Use "soloist" in a sentence
soloist example sentences
1. “I've attended performances since I was a little girl and I have practiced voice for three years; I hope to be a soloist someday,” she crooned, “but I think I still enjoy Shakespeare best, even though there aren't any musical numbers
2. TS you do not heard but the soloist
3. They sing along the soloist
4. The next year, for a Christmas concert, I was informed me I was to be the featured soloist
5. She arranged concerts in which I was the featured soloist: a Handel tribute at a venerable theatre in Pretoria where I sang a succession of arias; another concert at the university itself where I sang a programme with her at the piano and a colleague (Yvon Syx), soloist on guitar
6. Of the three daughters, I don’t know much about Rella, but Marie was a church soloist and Geneva was an outstanding singer, who received a B
7. She was lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company and later as soloist in the Kosmic Blues Band and Full Tilt Boogie Band
8. The soloist sang in English an ancient liturgical hymn inviting the angels to lead Annetta into paradise and the church all but emptied, the departed being wheeled out behind the ragged procession of family and friends, followed by two teen-aged altar servers, one girl and one boy, and finally by the priest
9. began sketching maps in the air with a scurry of hand gestures, singing her directions with the authority of an opera soloist, and of course having no doubt in her mind that I was understanding everything she was saying, even though she was speaking
10. Information about the bridal party will include the names of the parents of the bride and groom, officiant, grandparents, maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, readers and soloist if you plan to have a special wedding song
11. I decided that I should go and ask Chet if he would be the soloist on our recording of “Shipbuilding