Use "straggler" in a sentence
straggler example sentences
1. “Oh, before I forget, we ran into a lowly straggler on the way here
2. Bartlett picked off a wounded straggler
3. streamed over the wall into the City, leaving only an occasional straggler aimlessly crawling
4. He enjoyed going out on patrols in case he came upon a straggler, then he and his men could have some fun, especially if it happened to be a girl that they could rape and kill
5. stepped out as the last straggler, an overweight adolescent buckling in the leap, found
6. How’s your case going? I see you picked up a straggler,” Davis said as he walked in
7. Of them all, the straggler who brought up the rear appeared alone to betray his real thoughts, without fear of observation or dread of consequences
8. The latest straggler had returned from his fell employment, only to strip himself of the terrific emblems of his bloody calling, and to join in the lamentations of his countrymen, as a stricken people
9. jewelry taken from the Yankee straggler, and the greatest need was new clothing
10. It was by one of these wretches, a Spanish straggler who spoke French, that the Marquis of Fervacques, deceived by his Picard jargon, and taking him for one of our own men, was traitorously slain and robbed on the battle-field itself, in the course of the night which followed the victory of Cerisoles
11. I felt as if I was a straggler, left behind and lost in the onward march of mankind
12. That morning’s attack on the wagons had been made so hastily that the Frenchmen with the wagons had all been killed; only a little drummer boy had been taken alive, and as he was a straggler he could tell them nothing definite about the troops in that column
13. And if, during the agitation of the present question, the renewal has, on one side, been opposed on party principles, let me ask if, on the other, it has not been advocated on similar principles? Where is the Macedonian phalanx, the opposition in Congress? I believe, sir, I shall not incur the charge of presumptuous prophecy, when I predict that we shall not pick up from its ranks one single straggler! And if, on this occasion, my worthy friend from Georgia has gone over into the camp of the enemy, is it kind in him to look back upon his former friends, and rebuke them for the fidelity with which they adhere to their old principles?