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    stoop to example sentences

    stoop to

    1. was imagined; Do not stoop to

    2. stoop to avoid knocking his head

    3. they stoop to fate

    4. The mouth was not high, I had to stoop to enter, but it was fairly wide

    5. As I stoop to the ground to pick up the phone, I drop my knees to the solid wood

    6. Except, even he wouldn’t stoop to that level of dishonor

    7. Lyrics will definitely be harmfull when listened to!’ Chris was amused, it seemed record companies would stoop to anything to sell music these days

    8. No mortal who knows God and seeks to do the divine will can stoop to engage in the oppressions of wealth

    9. And though he refused to stoop to the performance of material wonders or to the enactment of temporal exhibitions of political power, he did now ask the Father's consent for the manifestation of his hitherto unexhibited power over life and death

    10. Who'd stoop to blame

    11. but even as he went to stoop to help Rory, another shot took out

    12. There’s a lot of money in it but I would never stoop to become a prostitute or stripper

    13. “Did you ever think you would stoop to this?” he muttered

    14. was above that, more worldly, and he didn’t expect her to stoop to

    15. Surely no modern troll would stoop to such vile behavior

    16. But whether Diane’s sleepwalking or not, she would never stoop to something like that, kung-fu kicking a child! Diane loves children

    17. I see multitudes of men and women all over the world, after 1800 years, continuing to drink at this fountain; and none who honestly stoop to drink, complain that their thirst is not relieved

    18. of deceit) to a world where the hero, by comparison, will stoop to almost

    19. He had to stoop to enter so he didn’t see me completely until he began to straighten up

    20. That night he was at his lowest and he was determined never to stoop to such lows ever again

    21. They would stoop to any low level to boost their temporal

    22. stoop to such stupid behavior

    23. If the clod decides his or her fishing is more important than yours, do not stoop to their level of “clodsmanship”

    24. Before I can ask what he means, my phone buzzes and I stoop to search for it in my purse

    25. Before the policeman could pull the bell, which would have been a first warning of trouble to the inmates, Kennedy had jumped from the high stoop to a narrow balcony running along the front windows of the first story, had smashed the glass into splinters with a heavy object which he had carried concealed under his coat, and was engaged in a herculean effort to wrench apart some iron bars which had been carefully concealed behind the discreetly drawn shades

    26. Her instinct was to edge away, but she would not stoop to edging

    27. She was seeing the levels to which her father could stoop to for the first time

    28. Balfour is ambitious but I don't think he'd stoop to abduction

    29. My Admiral did not see why we should stoop to such dark paths in the pursuit of victory

    30. Before she could stoop to retrieve her swords one of my blades rested just above the skin of her throat

    31. He had to get her back—he just had to…even if he had given up all his money—he could earn it all back—and then break his back and stoop to his knees to beg for her forgiveness

    32. Yet why would Lisa, who had been nothing but a true friend since they'd met, stoop to mocking her with a fairy tale on a night when a beast of some sort had come close to attacking her, and her foster father had been murdered? That idea was crazy too

    33. You should not stoop to his or her level

    34. Sometimes she would stoop to meet his kiss:

    35. will stoop to pick them up, and of course, that I would scarce bilk myself

    36. I would wager fifty beaver skins against as many flints, that the Mohicans and I enter their wigwams within the month! Stoop to it, Uncas, and try what you can make of the moccasin; for moccasin it plainly is, and no shoe

    37. Here was a boy that was respectable and well brung up; and had a character to lose; and folks at home that had characters; and he was bright and not leather-headed; and knowing and not ignorant; and not mean, but kind; and yet here he was, without any more pride, or rightness, or feeling, than to stoop to this business, and make himself a shame, and his family a shame, before everybody

    38. This he very glibly swallowed, on the notion of my being one of those unhappy street-errants, who devote themselves to the pleasure of the first ruffian that will stoop to pick them up, and of course, that I would scarce bilk myself of the hire, by not returning make the most of the job

    39. Justine said, “I’m not saying you’re paranoid, Jack, but I don’t think Tommy, as low as he is, would stoop to torching your car

    40. stoop to it,’ said one

    41. “Wait here a minute,” said Sam, so Charlie hung back, settling himself on an iron stoop to wait for the signal to come over and be introduced

    42. I still may not have believed this man would stoop to breaking into Carmine’s workshop for three measly grams of powder, even to send a message; it was beneath him

    43. Ne’er have I seen you stoop to Coquetry e’en when Coquetry had serv’d you better than your own Native Honesty

    44. I could scarce believe my Ears! Whitehead the Deist, the Slaver, the Libertine, calling upon the Supreme Being to justify his Acts! What a Perfect Scoundrel the Man was! Would he stop at nothing? Would he stoop to anything—e’en blaming his Conduct upon the Idea of Order in the Great Chain of Being? O beware the Word “Order,” Belinda, likewise the Word “Discipline”; they are oft’ nought but Cloaks for Tyrants who believe in nothing but their own Dominion—and certainly not that of God

    45. He was big enough that Jess hardly had to stoop to walk under his outstretched arm

    46. He dropped the rosebuds on the floor and did not stoop to retrieve them

    47. It was plain that he could have no serious views, no true attachment, by fixing himself in a situation which he must know she would never stoop to

    48. It's enough ! Baron Biiring's position and reputation are such that he cannot stoop to be mixed up in such an affair

    49. ’ Everything about him that was not correct I now noticed with especial pleasure, for it all tended to tranquillize me, and prove to me that to my wife he stood in such a degree of inferiority that, as she had told me, she could not stoop to his level

    50. I am ready to stoop to a written explanation as more secure, and I am, moreover, ready to enter into conciliatory proposals on mutual terms, of course

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