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    Use "surface area" in a sentence

    surface area example sentences

    surface area

    1. How was the water mist delivered to the surface of the Earth? Considering the fact that a constant flow of water was delivered to the entire surface area of the planet, in the form of a mist, the volume of subterranean water, which would have supplied this mist, would have diminished over the centuries

    2. As these land masses moved away from each other, the width of the crack between them would widen and the speed of the flow of water from beneath would decrease, due to increased surface area

    3. But, if the surface area increased faster than the volume as it filled, inundating low-lying areas that lay to the north and west of it, the increase in its surface height might have been negligible

    4. These two pieces, as well as the other three we may yet need to reshape, were chosen because their surface areas are exactly equal, so that will not be a factor

    5. They appeared above the civic government buildings in a tight sphere, all of them packed in as tightly as they could be and still breathe, in order to minimize the surface area of their co-operative spherical Shield

    6. very little surface area, but helped maintain the balance and

    7. Earth’s visible biosphere is a thin shell that has approximately a thickness of 2 x 10 km over a surface area

    8. And because the star's surface area expands greatly,

    9. conclude that it is this way over much of the surface area of the planet, and that—‖


    11. The total surface area of the universe in the

    12. A surface area of over seven square kilometers was utterly flattened and incinerated as well

    13. more of the surface area than Earth’s moon

    14. The bigger tank with half the temperature, has only 59% more surface area

    15. It was no bigger than a cigarette packet in surface area, and

    16. Creeping vines of any kind should also be avoided, as they can cause the same problems as tree roots, combined with a tendency to take over any open surface area they can reach

    17. The upside down U covered most of the surface area

    18. is the surface area of the blade (e)

    19. Although underwear doesn't have the same surface area

    20. study notes "it would be prudent not to apply oxybenzone to large surface areas

    21. (12) Do not lift loads of large surface areas, eg steel plates in high wind

    22. SA = Surface area through which heat content of the liquid metal was

    23. As it has got lowest surface area for a given

    24. To begin with, surface area of top of the feeder is a circular

    25. as Mc is not changing and Mf is reducing because of increase of surface area

    26. We can measure volume and surface area

    27. That is we have taken 6 surface areas for a cube

    28. on top surface area and hence it becomes a NON-COOLING AREA)

    29. Now that you know the volume of the sphere, surface area of the sphere and

    30. So the top Surface area is not 0

    31. Surface area of the casting = 10 x 2 x 2 = 40 dm

    32. Sum of all these surface areas are = 40 + 5 + 1 = 46dm

    33. This new surface area is called APPARENT

    34. increasing the surface area BY THREE TIMES AS THERE IS NO LOSS


    36. which have a larger surface area & become more in number

    37. it took the shape of a leaf which has a greater surface area

    38. Increasing the Surface Area FOR THE SAME VOLUME So the Casting

    39. surface area for the beneficial aerobic (needs oxygen) and anaerobic (does not need oxygen)

    40. surface area it has for adsorption thereby making it more effective at filtering the water

    41. reactors but the granules supposedly have more surface area making them last longer

    42. contact with aquarium water and then mixes with air, providing a large surface area for

    43. the surface area will change by the square of the scale;

    44. strength (surface area) will be one-fourth of what it was,

    45. surface areas, weeding that out, the skills and mindset carry over to more

    46. Olin had previously estimated the total surface area of the dairy can to be approximately 1,200 square inches

    47. it is the deepest lake in North America, and its surface area of 11,000

    48. Gabriel's Horn is also a geometric figure which has infinite surface area, but finite volume

    49. This island group covers a surface area of 370 square leagues, and it's made up of some sixty subgroups, among which we noted the Gambier group, which is a French protectorate

    50. Papua is 400 leagues long by 130 leagues wide, with a surface area of 40,000 geographic leagues

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