Use "soldierly" in a sentence
soldierly example sentences
1. At the end of the long lane Faith came to the house--a big, old-fashioned one with a row of soldierly Lombardies marching past it
2. All the training and discipline and soldierly skill vanished during the first minutes of bombardment
3. All of our training and soldierly skills vanished during those summer days in the desert
4. own crucifixion show a more soldierly expectation than the current apostate
5. It has not been failure in respect to the display of soldierly courage in every country under heaven
6. He had a straight-forward, sensible, soldierly face, with grey moustaches and whiskers
7. When she went home, he walked with her to her own gate, shook hands cordially, and touched his hat as he marched back again, looking very stately and erect, like a handsome, soldierly old gentleman, as he was
8. William, with his tall, soldierly figure and black hair, was a younger version of the unconscious man on the table
9. Thomas ’s height and soldierly physique, combined with a sharp rise in his voice, achieved the rare result of silencing the friar
10. His soldierly physique was bent and he shuffled around the precincts unsteadily
11. Don Jose Avellanos, then in the drawing-room, was delighted beyond measure at the aptness of the title, with which he greeted the old major banteringly as soon as the latter's soldierly figure appeared in the doorway
12. It has done me much honour and gratification to have seen you all, a fine body of men exercising the soldierly virtue of patience in this exposed situation, where there is much sun, and no water to speak of, while a town full of wine and feminine charms is ready to embrace you for the brave men you are
13. Now he excused himself for having been taken prisoner and now, imagining himself before his own officers, insisted on his soldierly discipline and zeal in the service
14. One was an officer- a tall, soldierly, handsome man- the other evidently a private or an orderly, sunburned, short, and thin, with sunken cheeks and a dull expression
15. Angelo? Have you made public schools of your barracks? Have you not, like ourselves, an opulent war-budget and a paltry budget of education? Have not you also that passive obedience which is so easily converted into soldierly obedience? military establishment which pushes the regulations to the extreme of firing upon Garibaldi; that is to say, upon the living honor of Italy? Let us subject your social order to examination, let us take it where it stands and as it stands, let us view its flagrant offences, show me the woman and the child
16. He had a straightforward, sensible, soldierly face, with grey moustaches and whiskers
17. No, in that case allow me to tell you of your brother's highly chivalrous soldierly generosity, for he did give expression to it at the time
18. One was an officer—a tall, soldierly, handsome man—the other evidently a private or an orderly, sunburned, short, and thin, with sunken cheeks and a dull expression
19. It reached Semyon's hut, and he ran out and reported in soldierly fashion