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    superiority example sentences


    1. ” The voice had an air of authority about it, superiority one might say, held only by the Elders

    2. Stubbins opened her mouth as if to rebut Mandy's observations, but being without any other ammunition than her own myopic prejudice, ignorance, and baseless claims to superiority, snapped her jaw tight, turned on her heel and waddled back to her store, wagging her head as if in heated abuse of some mutton-headed underling

    3. One was about Harry's height and build, but for those puppyish hands and feet, which so endeared him to Jameson, back home, the other lad was shorter and thicker, and walked with an air of superiority which nearly preceded him into the room

    4. The superiority of the independent workman over those servants who are hired by the month or by the year, and whose wages and maintenance are the same, whether they do much or do little, is likely to be still greater

    5. This ‘Age of War’ continued for a millennium, only ending as one race rose to superiority

    6. employment, indeed, is more steady and uniform, and the superiority of their earnings, taking

    7. The prophets are like the air force that gains air superiority

    8. The superiority which the industry of the towns has everywhere in Europe over that of the

    9. In Great Britain, the superiority of the industry of the towns over that of the country seems to

    10. Your Order proved their superiority by drowning us in oceans of blood

    11. As an acre of land, therefore, will produce a much smaller quantity of the one species of food than of the other, the inferiority of the quantity must be compensated by the superiority of the price

    12. The use of the artificial grasses, of turnips, carrots, cabbages, and the other expedients which have been fallen upon to make an equal quantity of land feed a greater number of cattle than when in natural grass, should somewhat reduce, it might be expected, the superiority which, in an improved country, the price of butcher's meat naturally has over that of bread

    13. This superiority, however, will seldom be found to amount to more than a reasonable interest or compensation for this superior expense

    14. As the prices, both of the precious metals and of the precious stones, is regulated all over the world by their price at the most fertile mine in it, the rent which a mine of either can afford to its proprietor is in proportion, not to its absolute, but to what may be called its relative fertility, or to its superiority over other mines of the same kind

    15. Klarrain had little problem with the ghosts once he established air superiority

    16. It is the superiority of price which attracts them; and as soon as that superiority ceases, they necessarily cease to go thither

    17. The superiority of its real price was still greater

    18. Their superiority over the country gentleman is, not so much in their knowledge of the public interest, as in their having a better knowledge of their own interest than he has of his

    19. Some people account in this manner for what is called the agio of the bank of Amsterdam, or for the superiority of bank money over current money, though this bank money, as they pretend, cannot be taken out of the bank at the will of the owner

    20. That arrogant smile he seemed to think would make everyone bow to his superiority

    21. Even those three countries, the wealthiest, according to all accounts, that ever were in the world, are chiefly renowned for their superiority in agriculture and manufactures

    22. The profits of agriculture, however, seem to have no superiority over those of other employments in any part of Europe

    23. “Excuse me Zune, but it’s a hierarchy problem, don’t you see? There’s nothing wrong with classifying and grouping and organizing and all that, but the deal is, when we end up on top of the taxonomical pyramid, that tends to give us illusions of grandeur and superiority that are not at all justified when a global point of view is taken into consideration

    24. Bank money, over and above both its in trinsic superiority to currency, and the additional value which this demand necessarily gives it, has likewise some other advantages, It is secure from fire, robbery, and other accidents; the city of Amsterdam is bound for it; it can be paid away by a simple transfer, without the trouble of counting, or the risk of transporting it from one place to another

    25. While it remained in the coffers of the bank, its superiority was known and ascertained

    26. When it had come into those of a private person, its superiority could not well be ascertained without more trouble than perhaps the difference was worth

    27. The trade of Great Britain would be just as advantageous to France, and, in proportion to the wealth, population, and proximity of the respective countries, would have the same superiority over that which France carries on with her own colonies

    28. answered with an air of superiority

    29. This superiority of conduct is suitable both to the character of the French nation, and to what forms the character of every nation, the nature of their government, which, though arbitrary and violent in comparison with that of Great Britain, is legal and free in comparison with those of Spain and Portugal

    30. This advantage, however, will, perhaps, be found to be rather what may be called a relative than an absolute advantage, and to give a superiority to the country which enjoys it, rather by depressing the industry and produce of other countries, than by raising those of that particular country above what they would naturally rise to in the case of a free trade

    31. This superiority of profit in the colony trade could not fail to draw from other branches of trade a part of the capital which had before been employed in them

    32. Its superiority, perhaps, would scarce appear greater in the present times, at least if the Dutch navy were to bear the same proportion to the Dutch commerce now which it did then

    33. It renders their superiority greater, or their inferiority less, than it otherwise would be

    34. All the purposes of this trade being, in this manner, answered by a much smaller capital, there would have been a large spare capital to apply to other purposes; to improve the lands, to increase the manufactures, and to extend the commerce of Great Britain; to come into competition at least with the other British capitals employed in all those different ways, to reduce the rate of profit in them all, and thereby to give to Great Britain, in all of them, a superiority over other countries, still greater than what she at present enjoys

    35. Whatever, therefore, raises the rate of mercantile profit, either lessens the superiority, or increases the inferiority of the profit of improvement : and, in the one case, hinders capital from going to improvement, and in the other draws capital from it; but by discouraging improvement, the monopoly necessarily retards the natural increase of another great original source of revenue, the rent of land

    36. At the particular time when these discoveries were made, the superiority of force happened to be so great on the side of the Europeans, that they were enabled to commit with impunity every sort of injustice in those remote countries

    37. But if, in any one of those distant employments, which in ordinary cases are less advantageous to the country, the profit should happen to rise somewhat higher than what is sufficient to balance the natural preference which is given to nearer employments, this superiority of profit will draw stock from those nearer employments, till the profits of all return to their proper level

    38. This superiority of profit, however, is a proof that, in the actual circumstances of the society, those distant employments are somewhat understocked in proportion to other employments, and that the stock of the society is not distributed in the properest manner among all the different employments carried on in it

    39. The superiority of produce, which in consequence of this undivided attention, they are enabled to raise, is fully sufficient to pay the whole expense which the maintenance and employment of the unproductive class costs either the proprietors or themselves

    40. The soldiers who are exercised only once aweek, or once a-month, can never be so expert in the use of their arms, as those who are exercised every day, or every other day; and though this circumstance may not be of so much consequence in modern, as it was in ancient times, yet the acknowledged superiority of the Prussian troops, owing, it is said, very much to their superior expertness in their exercise, may satisfy us that it is, even at this day, of very considerable consequence

    41. But, in modern war, the habit of ready and instant obedience is of much greater consequence than a considerable superiority in the management of arms

    42. This distinction being well understood, the history of all ages, it will be found, hears testimony to the irresistible superiority which a well regulated standing army has over a militia

    43. The fall of the Greek republics, and of the Persian empire was the effect of the irresistible superiority which a standing arm has over every other sort of militia

    44. The standing army which Annibal left behind him in Spain had the like superiority over the militia which the Romans sent to oppose it; and, in a few years, under the command of his brother, the younger Asdrubal, expelled them almost entirely from that country

    45. The Roman militia, being continually in the field, became, in the progress of the war, a well disciplined and well exercised standing army ; and the superiority of Annibal grew every day less and less

    46. It was brought about by the irresistible superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation; which the militia of a nation of shepherds has over that of a nation of husbandmen, artificers, and manufacturers

    47. The frequent conquests of all the civilized countries in Asia by the Tartars, sufficiently demonstrates the natural superiority which the militia of a barbarous has over that of a civilized nation

    48. He can safely pardon or neglect them, and his consciousness of his own superiority naturally disposes him to do so

    49. As the superiority of the modern artillery, too, over that of the ancients, is very great ; it has become much more difficult, and consequently much more expensive, to fortify a town, so as to resist, even for a few weeks, the attack of that superior artillery

    50. The first of those causes or circumstances, is the superiority of personal qualifications, of strength, beauty, and agility of body ; of wisdom and virtue; of prudence, justice, fortitude, and moderation of mind

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    Synonyms for "superiority"

    high quality superiority favorable position favourable position transcendence transcendency ideal flawlessness perfection faultlessness incomparability supremacy consummation

    "superiority" definitions

    the quality of being superior

    the quality of being at a competitive advantage

    displaying a sense of being better than others

    the state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limits