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    Use "stagnant" in a sentence

    stagnant example sentences


    1. after the stagnant cold of winter?

    2. It's direction of flow was back toward the south, but it was so stagnant you had to watch something floating in it for awhile to figure that out

    3. impulse that follows a stagnant pause

    4. basement’s cold, stagnant, air reeked with the

    5. He tramped on, skirting pools of stagnant water – thanking his stars that he hadn’t blundered into one of those in the darkness

    6. But to what end? What was to become of him when the living were no more? The Elder Gods’ plan to regenerate and repopulate the worlds moved at a stagnant pace

    7. An eighth inch of stagnant water over it

    8. There are a variety of foods that you can add to your diet to keep it from becoming stagnant and boring

    9. The Kennedys called his administration the know nothing years, the stagnant years

    10. She was barely able to focus on staying upright, on remaining by his side in the labyrinth of stagnant pools and slimy slabs of stone

    11. No gathering was ever stagnant when Norman Douglas was present

    12. Upon arriving I saw the captain in his chair, and he stood and said, “Sorry to break up your party, but it was getting awful stagnant

    13. had settled over Sector6’s Green Park, the stagnant grey haze

    14. Concern about pollution of the earth abounds, but the pollution that threatens this nation today lies not in stagnant rivers or dirty air

    15. It smelled of stagnant moisture, after all, it was a store room earlier and I gave it to her to use after some cleaning

    16. Stagnant and comfortable

    17. over one million dollars because with the crisis his accounts receivables were stagnant

    18. The air in the room was stagnant, stale, yet every

    19. stagnant air, which had a vague smell of urine and bird

    20. Bjorn Roundtree’s ears prickled as he heard the cries of owls and salamanders in the stagnant pools of the swamp

    21. Weeds choked all hope of native plant regeneration, puddles of stagnant water glistened with oil slick, and the air was still, sunless and cold

    22. Scattered islands of twisted metal, fragments of walls and roofs, bits of cars, telephone and electricity poles and thousands of unidentifiable lumps, reared through a stinking mess of sand and mud - a swampy plain fringed by stagnant pools and sluggish turbid streams

    23. But now the pinnacle of the mammal class has grown stagnant and set in its ways

    24. Is the water unpredictable and fast flowing, stagnant or calm

    25. A stagnant soul is a dying soul

    26. There were heaps of garbage and filth on the pavements contributing to the constant stench that arose from the stagnant water

    27. Having thus emerged from the nebulous state of non-being, the onamic state of being would have been one of stagnant being

    28. conservative, stagnant and conventional in

    29. would become stale and stagnant

    30. 3 The apostles learned that the Jews were spiritually stagnant and dying because they had crystallized truth into a creed; that when truth becomes formulated as a boundary line of self-righteous exclusiveness instead of serving as signposts of spiritual guidance and progress, such teachings lose their creative and life-giving power and ultimately become merely preservative and fossilizing

    31. 28: Boost the Qi in your home: Cleanse arguments, sickness and stagnant energy with a sage smudge stick

    32. Me and Ed had been buying $1200 worth of pot each time when scoring for quite a while and it seemed my plan was stagnant

    33. There are a lot of Welsh words beginning with “mer” meaning anything from mercury to stagnant water

    34. experience, which is dry and stagnant, etc

    35. People cannot and will not be able to buy at the level the previous year because the price of too many things is going up while the salaries of Americans remain stagnant

    36. Many American workers are very reliable and hard working people but remain frustrated because for many years they have seen salaries remain stagnant and their benefits at work cut

    37. As he was about to blast it open he felt the stagnant sting of fatigue, and the thugs pounced on him

    38. Colonel Aureliano Buendía had the impression that the phosphorescence of her bones was showing through her skin and that she moved in an atmosphere of Saint Elmo’s fire, in a stagnant air where one could still note a hidden smell of gunpowder

    39. It was a routine conversation which was not going to bring about any break in the stagnant war

    40. In November 2005, Michele saw that book sales were stagnant so I removed them from her establishment, which I had also done from the other three hair places

    41. society, or a stagnant fool

    42. mentioned replacement possibilities, our current stagnant sources that pollute the earth and harm the people could be replaced right now

    43. noticed a pond of stagnant water

    44. her to remain stagnant

    45. Without the salts dissolved in sea and the waves formed by winds, the sea water would have been stagnant and foul

    46. , was genuinely stagnant

    47. She was tired of the stagnant silence

    48. He was in no mood to converse with her; he liked the stagnant silence

    49. There was a pause in the stagnant air

    50. beta; a large alpha signifies a stock that will rise even as the market is stagnant

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    Synonyms for "stagnant"

    moribund stagnant dead stale flat dirty filthy squalid putrid fetid static immobile stationary motionless quiescent inert torpid listless dull lifeless passive phlegmatic inactive

    "stagnant" definitions

    not circulating or flowing

    not growing or changing; without force or vitality