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    suicidal example sentences


    1. The war with Talstan had been suicidal for both sides and he hurt when he thought of it still

    2. At our last meeting I was a suicidal kid who had such promise at one point, and now I was a raving lunatic that couldn't be stopped

    3. ‘I don’t see him as being suicidal

    4. Signs of Suicidal behavior are as follows:

    5. the story I got in that long ago email—about the suicidal nerd and his friend the

    6. Alec issued a dry chuckle before saying, "You’re either a poor student of history or suicidal

    7. The Dead Gods fought amongst themselves, and in such a reckless abandon that their actions seemed akin to suicidal

    8. Jim had made it very clear to them that approaching much closer than ten kilometres would be suicidal and might lead to a battle he needed to avoid

    9. Recall that General Jimmy Doolittle was not in favor of a carrier-based attack on Japan in retaliation for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, maintaining as he did that such an attack would be both unnecessary and suicidal

    10. As we know, the B-25 raid he led against Tokyo was not suicidal, at least not for him, and it was definitely worth the risk – not, of course, for the physical damage it inflicted, but rather for the psychological blow it landed

    11. (The Soviets were not suicidal, nor was America

    12. The difference between those mentioned above and radical Islam is that the adherents of that perverted faith are indeed suicidal

    13. It was now as the German counterattack stalled that they turned tow machine guns on our trench and this made staying there untenable and suicidal

    14. Why these suicidal people did not have the decency to warn the SAP of their HIV status is for them to explain

    15. “To stay here in the capital, parading before enforcers, soldiers, bounty hunters, and Larocka’s vengeful colleagues would be suicidal craziness

    16. The Soviet system was enormously evil, but its leaders were not suicidal

    17. Finally herded into a place they could not retreat from, only a short distance from the protecting water, they made one final attack, a suicidal attack which they knew had no hope of success

    18. So then, there are people who consider that delaying this war is neither ethical nor practical, but rather irresponsible and suicidal

    19. To hijack something as sensitive as cocaine from the likes of that man - where it might be traced back to him - would be nothing short of suicidal

    20. What critics of Wallace often fail to note is something else: Stalin was certainly an irredeemably evil man, but he was not a suicidal one

    21. It was suicidal

    22. There’d be no hesitation, but she wasn’t suicidal either – not yet, that might come later, but surrender would not

    23. It was more than desperate; it was likely suicidal, but what else was there? Did Beth have the courage and willingness to kill? Could Raul be trusted? Had he changed, becoming his cousin again, or was he still a mindless puppet that would order rockets fired upon his own family? Maybe he came to steal the cocaine, or probably something more cowardly, like fetch him back to Nicaragua to stand trial for the La Palma bombing, but he had no choice other than to trust him

    24. “You have a brother, right? Don’t you think you would know if he was suicidal?”

    25. It’s beyond stupid—it’s suicidal

    26. suicidal movement to help their countrymen and liberators in the fight against Al-Qaeda

    27. As parents, they have had direct contribution to the circumstances now presenting in a suicidal person"s mind

    28. I asked if Bisdah thought we were being sent into a trap, but Suchix felt he was merely looking for an excuse to get away from what he called “the suicidal” Maya

    29. There is not a suicidal bone in my body

    30. I would, of course, be glad to see my brother when he arrived, but it was obvious to me now that it was no mistake I was in the Maya tumen or that Bisdah made the suicidal stand

    31. Instead of becoming bitter or suicidal he had become patient and compassionate

    32. This was hardly a sketchy report and his advice seemed suicidal

    33. ” The billionaire’s opinion on terror, and similar poses by others as well, might be written off as laughable eccentricities were they not so dangerous, if not suicidal

    34. That terrorist and suicidal act of barbarism, consummated at the heart of the most powerful country in the world, executed against the land of opportunity and exemplary defender of liberty, constitutes an irrational aggression against all democracies

    35. succumbed to Roman arms, it would have fallen to Roman culture as a result of the non-Jewish population and the then-equivalent of today’s culturally suicidal Jewish Left

    36. He could have stopped after the Munich agreement, but proceeded to engage in a suicidal two-front war

    37. I should have monitored her more closely, as I should have suspected that she may still be suicidal

    38. He had another suicidal impulse

    39. Some are duplicating brain cells that produce enzymes that cause suicidal thoughts and the burning sensations

    40. ” The burning sensations and suicidal thoughts rapidly dissipated

    41. Nuke and a few of his staff had gone to save Candace, who was having suicidal impulses that made no sense to her

    42. Nuke’s sad and determined manner indicated he was seriously suicidal

    43. She didn’t understand why he was suicidal and agreed to speak with him

    44. She complained again of depression and suicidal impulses she found hard to resist, blaming them on the influence of dark spirits

    45. the side effects of the drug was that it could cause suicidal thoughts

    46. Forget the suicidal thoughts, it was the suicidal actions that

    47. uterus that still imprisons him, his suicidal and homicidal urges, so he can

    48. Only a suicidal depressive would visualise number one

    49. The wages of sin is death and therefore sin is suicidal, self-destructive and will eventually destroy itself and the wrong-doer

    50. Isn’t the universe designed in a certain way to follow certain principles, both physical and spiritual? If sin is ultimately unsustainable and suicidal, then Lucifer will have his day in court and will be judged and sentenced and that will be the end of it

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    Synonyms for "suicidal"

    self-destructive suicidal

    "suicidal" definitions

    dangerous to yourself or your interests