Use "startling" in a sentence
startling example sentences
1. For a startling instant, I see again Jack trying to console me in much the same helpless fashion after Dorothy died … the memory stings viciously
2. could lead to startling advances against the effects of ageing
3. Sandy brown shoulder length hair was tied back from his face to revealed a rugged ruddy complexion and startling blue eyes
4. One of the most startling aspects of
5. He had to admit that the change in Rayne was startling
6. Siren wail bounces off building fascias, startling late night pedestrians as they wind their drunken way home
7. The difference is startling and impressive
8. Our universe is absolutely wonderful and startling
9. Nature is so complex and startling that a non-initiated person can only feel baffled, dumbfounded and overwhelmed when serious questions about it are raised:
10. “No, it’s nothing like that, but if you have never seen this kind of magic before it can be a bit startling
11. After a few moments of silence, the king got up and then stepped down from his throne and did the most startling thing – he bowed before Darniil
12. The “stroke” was so short it was almost no stroke at all, but Doris was so unbelievably hot she received a startling sensation from it
13. By being extremely clever, at times, she would induce a boy to accompany her into her quarters at the rear of the store, whereupon she would reveal one of her tits to him, or do some other such startling thing in order to get him aroused sexually
14. I moved farther into the grove and Joseph stepped from behind a tree, startling me
15. Empress of the Office, where she spent most mornings on the red willow love seat that faces my desk, raising her regal head only at unfamiliar sounds: in winter, the heavy snow sliding off the metal roof and crashing to the deck below, startling us both; in early spring, the northern flickers trying in vain to pluck insulation for their nests from the roof vents; a heavy summer rain; the grinding noise of the propane truck making its first delivery in fall
16. Mitzi herded his young to the front screen door, startling them into alarmed hysterics that sent them clawing up the screen as far as they could go
17. ‘Hello Gerrid,’ the man said, with an equally startling mildness to his voice
18. “You’re really into this, aren’t you, Seraphia?” the other woman’s voice chipped into the conversation, startling Raven, who had forgotten she was there
19. At this altogether startling and unlooked-for request, amazement and
20. This brings me to a startling conclusion
21. Beth surprised her, replying that she had been there and met her former boss, but her added note that she had once fantasized being a classy woman like his exotically beautiful fiancée produced a startling reaction: Herminia’s eyebrows shot up as though from a springboard
22. The silky hardness of his erection was startling against my leg
23. The startling realization came; that for the first time in his life, he’d left the house barefoot
24. “Hey, hey, hey, Patty-boy! Over here, man,” Mike bellowed, startling the people in the crowd around him, many of whom were already wary of the hairy, rough-looking man in their midst
25. straight for the dogs, startling them
26. The intercom suddenly sounded, startling him from triumphant reverie long after he thought Consuela had left for the day
27. The kid’s voice spoke in his ear, startling in its intimacy
28. My father—selfish? More startling than the label is the fact that she assigned it to him
29. No more apologizing for Cornelia Marshall! _I_ shall hold MY head up after this, believe ME--though I MAY talk things over with you as usual just to relieve my feelings if the Merediths do any more startling stunts
30. the sudden sound of crunching all the more startling to the party
31. He looked at me with a wide-eyed innocent look when I bid him good-bye; then he reached up to Cuauhtzin and the latter flew over and landed on Suyeta’s shoulder, startling her considerably
32. She reached for Cuauhtzin, but he eluded her and flew over to Mathilde’s shoulder startling her considerably
33. Another startling fulfilling
34. Then he told Hamish he had some startling news which he hoped he would be happy about
35. Bible has given us a startling example of the life and
36. That is a startling, and prophetic, response
37. The startling conclusion was
38. She looked up shocked “Jesse!” she screamed, startling the rest of the customers
39. The thought of the Earth hurling through space was startling
40. “Jesse,” the sternness of her grandmother’s voice was almost startling, “you need to hear this and I mean really hear it
41. After a few seconds, his eyes widened as if he’d just heard a startling secret before looking into the camera to say, “A critical event is on the horizon
42. ” one of the gargoyles stated in a gravely voice, with a grin that revealed a startling amount of sharply pointed gray teeth between his protruding tusks
43. They were filling rooms at a startling pace, for the sheer volume of them was staggering, and a great deal of our facilities would have been dedicated to their storage
44. An occasional slow rolling of thunder could be heard coming from somewhere out of the north, all the more startling for not being able to see the lightning flash that should have preceded the far-off rolling growl
45. “Hey, Moshe,” a familiar voice rang out startling him out of his reverie
46. It trembled again this time more violently, startling the already terrified animals and people, knocking many to the ground
47. all the more startling for not being able to see the lightning flash that should have preceded the
48. A presage of sadness at never again doing a thing that had, with startling realization, become the most important thing in his life
49. Ralph nodded, and Simon could feel the mix of colours in his lover’s mind circling and dancing until the blend of them settled once more: deepest crimson and a startling blue laced with white
50. It trembled again this time more violently, startling the