we have been trying to show is that art is an integral part of the social structure, a component that interacts with all the others and is itself mutable since both the domain of art and its relationship to the other constituents of the social structure are in constant dialectical flux
73. It was only under this condition that the social structure received its justification
74. But since this does not exist, and men in power, on the contrary, by the very fact of their possession of power, are never saintly, the social structure, which is based on power, should not have any justification
75. Violence, which is put forth as the instrument for maintaining the Christian structure of life, not only does not produce this effect, but, on the contrary, prevents the social structure from being what it could and should be
76. The social structure is such as it is, not thanks to violence, but in spite of it
77. "We are fully convinced that the young generation of France will not be carried away by the national Chauvinism, and that, prepared to struggle for that better social structure toward which humanity is marching, it will know how to render to itself an account of the present events and to take the proper stand about them; we hope that our fervent protest will find a sympathetic echo in the hearts of the French youth
78. I see that the results of the labour of men pass over more than ever from the masses of labourers to those of the non-labourers; that the pyramid of the social structure is, as it were, being rebuilt, so that the stones of the foundation pass to the top, and the rapidity of this passage increases in a kind of geometric progression