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    Use "soliloquy" in a sentence

    soliloquy example sentences


    1. The curly haired one suddenly stepped forward, breaking Zoran’s silent soliloquy

    2. I’d not known that our beloved Rabbi had come to the end of his soliloquy, and I had waited for more

    3. The surprise nearly unseated Moshe, his soliloquy, broken now as his gaze fixed upon a mounted figure struggling to move through the closely bunched animals

    4. “You leave us in a difficult situation,” Pharan continued, aware of the looks he was receiving as he launched into the main portion of his soliloquy

    5. unseated Moshe, his soliloquy, broken now as his gaze fixed upon a mounted figure struggling

    6. In the soliloquy; Is this a dagger which I see before me…” there was no ambivalence about regicide, instead Macbeth revels in the prospect

    7. I found a map toward the end of this soliloquy

    8. Call it soliloquy, call it raving, call it what you like – the captain muttered on and drank by himself until morning was close, whereupon, before the Smug had a chance to peep at him over the horizon, he slunk off again to his chambers to try and snatch some sleep

    9. That night in a kind of drunken soliloquy he walked around his

    10. several more dialogues, including Hamlet’s famous soliloquy, “To be, or not to be

    11. into a detailed soliloquy slating this wine witnessed by his still running video camera

    12. ‘But should the dame resist long enough,’ he continued with his soliloquy, ‘for the adventurer that would be a different ball game altogether

    13. his days in high school, quoted Hamlet’s soliloquy, “To be, or not

    14. At the end of the soliloquy, the crowd erupted in

    15. The cheers were of no surprise, the Lakellers had been behind him from the beginning of his soliloquy

    16. Such was the soliloquy Sancho held with himself, and all the conclusion he could come to was to say to himself again, "Well, there's remedy for everything except death, under whose yoke we have all to pass, whether we like it or not, when life's finished

    17. "It's well the hellish villain has kept his word!" growled my future host, searching the darkness beyond me in expectation of discovering Heathcliff; and then he indulged in a soliloquy of execrations, and threats of what he would have done had the "fiend"

    18. Catherine caught and perused it eagerly; then she put a few questions to me concerning the inmates, rational and irrational, of her former home; and gazing towards the hills, murmured in soliloquy:

    19. Thomas performed his soliloquy punctuated by long pulls of a prop bottle filled

    20. "Hamlet's soliloquy, you know; the most celebrated thing in Shakespeare

    21. the front hall grew louder and louder, coming clearly to the ears of the family in the As the boards shuddered under her weight, the soliloquy she had been muttering in dining room

    22. She did not answer, but went on, in a tone which was a soliloquy rather than an exclamation, and a dirge rather than a soliloquy

    23. ‘It’s well the hellish villain has kept his word!’ growled my future host, searching the darkness beyond me in expectation of discovering Heathcliff; and then he indulged in a soliloquy of execrations, and threats of what he would have done had the ‘fiend’ deceived him

    24. Marius, up to that time solitary and inclined to soliloquy, and to asides, both by habit and by taste, was a little fluttered by this covey of young men around him

    25. Won’t it be nice when he learns to talk later? We’ll give him Hamlet’s soliloquy to memorize and he’ll say it but it’ll come out like something from James Joyce! Aren’t we lucky? Give me a drink

    26. In response, according to the attorney’s notes, Natasha delivered this soliloquy to him on the telephone:

    27. Now for my soliloquy

    28. Ivory looked up at Elkanah vindictively and then resumed his soliloquy

    29. This was a passage from that famous ante-mortem soliloquy in which the hero of the romance indulges in the last chapter but one

    30. Felix ceased his soliloquy, and bent his head to let the storm raised in his soul by the atheist philosopher pass over

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    Synonyms for "soliloquy"

    soliloquy monologue

    "soliloquy" definitions

    speech you make to yourself

    a (usually long) dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections