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    Use "squalor" in a sentence

    squalor example sentences


    1. squalor, where dust hung in the air permanently because it refused

    2. Because up until now it had been an adventure despite the squalor and filth of the peninsula I had taken everything in my stride and had put the same hard shell on as the others when dealing with things

    3. After all I had certainly changed because nobody should have to go through the squalor, filth and danger that we had been through let alone losing your friends at such a rate as to make your head spin

    4. I nearly laughed out loud at the thought of a couple of dirty sheets and a bit of dust and the squalor disease and filth we had put up with on the peninsula but instead I ended up crying with tears streaming down my face and dripping into the tea on the table

    5. She insisted on seeing my room, and I led her up the stairs, worried about the squalor

    6. They were living in such squalor that the new owners had to gut the house because the interior was in an absolutely foul and putrid mess, completely unlivable

    7. What Malthus did see in his London was dirt, squalor, and poverty

    8. ” It was reported he read to and played with his children, several of whom died in squalor

    9. It doesn’t quite stand up to her castle in the ‘burbs where weight training and swimming pools are the sports of choice for the Adonites of their own appointment, but there is a dignity to the squalor of an arthole

    10. Never have I observed such filth and squalor, as well as such hopelessness on the faces of the inhabitants

    11. work for the people of the city; such was the cause of squalor in

    12. There at least they could escape the squalor of their immediate surroundings and socialize with fellow countrymen

    13. The squalor of the quayside stretched out reassuringly on the port side

    14. within the purgamen squalor

    15. Then thy repulsive squalor and contamination could be

    16. when the wrenching squalor

    17. the way to spend a little time in relative civilisation; relative to the squalor and

    18. Many of his closest collaborators had done the same and also spent most of their weekends on Mafia Island, away from the squalor, overcrowding and pollution of most African cities

    19. for arduous ordeal in taste and all out squalor jest emancipate the manner hastily retrieved

    20. “Have you seen me?” Hope saw her own moments before sewer grate clinging, gutter squalor questioning her in her own voice, as her plea virally spread across Weal shadowing the faithful gamers waiting for a token to keep gaming

    21. did when the rest of the world lived in squalor?

    22. The feeling of open space was liberating, exhilarating, fully unburdened of the sordid crush of a population packed so tightly in squalor

    23. Each project would be plotted in excessive detail and the participants would argue and reconsider and revamp, mostly because aside from maintaining the squalor they lived in and occasionally being compelled to perform the more dangerous or distasteful servicing tasks at one of the Viirin compounds, the hoomans had little else to occupy their time

    24. "But ma'am the difference is that it is also beautiful, whereas the gloom at present enveloping us is mere squalor

    25. as he scratched himself in a forbidden place, the policeman just watched from the door, knowing that he was roused from stupor and squalor, less than an hour before,

    26. When Peter entered the flat, he couldn’t believe the squalor that was the place Ben called home

    27. Words failed Peter to describe this awful squalor

    28. A beautiful boy born into such terrible poverty and squalor” reminisced Marc

    29. Both looked in despair at the squalor and horror that was modern-day Athens

    30. But we cannot find any trace of their remains… simply because they did not live in continual ignorant squalor

    31. If the only former hominids modern anthropologists can study were the unhappiest, the most unintelligent, the most ignorant ones… who lived for years, even generations…in the same place, in squalor, in caves… and if it is impossible for anthropologists to study the intelligent ones: because they were never so stupid as to create such filth-places that can be found and studied today: then what does this say of the entire sanctification of poring over these garbage dumps?

    32. Until they live their lives mostly in a state of continual abject fear, hopelessness, passivity, resignation, ignorance, illiteracy, humbleness… with their self-esteem so destroyed, their psyches so damaged and so brutalized; that they become easy victims for even worse oppressions and degradations and suffering… as the quality of their lives disintegrate into even worse squalor, filth, and Ignorance

    33. They set up their small shops in the poorest neighbourhoods, because in their own country, that level of destitution and squalor was normal… so they felt more comfortable in that environment

    34. Living in industrial ghettoes of squalor and industrial filth, and misery which had never before existed

    35. Reducing ½ of Europe to the same squalor, poverty and terrorization as the rest of his medieval empire of starving slaves

    36. Do you want to see the squalor of the living?”

    37. prejudice, squalor and ignorance

    38. The drunkenness and squalor of the lower class

    39. The poor were forced to work for starvation wages; and died in poverty, misery, squalor, ignorance… polluted by the industrial poisons around them

    40. Except it was not an affluent life for British subjects: the British masses lived lives of unceasing misery and poverty and ignorance and squalor

    41. As long as the English masses believed they belonged to an English ‘empire’, they were a ‘superior’ race of empire builders, they ignored their own bondage and filth and squalor and ignorance and oppression inflicted upon them by their own ruling class

    42. Much better this great irregularity than universal squalor

    43. money you need per year to maintain this level of squalor

    44. In fact in this country it’s almost mandatory, because vaccination shots are one of those testaments of human achievement that separate this nation from the dirt and squalor of third world nations, supposedly!”

    45. It said ‘Komputerni Klub Bunker,’ an internet café, but why would you house an internet café in such squalor

    46. So strangely clouded were these refinements by the prison manners and gloom, so spectral did they become in the inappropriate squalor and misery through which they were seen, that Charles Darnay seemed to stand in a company of the dead

    47. But these were not the sort of cases that the visiting ladies assisted; they only gave to those who were in a state of absolute squalor

    48. But Jenny was no stranger to squalor; she’d done four years at Berserkeley, after all

    49. Faced with squalor or not, I was finally pumped to be here

    50. The country was returning virtually to a barter economy and the people were living in Third World-style poverty and squalor

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    Synonyms for "squalor"

    sordidness squalidness squalor disorder poverty misery foulness

    "squalor" definitions

    sordid dirtiness