Use "statistics" in a sentence
statistics example sentences
1. Mostly security guards by the looks of things or ‘Protective Services’ as they would be described in the statistics on workplace homicide
2. Statistics is another ten per cent
3. Duncan felt it prudent to send along the statistics on their guests; and their dietary requirements
4. He has balanced both sides of the equation, and the result is, like statistics, weighted in favour of the statistician
5. Plus those first two statistics you mentioned have both been
6. She suddenly always knew way too much history, way too much biology, like the codes to the seven most important plasmids in the ephemerality cures, way too much geography, economic statistics
7. 9,000 products for sale, and offers statistics on all their products
8. In a statistics of 1519, the number of Jews was
9. com a website that gives you free statistics about your visitors, where they come from, what keywords they used and which search engines they came from
10. He remembered reading statistics for his dissertation of the Millennium Year 2000
11. Scott simply had to request the info and it told him, without regard to his state of mind for having known these dreadful statistics
12. And as a doctor he was aware of the statistics regarding suicide attempts, and was a member of the National Lobby, which was preparing a deputation to the High Court to have suicide decriminalized
13. Head wounds are much more deadly according to statistics and if you couple this with the failing emergency services and hospitals, your chances for survival become even less! You may well die before the ambulance arrives a day later
14. According to my statistics only about 2500 people died of which less than fifty were white
15. The statistics needed to show that all of the policemen were well trained and met high standards
16. To demonstrate this, let me explain some statistics
17. So what do you do? I held the viewpoint that crime prevention and the saving of lives were more important than arresting a criminal at the expense of a vulnerable woman but with the general's shouting for arrest statistics all the time this became difficult to defend
18. Statistics show that SAP COIN was responsible for 90% of all terrorists killed
19. It worked well as the statistics proved
20. Nevertheless, they never linger around walking silly patrols on a general's map or chase statistics since they know and we knew that surgical strikes are not done on divisional strength
21. There has been a disturbing tendency in recent years to categorically broaden (read: create more poor people) descriptive statistics designed to either support or reject existing assumptions relating to poverty rates that are oftentimes overstated, unreliable, unsupported by fact and likely to provide biased conclusions about poverty, its definition, extent, causes and prognosis for the future
22. All in all, if you look only at the statistics of Al Qaeda leadership killed or otherwise neutralised America is winning this war hands down
23. If not, someone is lying and the problem with that is wrong statistics
24. Addendum to the above: Higher rates of lower-paying jobs; that is to say, higher rates of ―under-employment‖ will oftentimes distort unemployment statistics in the same (inverse) manner statistics report higher achievement levels in ―formerly‖ under performing schools, especially those located in predominately urban areas, in proportion to their lowering of academic standards
25. Many of the organizations listed below have publications including FREE monthly newsletters, websites with valuable information, articles and statistics as well as bookstores with hundreds of books on fathers, men, parenting, family, step-families, divorce, and so on
26. A‘s were under represented (9 percent) in the major leagues although these statistics closely approximate the national average
27. The statistics are brutal: 504 villagers were murdered, 50 of them younger than three years old, 69 between four and seven years old
28. O‘Connor‘s penchant for statistics as useful points of reference, I find it equally appropriate to inquire into the (relative) absence of White Athletes in certain sports or positions, for that matter
29. Statistics are sometimes misleading, however; that is to say, they do not necessarily place what is being measured in perspective
30. According to statistics it obtained 1 679 confiscation or forfeiture orders totalling R1,1 billion
31. Interpol is the world’s largest international police organization with 190 member countries according to my statistics
32. How many of us are able to quickly recite statistics such as which Quarterback has thrown the most touchdown passes or which Pitcher owns the best won/loss record or lowest earned run average however must give pause in naming the vice-presidential candidate in the upcoming presidential election? Bread and Circus‘ are coming full circle
33. They were becoming more and more common, even in this high-average-median-income according to Statistics Canada town
34. Ross Myo had been an economics major, too, before switching to statistics his sophomore year
35. “How could you quote me statistics if you really had no clue?”
36. The crime statistics for the past quarter were going to the media later that day
37. Dirac postulated holes in space stuffed with electrons of negative mass, and Heisenberg replaced determinism by uncertainty and causality by statistics
38. [12] According to recent statistics, 46% of Scots now place themselves in this category
39. [18] Recent statistics suggest that people claiming a connection with the Church of Scotland has fallen to 24% of the population
40. The latest statistics
41. The statistics always exhibits its cruel numbers and the press registers its misfortunes everyday
42. statistics estimate that from 1973 to 2008 Americans have
43. facTs: Resources on internet give widely varying statistics, but the
44. These statistics should
45. The following are the latest statistics available:
46. Other Recently Reported Statistics From A Variety Of Internet
47. - Statistics of United Nations
48. - National and world Statistics
49. It is made with base in indicators that are accompanied in the means of communication or institutions of statistics so that they allow strategy change
50. His study on what would happen if we invaded in Japan, gave the statistics to the White House which caused them to decide to use the Atomic Bomb