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    susceptible to example sentences

    susceptible to

    1. Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress as compared to men

    2. She also knew that during this time he would be susceptible to infections

    3. He was just as stout-hearted and stubborn as any other, and just as susceptible to anger if goaded to a sufficient degree

    4. However, it seems organic matter is more susceptible to the TE field due to the presence of carbon and water

    5. “It’s a herb that dulls the intellect and renders the drinker susceptible to manipulation,” Hollowcrest said calmly

    6. Elsewhere, gold and silver coinage is preferred over paper money, which is more susceptible to clipping than forgery

    7. I went back in and said, “You know, they say that there is something in the blue ink they use in comic books that makes you more susceptible to hypnosis

    8. It seems that our society‘s consummate pursuit of Material Things proportionate to its increasing indifference to Spiritual Things has sterilized our souls in a manner that has left many of us intellectually and morally barren and susceptible to whimsical notions of corporeal designs

    9. ‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs

    10. It is Evil‘s custom to shield itself from criticism in the (artful) manner it encourages (a) Moral Neutrality by obfuscating notions of Good and Evil, a condition of the mind susceptible to individuals who have failed in their efforts to cultivate a proper spiritual and moral awareness of the fundamental agencies separating the two and therefore likely to arrive at the conclusion that such differences are either objectively unverifiable or the product of social convention(s)

    11. In time education may change this custom when Thais learn that because the feet are in direct contact with dirt they are more susceptible to infection from germs than any other part of the body

    12. countries are susceptible to bribes

    13. levied at kids and teachers most susceptible to caricature

    14. If you have read this book and you are susceptible to the content in light of what the Bible teaches, you are probably only part of an estimated 3%; the remaining 97% will either not read the book in its entirety or burn the book because the content is totally against their indoctrination by their churches or upbringing

    15. He knew children were much more susceptible to radiation

    16. The original Veda’s had been bound meticulously, rarely opened due to the fragility of the pages, just brushing them lightly was susceptible to destroying the ancient words in a cloud of dust within a matter of minutes

    17. 147 Many contend the hypnogogic state is more susceptible to spiritual encounters,

    18. Belief --- An opinion or conviction which gives one confidence in a truth, existence, or reliability of something/someone, although done so without absolute proof that one is right in doing so; and/or, having confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to proof

    19. people are more susceptible to stress than others

    20. The people, Marxists claim, are susceptible to intoxicants such as religion, “the opiate of the masses

    21. But like many self-made men, he was susceptible to flattery

    22. Those young, supple minds are susceptible to one-sided, collective political arguments accompanied by the emotional certitude of ‘authority’ (professors)

    23. I am very susceptible to infection due to having to insert a foreign object into my body and the trauma caused by the catheter itself (internal lesions)

    24. He learns he is one of those rare individuals susceptible to immediate addiction

    25. Former Australian cricket team coach John Buchanan voiced his opinion that Tendulkar had become susceptible to the short ball early in his innings because of a lack of footwork

    26. Zolgnath’s minotaurs were not as susceptible to the inhibiting magic of the Lore Masters

    27. Before leaving to find someone more susceptible to his charms he pointed out a large restaurant built on the sands a short distance up the beach, on the flat roof of which men could sunbathe naked

    28. The subliminal flickering of the strips could induce headaches in those susceptible to the effects of this kind of lighting

    29. age, wherever they may be susceptible to it, and some of the junior members

    30. He was always too susceptible to the crazy voice of the demon

    31. thought of as the subconscious mind) never sleeps and is susceptible to

    32. Applying his mind he reckoned that woman were more susceptible to molestation within her home than to her rape without

    33. The old philosopher was susceptible to the Master's mode of approach, and being sincerely honest of heart, he quickly believed this gospel of salvation

    34. But Capricorn is less susceptible to this than most

    35. Mix three drops in one litre of water and then use to wipe down areas susceptible to mould

    36. The newer polymer weapons were less susceptible to moisture and therefore were preferred over the heavier metal ones

    37. She had survived it, but since then she had always had a weak chest and was quite susceptible to any sort of chill which sometimes the bad winters brought on

    38. They were susceptible to spoofing before

    39. It is only because they make themselves susceptible to it that this occurs

    40. susceptible to blowfly infection will be a good step in the

    41. I was susceptible to severe stress problems I had acquired dating back to the Korean War when I lost most of my left hand

    42. legs are more susceptible to injury than longer legs when

    43. their problems in this manner become more susceptible to abusing

    44. The old bookseller, knowing about Aureliano’s love for books that had been read only by the Venerable Bede, urged him with a certain fatherly malice to get into the discussion, and without even taking a breath, he explained that the cockroach, the oldest winged insect on the face of the earth, had already been the victim of slippers in the Old Testa-ment, but that since the species was definitely resistant to any and all methods of extermination, from tomato dices with borax to flour and sugar, and with its one thousand six hundred three varieties had resisted the most ancient, tenacious, and pitiless persecution that mankind had unleashed against any living thing since the beginnings, including man himself, to such an ex-tent that just as an instinct for reproduction was at-tributed to humankind, so there must have been another one more definite and pressing, which was the in-stinct to kill cockroaches, and if the latter had succeeded in escaping human ferocity it was because they had taken refuge in the shadows, where they became invul-nerable because of man’s congenital fear of the dark, but on the other hand they became susceptible to the glow of noon, so that by the Middle Ages already, and in present times, and per omnia secula seculorum, the only effective method for killing cockroaches was the glare of the sun

    45. If you do this you will tend to be worn out and susceptible to making mistakes

    46. Your vocal folds are controlled by tiny muscles, and warmed-up muscles are more flexible, easier to use, and less susceptible to injury

    47. If anything, the people living at our secret main base are by far the most susceptible to be open and tolerant to Kin and Ani

    48. " They briefly laughed, both girls and Mitchell, could somehow sense that Chance was the most unpredictable character of the group; susceptible to heavy drug abuse, coupled with emotional instability in his uncertain future

    49. Once the range had been reduced, Hood would of course, still be susceptible to enemy shellfire, but at shorter ranges their broadsides would come at flatter trajectories

    50. Used in isolation, however, the CAPM is susceptible to

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