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    Use "spiritism" in a sentence

    spiritism example sentences


    1. It was a centre of spiritism, divination, that kind of thing, and so what happens is there's a young woman there

    2. They heard I was coming and they fled, and there was a problem with spiritism and witchcraft going on in that area, so I went into the meeting

    3. This brought it right out into the light, so now the woman's saying yes, my husband was involved in witchcraft, he was involved in spiritism

    4. The Propaganda of Conjuring up Spirits,[49] or the New Spiritism

    5. So we can see from this that the propaganda of the New Spiritism is false and baseless

    6. Hence, the propaganda of the New Spiritism is another type of recent magic practiced under the pretense of foretelling that which is unseen, or treating people spiritually

    7. Charles Welch says, "If a man would become satisfied of modern Spiritism, he must first be satisfied that he is an immortal being

    8. "The first, the greatest, and the grandest truth coming through modern Spiritism is the immortality of the soul

    9. We give in our next quotation a Resolution passed at an important Spiritistic Convention, which shows how important a place this doctrine holds in their Creed:–"RESOLVED–That Spiritism, according to the modern acceptation of the term, embraces all those who believe in the immortality of the soul…Beyond this common faith, there is no doctrine or creed necessarily incident to modern Spiritism

    10. " It will culminate in the fruition of the second lie, "Ye shall be as God," for Spiritism and its doctrines are the precursors and forerunners of antichrist

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    Synonyms for "spiritism"

    otherworldliness spiritism spiritualism spirituality

    "spiritism" definitions

    concern with things of the spirit