I silenced the alarm and turned on the shower, realising at once all the sadness and strangeness that lay waiting in the service
Alex considers the innate strangeness of Barnstaple
That same strangeness makes the dog-eared town seem familiar, as if he was at home on the Adriatic coast, watching lights over the border
strangeness of his eyes, he was an attractive man
But since coming to Skyrim, she muttered to herself about the unusual frequency with which she seemed to encounter such strangeness in that land
She’d miss the hermit and his timid strangeness
But at the same time there was a strangeness that nagged at him, not unlike a warning
The strangeness of it caught the pair of them truly off-guard
Nathan and Esther had agreed that it was best not to tell anyone else about the strangeness of the leather binding on the Torah and the velvet coverings of the Scrolls
Government psychologists were working overtime trying to convince the kids they’d all suffered from mass hysteria, coaching them with stories of confusion and the strangeness of the attack, of the panther that had slipped inside somehow, unseen, until it burst out behind Tara Morland and killed her and their professor
Again he noticed, it wasn’t the trick show and the flashiness or the strangeness of what was happening
He tried to understand them but they overwhelmed him with their strangeness and number
Throughout it all, the idea of a complex but singular kind of God, superior to all that had ever been, maybe the only one that had ever been out there, wallowed around the edges of Man’s theologies, rising occasionally to a temporary prominence, only to be resubmersed as the strangeness of the novelty grew too much to bear
After the wondering fear of this strangeness had abated, I would present a small portion of my personification for his edification, instilling in him an urgency to share, knowing that he would only be able to do so through the limitations of his very abbreviated, tunnel-like viewing repertoire
So were the skin pigments that heralded the strangeness
I decided not to explore that bit of strangeness any further
2 When they see it, they shall be troubled with aweful fear, and shall be amazed at the strangeness of his salvation, so far beyond all
Maggie didn’t think she could be more than seventeen years old, but the smile that played on her face spoke of confidence and beauty and a half-hidden strangeness that intrigued all who looked on it
The sight of her called to mind a hundred visits to the side of the mountain in Angslie, where Virginia’s strangeness had always followed a vision
And at night we would reach the strangeness and the cold of our own house in the middle of Vermont
person will typically be too excited and too busy just trying to cope with the strangeness of the
He had lived through more than enough strangeness in these last day-cycles and did not think he could bear any more
It is similar to the journey he took with Simon and the mind-executioner from the Lammas Lands to Gathandria, except that journey was wild and terrifying in its strangeness; this one is calmer, more fluid
made up for the strangeness of these new commands
It tasted differently from what he was used to, leaving a bitter coating on the tongue, but he shrugged it off as part of the strangeness of the journey
Perhaps it is simply the strangeness of the journey that leaves him unable to feel their protection
Because we didn’t understand their strangeness or that their different nature was never a threat
More strangeness on this journey, to accompany the strangeness that had gone before
After a moment’s pause, his heart still taking in the strangeness of it all, Simon nodded and drank, draining the beaker dry
The strangeness of living in time and space is it is incredibly
The strangeness of their new surroundings was something that confronted them all that morning
spite of the strangeness
Then I beheld the true strangeness of this place: a bevy of pale horses were lined against the very front of the house itself, grouped on either side of the great porch and spaced evenly; there were many markings imprinted in the grass, which, though I am no expert, seemed to have come from some spell book of sorts; and, at the very heart of the yard, a fountain that looked to be made out of brown, withered thorns planted itself in the ground
Living in anonymity for however much longer (if need be for the rest of his life) is what he chose to put up with, rather than risk an episode of remarkable strangeness in revealing his condition to his parents
too much strangeness going on, too much to explain it all rationally
strangeness, the boy had another oddity, at which Farid couldn’t quite put his finger on before
Always had there been some strangeness between this Judean and his Galilean brethren
And as he stood, bewildered at the strangeness of his dream, he realized that he was gripping his sword in his hand
Now he wondered if it had been but a stone figure, and his skin crawled at the strangeness of it all
at the strangeness of this request
observer with its strangeness
incomprehensible strangeness of the world and universe we live in is supported by zero-
But this strangeness was no news to them: they had seen no end of strange things since they had awoken to this new world
Stogner noted the strangeness of the fact, but pushed on, carefully, listening for any signs of Ferengi
strangeness of his surroundings
Definitely some surreal strangeness here
and die and for there to be a strangeness
But after Monkey Mother had determined that his strangeness was due to his being from Time to Come, everything about him began to make sense, including his sense of humor
Mom was talking a little strangely—as usual—but Leesa thought she detected something different than what she was used to in the strangeness
A number of studies into social psychology in the 1960’s sought to look at how this strangeness affects the way we live our lives and conduct our affairs
‘But, what can be said about the strangeness of life and the singularity of the relationships it occasions? To start with, it was the mutual admiration that ushered in my friendship with Roopa
Wilx and I sat quietly while trying to deal with the strangeness of existence
After telling us that this reminding can be accomplished by remembering God and after acquainting us that the noble Messengers are but announcers and elucidators of His words, the Almighty revealed the strangeness of man’s state when he turns away from his Provider and feels ungrateful for his Creator’s graces
In some details, we say: The pronoun “what” mentioned here does not serve only the interrogation, yet it also serves a reproaching against the man for his deed and strangeness of his state
By what if not, to put it mildly, strangeness can be characterized the fact that
“Here's an elementary strangeness: did you know there is more debt in the world than wealth?
Many of the mysteries, quirks and strangeness of the cosmic realms, earthly realms and quantum realms start to make sense when you realize that this so-called reality is a computer generated simulation
After the strangeness of the anomaly, the familiar interior reassured them
"Like her?" repeated Conderley, his annoyance arrested by the strangeness of such a question
"Not _always_," she said hesitatingly, with a smile that for the first time was propitiating; and the accidents of the pavement making him walk for a few yards in front of her she found herself looking at his back, his high thin shoulders and the rims of his ears, with a startled feeling of entire strangeness
In complete silence Martinmon turned on his heels and walked away as he shook his head at the strangeness of the explanation
Andre could only shake his head and wonder about the strangeness of far away Nebraska
The Reverend's mouth hung slightly agape as his mind attempted to cope with the strangeness of Olin's proposal
In this context: maybe you can begin to see the utter strangeness of the abstract concept we call ownership of land
Now, the strangeness of it struck him afresh
For a time, Jonas, Jesse, Madeleine and I were a team, sharing the responsibility in standing guard over these strange things, never pausing to consider the strangeness of the situation—the unlikelihood of such a divergence
still wasn’t quite sure about Grady’s overall strangeness, he was learning to
He had wanted to go home and escape the strangeness and dangers of this world as bad as the rest of them had, but last night he’d had a dream, a fantastic dream
But then something happened – a wave of strangeness flooded over him, filling his veins with masses of tiny eels, and the furious energy ebbed from his charge
Once everyone was in the ship and surrounded by the strangeness of technology that seemed to exist everywhere the walkway closed and the hull of the ship reformed where the doorway had been
Despite the strangeness, it worked, and Eric managed to pass the ball on without splattering
But at the very moment, he was struck by the strangeness of his own frankness, and the eagerness with which he had made this explanation, though he had kept up all the preceding conversation with gloomy repulsion, obviously with a motive, from necessity
"Mine," replied Don Quixote, "is to be of service to you, so much so that I had resolved not to quit these mountains until I had found you, and learned of you whether there is any kind of relief to be found for that sorrow under which from the strangeness of your life you seem to labour; and to search for you with all possible diligence, if search had been necessary
strangeness of the matter
She began to think that be must be in liquor;--the strangeness of such a visit, and of such manners, seemed no otherwise intelligible; and with this impression she immediately rose, saying,
Whatever strangeness there may be in modern times in opposing philosophy to poetry, which to us seem to have so many elements in common, the strangeness will disappear if we conceive of poetry as allied to sense, and of philosophy as equivalent to thought and abstraction
tawdry finery that I could not conceal my strangeness to
Then came a noise with no hint of strangeness
That strangeness between them over the signing of the petition had obviously been nothing
He entered the accustomed room, and looked around him on its books, its windows, its fireplace, and the tapestried comfort of the walls, with the same perception of strangeness that had haunted him throughout his walk from the forest-dell into the town, and thitherward
{272} Now I saw that, just on the other side of this plain, the pilgrims came to a place where stood an old monument, hard by the highway side, at the sight of which they were both concerned, because of the strangeness of the form thereof; for it seemed to them as if it had been a woman transformed into the shape of a pillar; here, therefore they stood looking, and looking upon it, but could not for a time tell what they should make thereof
It was only just at parting that Nikolay kissed him, and said, looking with sudden strangeness and seriousness at his
Muggs and I remained eye-to-eye just long enough for the girls and their mother to recognize the strangeness of this final good-bye, if that’s what it was
confused by the double illusion of familiarity and strangeness
The country custom of unreserved comradeship out of doors during betrothal was the only custom she knew, and to her it had no strangeness; though it seemed oddly anticipative to Clare till he saw how normal a thing she, in common with all the other dairy-folk, regarded it
"What!" said he, thinking from the strangeness of her manner that
By degrees he was inclined to believe that she had faintly attempted, at least, what she said she had done; and his horror at her impulse was mixed with amazement at the strength of her affection for himself, and at the strangeness of its quality, which had apparently extinguished her moral sense altogether
AS SPEED APPROACHES infinity, time and space begin to skew, and what once seemed knowable divulges a deeper strangeness
But this stupendous fragmentariness heightened the dreamlike strangeness of her bridal life
Why not break out at her on the spot and have it all over?—give it to her straight in her lovely little lighted face? "You see, you see, you KNOW that you do and that you already quite suspect I believe it;therefore, why not frankly confess it to me, so that we may at least live with it together and learn perhaps, in the strangeness of our fate, where we are and what it means?" This solicitation dropped, alas, as it came: if I could immediately have succumbed to it I might have spared myself—well, you'll see what
“Why do they call ’em Buccaneers?” I askt, “for I have heard the Word, and always remarkt upon its Strangeness
He had got up that morning to find Katsu nesting in his suitcase, which had altered his gauge of strangeness for the day
Can now take comfort only in strangeness