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    stratification example sentences


    1. social stratification is necessary

    2. as opposed to shunning the preserver’s stratification of Antarloka

    3. stratification by estates it was that demonstrative anti-estate so-

    4. The internal stratification of any single national language into social dialects, characteristic group behavior, professional jargons, generic languages, languages of generations and age groups, tendentious languages, languages of the authorities, of various circles and of passing fashions, languages that serve the specific sociopolitical purposes of the day, even of the hour (each day has its own slogan, its own vocabulary, its own emphases – this internal stratification present in every language at any given moment of its historical existence is the indispensable prerequisite for the novel as a genre

    5. Every mineralogist must observe the identity of the minerals of the two countries as well as that of their stratification and general formation

    6. The oldest red sandstone, with all its accompanying strata, I should incline to put into the transition, as having many of the properties of that class, and occupying the same relative situation in the stratification of the globe

    7. The character of the secondary is a horizontal position, that perhaps does not admit of the same facility of examining the relative situation of its stratification

    8. On the shore opposite to Godrevy Island, an immense mass of it occurs, of more than a hundred feet in length, and from twelve to twenty feet in depth, containing entire shells and fragments of clay slate; it is singular that the whole mass assumes a striking appearance of stratification

    9. —, —, and on the stratification and elevation of currents in the atmosphere, W

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    Synonyms for "stratification"

    stratification social stratification

    "stratification" definitions

    the act or process or arranging persons into classes or social strata

    the condition of being arranged in social strata or classes within a group

    forming or depositing in layers

    a layered configuration

    the placing of seeds in damp sand or sawdust or peat moss in order to preserve them or promote germination