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    Use "surviving relative" in a sentence

    surviving relative example sentences

    surviving relative

    1. We were the only surviving relatives of the family

    2. She had long completed a Masters thesis which was based on the General’s diary which had been given to her in Poland by his last surviving relative

    3. The results of a preliminary genealogical search by the Time Patrol concerning James and his family line had confirmed that the boy had disappeared without a trace two years ago and had no surviving relatives able to care for him

    4. Candles or maize stalks are placed in the coffin as substitutes for surviving relatives, so that the dead soul doesn’t return to take its loved ones with it; and when the family leaves the home for the cemetery, an old woman remains behind to sweep the house and bid the dead soul to depart with the body

    5. He, the solicitor had no record of any other surviving relative, so would Mrs Ainsley be attending the funeral? Funds were available from Stan’s estate to pay for the fares and other expenses involved, and he, the solicitor, would welcome meeting her to go through the terms of Stan’s last will and testament, in which she was the main beneficiary

    6. “That about sizes it up,” she said, as she told me about the last of her surviving relatives who may as well be dead for all they cared

    7. “Let’s see, what surviving relatives are there?”

    8. Lady Philippa and her daughter Odila, the only other surviving relatives of the dead girl, were also staying at the hospital

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