Use "streamlined" in a sentence
streamlined example sentences
1. She took it in her long fingers with the long but natural nails of perfect streamlined shape
2. Not spectacularly streamlined, but she was shapely enough
3. The carvings made Klowa's head ache with their streamlined formality, 45th or 50th century architecture
4. He was standing in a bright, streamlined, modern office
5. He found a series of poorly planned programs and streamlined them into one far deadlier, and somewhat more efficient
6. pursue this more streamlined trade opportunity for Spain, after their triumph over the Moors
7. but reaching a streamlined bouquet of options proved to be much harder than first
8. streamlined operations, and restructured the
9. grading are more streamlined and the customer
10. In 1995, Carol Browner, then head of the EPA, announced that the EPA had streamlined its regulatory procedures to save businesses and state and local governments 23 million hours of unnecessary paperwork each year
11. Talons floated down from their streamlined bodies, as if landing from flight on an invisible path or tracking through water
12. streamlined, positive message with all of your online sources
13. Each streamlined defender dove into the sea where the one in front of it had jumped out, so that the whole entourage resembled a corrugated wheel ever-revolving, not stopping in all the hours it took to reach the eastern shore
14. As Syn shot after the falling petal, hypnotized by the glowing lure just out of reach, the great dragon assumed a streamlined form in the sheering wind
15. The criminal system had streamlined itself well in the last twenty years
16. The criminal system has streamlined itself well in the last twenty years
17. They have incredible streamlined bodies, with long legs
18. 11b streamlined the standards to
19. The piece of lead seemed to have been once streamlined
20. streamlined body, elegant gait and confidence
21. If this were a more complex situation, we could use this information to locate bottlenecks in the code and hope to fix them to ensure a more streamlined application
22. He streamlined a
23. It has a streamlined grace, and bolts with the power of a panther running down prey
24. A statuesque woman climbs out onto the roof of the streamlined car
25. Like a battering-ram of angry, lead hornets, hundreds of bullets pummel the streamlined barricade
26. On the street, Pandora Driver's streamlined car-of-tomorrow slinks around the abandoned squad car, before disappearing downtown
27. He streamlined his body and
28. thrill he would have got from wrestling one of her more streamlined
29. The initiative is to speak of how it is very crucial to understand the dynamics of the mechanisms of the overall causality, which ultimately energizes all changes in all societies and how all energies need to be properly channelized and objectively streamlined to instill the essential elements of sanity and serenity in changes
30. Even with a database, an intuitive, easy-to-learn front end, multiple points of access, and a streamlined process for capturing best practices, the system may lay dormant unless the quality of data stored in it can be validated
31. streamlined they are, how much wind they won't catch, without
32. streamlined her eyebrows, removed with a little depilatory wax the hint of hair from her upper lip and put a touch of lipstick on her lips
33. In a nod to judicial authorities, the study highlights a more streamlined, efficient conviction process
34. In the streamlined designs of airplanes, cars, motorbikes, bike helmets, bicycles, etc
35. Only a bird that is conscious of the need for every feather to be perfectly streamlined so it can slip through the air with as little resistance as possible thinks like this
36. The authors would surely not have written about God’s coming in such a superfluously glib and somewhat contradictory and diverse fashion, but would have coordinated and streamlined their writings within and between themselves
37. But the messages and writings are not streamlined within and between the authors and writers of the four gospels, because perhaps this really was not a fraudulent and fabricated event that was ‘set-up’ and conspired for self-gratification and benefit, but a real event written by different witnesses, in different times, and from different perspectives
38. In order to make travel more streamlined first acquire the right attitude
39. One of the Nautilus's men presented me with a streamlined rifle whose butt was boilerplate steel, hollow inside, and of fairly large dimensions
40. There was also talk that the intelligence community was going to be undergoing some radical structural changes, bringing more order and a streamlined approach to a sector that had been sorely lacking in those areas
41. NDIS 6 brought improved performance for both clients and servers in addition to simplified reset handling, and it streamlined driver initialization
42. He wanted the trial streamlined, and he wanted it over
43. Eventually, the business becomes a streamlined collection of winning pieces
44. The streamlined front page combined with to-the-point summaries gives you “twice as many news items in a page and a half as you’ll find in 60 pages of other publications,” in IBD’s own words
45. Marine scientist Ed Ricketts studied the sardine extensively during his later career, and in his final article on the subject, published in the Monterey Peninsula Herald in 1948 (shortly before his death) and reprinted in Ricketts, Breaking Through (2006), concluded that if “conservation had been adopted early enough, a smaller but streamlined cannery row…would be winding up a fairly successful season, in stead [sic] of dipping, as they must be now, deeply into the red ink of failure” (p
46. On 66 the traffic whizzed by, trucks and fine streamlined cars and jalopies; and they went by with a vicious whiz