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    Use "step out" in a sentence

    step out example sentences

    step out

    1. We step out of the RV

    2. Step out of the mediocre

    3. shook Nihar and Dolly from their slumber to step out of

    4. I used the break to step out into the

    5. "Would you ask the boy wonder to step out here a moment?" Jock asks Ken

    6. step out of the room, nearly collided with Yellez coming the other

    7. “I need to step outside for a few moments,” he said quickly,

    8. Until he finally, declared she was having trouble breathing and asked if they might step outside for a minute

    9. He motioned Ming to step outside with him

    10. We will grow in the grace and power God has given us as we faithfully seek him and step out in faith

    11. When we step out in obedience to him then we release his kingdom on earth

    12. Also remember that following God is a risk and there are times we just need to step out

    13. we begin to observe what the Father is doing, and then step out

    14. As we step out in obedience to His word and His Spirit, God will teach us His

    15. to step out in their gifts

    16. them to step out

    17. A step out in the sun was just what the doctor would have

    18. If he needs to step out he

    19. They all turned in unison towards the furnace, waiting for the fourth man to step out – but no one came! They tried their best to look into the glare coming from the opening to see what had happened to him, but they could see nothing moving inside

    20. He blew his nose into his hand, and though she’d also seen Tragus do this many times, he’d at least step outside, fling off the snot, then wipe his hand on his chiton

    21. experience because he cannot step outside of the system

    22. For the first time, Ayrim must step out of the shadow of the Baron’s protection to face his enemies directly

    23. different cultural background that’s alien to the women that they are gaming, they themselves truly have a determination to succeed and step outside of their comfort zone (I mean, they are living in a foreign or newly adopted country after all)

    24. Martha saw us to the door and just as I was about to step out into the street she kissed my cheek saying

    25. He then marched towards the tent flaps to push them back and step out into the moonlight

    26. He knew he should push aside the velvet curtain and step out into the arena

    27. I couldn’t leave the house because there was no way of telling where Devil was hiding, waiting for my meaty backside and big juicy calves to take one step outside of the back door so that he could snatch me up and feast upon me until he had his fill

    28. On the landing, she glanced around, hoping Sicarius would step out of the shadows

    29. Many need to step outside their virtual environment and interact more with other children their own age; engaging in recreational activities and ―doing‖ rather than ―watching

    30. The Cultural Revolution and its liberating impact on society altered the social dynamics of our schools and universities in a manner that encouraged its more radical members to step out of the (ideological) closet and freely pursue its anti-Western/ traditional mainstream agenda

    31. …another troubling aspect of this ―culture‖ is the seeming inability…or unwillingness of its members to step outside an environment that in some manner has captivated its ―own‖…

    32. My ―favorite‖ staple is the one where a cloddish, brawny type is properly set down and summarily vanquished with relative ease by an unassuming ―cutie‖ ready, willing and able of taking on all comers who step out of line

    33. Would you step out of the vehicle, sir?”

    34. But I stumbled on my first step out of the door and yelped as the sunlight struck me like a physical blow

    35. “I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the car, ma’am,” the first cop said

    36. But if you should step out in front of a speeding truck, it’s their duty to try to save you, even if they’re Dorian’s sworn enemies

    37. The younger cop opened the back door of the cruiser and asked me to step outside

    38. A totally unexpected turn of events! Edgar was shaken: he had to step out of the room for a minute to get back into the role of ‘tough interrogation officer’, and think

    39. “We don’t have a mirror, but you could step outside and look at yourself in the shop window,” Rosemary told him in her snooty voice

    40. Step out of line, and they’ll arrest the lot of you

    41. ‘Ah! So if I step outside, this thing will automatically enclose me in a protective suit?’

    42. but failed to step out in faith and obey, even after they prayed for

    43. noticed a light skinned woman step outside of the building where he was

    44. ing to step out and take chances even if they could result in a failure

    45. felt the Lord wanted him to step out in faith and make a career change,

    46. When we fail to step out in faith at the

    47. guidance, and with a humble heart be willing to step out in faith the

    48. purchase this home, but we were willing to take a chance and step out

    49. you to listen and obey the voice of God, step out in faith, and trust

    50. To say the ship moves through space is not quite true because it is a half step out of sync with reality while jumping

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