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    spiritually example sentences


    1. that, there is nothing you do spiritually that is in vain,

    2. have been submitted (ought to be done by the most spiritually minded men in the church) Ch

    3. dedicated their lives to prepare academically and spiritually for the great work of

    4. numerically and spiritually - but who desire is to rule or ruin the congregation where they are members

    5. physically, emotionally, and spiritually

    6. Were we mortals I would tell you it is your duty to do your best to satisfy her, especially spiritually, with her need for comfort and affection

    7. You will find that those who follow the Spirit of God will often be on the same page spiritually

    8. There are many that think they have all they need in life and yet are spiritually bankrupt

    9. Most were the undead – which were spiritually drained the moment they mistook him for a snack

    10. If you are spiritually dry, it is not because the river dried up

    11. spiritually strong, their relaxed attitudes had led them to

    12. There was a shred of comfort in the knowledge that he would heal spiritually, and mentally in time

    13. barbarians were restored spiritually, starting

    14. It’s just that the real Sally, the emotionally caring and spiritually grounded Sally that is the true essence of your being seems to be bottled up

    15. spiritually devoid and empty

    16. solution to the problem of enfeebling Samsara, a compounded tonic for the spiritually ailing

    17. It gives you an opportunity to wake up spiritually

    18. While some people think that to progress spiritually you have to renounce the world, and spend all of your time in quiet meditation, this is simply not so

    19. In human terms Heaven could be considered as the lighter planes on the Other Side, and as one progresses spiritually, one earns the ‘reward’ to ascend to a higher level

    20. - It is not the end of humanity but a time of re-birth, spiritually

    21. far by assuming the laity is too busy or spiritually

    22. The cottage had been spiritually

    23. antithesis of everything he spiritually required

    24. A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

    25. This is too much! I must be spiritually and morally obtuse because these hackneyed storylines seldom seem to ―move‖ me

    26. doctrines by advancing plausible interpretations contrary to biblical teachings and superseding them with spiritually abstract new-age assumptions bordering on Pantheism

    27. Any number of individuals, as indicated above, enjoying equal rights and privileges consonant with the legal requirements of a free society, may differ in a variety of ways; materially, intellectually, physically, morally, spiritually, by temperament, motivation, its expectancies, the list is endless

    28. A wholesome environment, that is morally and spiritually instructive, guides and directs the activities of an individual

    29. Disgruntled Catholics, (including the Clergy), operating within the Church, are precursors of The Antichrist; unwittingly paving the way for his eventual return; preparing a spiritual wasteland, confounding all aspects of Church doctrines and teachings superseding authoritative truths with (spiritually) vague and uncertain ecclesiastical notions pandering to the whims of an uninformed Conscience; discrediting revealed wisdoms and traditional customs inspired by the Holy Spirit

    30. Satan‘s clever strategy of Divide and Conquer has been brilliantly orchestrated by his enlistment of the spiritually depleted who, although not inherently evil, and perhaps motivated in part by ―good‖ intentions, have fallen victims to pride and self-love

    31. Aristotle once said that the soothing quality of (mellifluous) music exudes a spiritual quality or essence pleasing to the soul; that is to say, spiritually uplifting

    32. Despair is a catharsis of the soul that, on some level, provides meaning to the spiritually challenged

    33. Every citizen, in one way or another, is expected to participate in a constructive manner that accrues to the mutual benefit of every citizen living in a free and open society; that each individual is obligated to lend his or her unqualified, excepting such conditions were that society has spiritually and morally corrupted itself, support in the cause of freedom; and that the general welfare of that society should take precedence over the private belief system of any individual who continues reaping the benefits of living in that society

    34. that we would open ourselves spiritually

    35. Truly, that Holy Week became for me not only spiritually beneficial and rewarding, but also humanly enjoyable and busy

    36. There can be no doubt that the Easter festivities turned out to be spiritually enriching to me, but at the same time sociable and peregrine, not only in the religious sense, but also in the notion of wandering into a emotional past, for after that week of worship and celebrations, Ponferrada inaugurated the week of “book exaltation”

    37. “I was afraid that your meeting wouldn’t go well, and all day my thoughts were of what that might imply for you, me, and Herminia too,” Beth later said, lying naked, in their tangle of arms, physically spent, yet spiritually vibrant

    38. When I saw you here, I expected him at your side, together again spiritually as it should always have been

    39. ” Solomon, treading in those footsteps, brought Israel to its historic though temporary pinnacle, but in the end he also spiritually stumbled

    40. It must have been a great time in this new movement, all in all, with hundreds, and then thousands of the underclass, and others who were spiritually hungry, flocking to this new and different message of hope

    41. Although they sound similar, pantheism and panentheism are spiritually different approaches

    42. or spiritually than those mornings crowded around the kitchen table

    43. We have senses, feelings and hopefully logic, but regardless of what the latter directs us to do, even if we vividly realise what we are doing is wrong, we acquire a false sense of “everything will be okay”, as long as I am part of the group which guarantees that I will fit in, socially, politically and yes, spiritually as well

    44. spiritually, emotionally and/or mentally or a combination thereof

    45. Then each individual will be free to choose how they progress spiritually, without the negative judgment of their fellow man

    46. He cares about how much you helped his children to grow spiritually, and whether you have learned the lessons of unconditional love and truth

    47. There are 4th dimensional souls who have incarnated into a 3rd density system (earth) in order to grow spiritually

    48. That life was positive and the soul advanced spiritually

    49. It would then take many more incarnations to regain the ground it had lost so it could keep advancing spiritually

    50. Once you reach the seventh sub-zone of the seventh major zone you are spiritually enlightened and have mastered all that is contained therein

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    "spiritually" definitions

    in a spiritual manner