Use "sweeten" in a sentence
sweeten example sentences
1. And try, for a change, to sweeten your food with honey
2. And I don’t mean to sweeten their breath or clean their teeth
3. To sweeten the prospect was a huge payout on successful completion, it would mean he could take at least two years away from work and still live comfortably, perhaps spend more time with Deanna
4. Sweeten with honey
5. But here's the catch: Tea won't sweeten your breath
6. Place in a cup and sweeten with honey of desired
7. Stress (feeling upset) leads to an increased desire to sweeten our lives and ourselves
8. Instead, his thoughts withdrew into his skin and he took two beakers and scattered herbs inside them to sweeten the water, thyme, river lavender, red beech
9. Morning attendance checking will go to Stewart, and we'll sweeten the pot for him to make up for the extra work—probably give him a bottle of whiskey on top of the Christmas turkey
10. The oil is bitter, but I mixed in honey to sweeten it
11. Nem guessed Jacoba was trying to sweeten the pot for the power stone
12. ” He added to sweeten the deal
13. It’s not a bad way to spend time if you have to go inside,” I mentioned to sweeten the deal
15. Rory, had at first been bitter about not being allowed to be a part of management at “The Collett Corporation” – however the financial allowance provided by his mother helped sweeten the pill
16. to sweeten the dream for me
17. without the sugar (you can sweeten it with pure maple syrup or
18. Add honey to sweeten the tea
19. sweeten the pot by suggesting the Indians take over that now old
20. Allow this to steep 10 minutes, then strain, sweeten with honey or stevia and drink up to 4 cups of this tea daily
21. They hold on the even tenor of their way, and pass silently on towards home; but they sweeten all around them
22. Their kapu, so as to sweeten their palates and fill their bellies, fetched a couple of ganga bondaalu, and a rejuvenated Sandhya then accompanied Raja Rao to pray at the nearby darga of the legendary Vali Baba, who, it was said, walked on the rivers and wasn’t wetted by rainwater
23. It was already a win for her, how could he possibly sweeten the pot?
24. they'll sweeten the offer up for you
25. “Nothing says you can’t sweeten the pot as well,” Jeff said waiting to be yelled at
26. No one gave her a bouquet or a box of chocolates to sweeten her up before the mission
27. Start thinking about how you will sweeten the existing pie
28. “Perhaps we could sweeten the arrangement
29. This was the plan, and the white man tried to sweeten the pot by suggesting the Indians take over that now old and abandoned gold mine that was producing only a small amount of ore
30. Maybe a show of cards would sweeten the pot a little and get the Dixons out from across the wrong side of the tracks! They had the keys to the Well and knew its exact location from its original position in reference to the main entrance, or what should’ve been the main entrance
31. “Here is your favorite cake to sweeten you up, Mum
32. “From Chantry, with his regards, to help sweeten the remaining hours of your restful vacation stay
33. To sweeten the deal, the magazine donated some of its older computers to the library
34. through a sieve; add lemon juice; salt; and sweeten if necessary; heat
35. Cool and sweeten Ohio's villages with leaves fluttering in the
36. "I bought a handful to sweeten me up
37. So when Columbia Records wanted to sweeten the track to get it over to a mainstream audience, we dubbed on a string synth that had all the charm and warmth of someone playing along with the record on a musical saw with rusty teeth
38. has no virtue that we know of, save perhaps to sweeten a fouled air, or to
39. I would never buy a stock based solely on a takeover potential, but it does sweeten the argument for NuVasive
40. ) And what do they want with their ridiculous ‘Pavlofsk trees’? To sweeten my last hours? Cannot they understand that the more I forget myself, the more I let myself become attached to these last illusions of life and love, by means of which they try to hide from me Meyer’s wall, and all that is so plainly written on it—the more unhappy they make me? What is the use of all your nature to me—all your parks and trees, your sunsets and sunrises, your blue skies and your self-satisfied faces—when all this wealth of beauty and happiness begins with the fact that it accounts me—only me—one too many! What is the good of all this beauty and glory to me, when every second, every moment, I cannot but be aware that this little fly which buzzes around my head in the sun’s rays—even this little fly is a sharer and participator in all the glory of the universe, and knows its place and is happy in it;—while I—only I, am an outcast, and have been blind to the fact hitherto, thanks to my simplicity! Oh! I know well how the prince and others would like me, instead of indulging in all these wicked words of my own, to sing, to the glory and triumph of morality, that well-known verse of Gilbert’s:
41. It is not strange in our eyes to learn that those artists who sweeten and ennoble our souls have passed their lives in drunkenness, cards, and women, if not in something worse
42. And why should we make a sort of hotch-potch of two subjects, on which we do not think alike, for the purpose of getting us all united against both? It is an old adage, and a very homely one, perhaps too much so for the delicate ears of this assembly, that if you put one addled egg into a pudding, you may add fresh ones, ad infinitum, but you can never sweeten it
43. And, sir, I defy the gentleman from Massachusetts, with all his political cookery, by pouring out of the jar of our present situation into the old mess, to sweeten it
44. It was sour stuff certainly, which even Maria’s radiant smile couldn’t sweeten, but budding genius is careless of the morrow, and on Sunday evenings, especially, when Maria held her salon in the boarded back room, built out over the yard, vast quantities of it were gayly consumed, along with cigarettes, and coffee, and flaming pousse-cafés
45. Sweeten to taste, fill crust and bake as the usual mince pie
46. The author, having always felt a sentiment of exceptional respect and admiration for this reverend and patriarchal personage, who by his gentle words and sage counsels, no less than his noble generosity, had done so much to elevate and sweeten the tone of his book, fell into an ecstasy of terror at witnessing the approach of his seemingly inevitable destruction; especially as he perceived that the poor old fellow (who never in his life had met with aught but reverence and affection, and knew nothing of the nature of deadly weapons and impulses) was, so far, from attempting to defend himself, or even escape, actually opening his arms to the widest extent of avuncular hospitality, and preparing to take his assassin, sword and all, into his fond and forgiving heart!
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine butter, corn syrup, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and sugar
2. The next day, the sun was shining brightly and the rains from the day before had sweetened the air that was hovering over the Capital
3. Sweet, delicate ripe mangos are laid on of top of sticky rice and drizzled with sweetened coconut milk
4. But, Peter invested double what I put in and sweetened the deal for me by substantially increasing his orders for semiconductor wafers
5. “It’s the biggest arena on Kellaran!” Dilimon added as he and Yalla moved to stand at Mark’s shoulder, their hands filled with glasses and rolled peach-filled sweetened flatbreads
6. This platform did not readily support the artificially flavoured and sweetened multi-fruit jam which was mostly made from turnips and unidentifiable chemicals
7. With flushing, I refused by arguing, not being familiar with the pace that was playing, attributing also to my trip a nonexistent weariness, but Americus that was as stubborn as convincing, and possessed the intellectual wisdom of the geniuses, and in consequence, was immune to the fictitious excuses, raided into our spirits with the rhetoric of reason and in seconds both, the magician and I, were dancing under the harmonic notes of a sweetened melody
8. If all potions taste so bad like this that I just took, then, from this moment on, I would call myself the forerunner of the "culinary sorcery", and in this new science that I will found, with the help of God, I will use sweetened fruits, such as strawberries, peaches or pears; and I assure you that sugar will be the compulsory and indispensable ingredient of all my preparations; tons and tons of sugar; tons and tons of this sandy white delicacy which is sugar, and to disguise the odors, tons and tons of scents or edible flowers
9. Serve warm cherry sauce over waffles; top with sweetened whipped
10. Nadya brought them tall cups of tea sweetened with honey
11. Sometimes the cock’s crow would find them piling and unpiling coins, taking a bit away from here to put there, to that this bunch would be enough to keep Fernanda happy and that would be for Amaranta Úrsula’s shoes, and that other one for Santa Sofía de la Piedad, who had not had a new dress since the time of all the noise, and this to order the coffin if Úrsula died, and this for the coffee which was going up a cent a pound in price every three months, and this for the sugar which sweetened less every day, and this for the lumber which was still wet from the rains, and this other one for the paper and the colored ink to make tickets with, and what was left over to pay off the winner of the April calf whose hide they had miraculously saved when it came down with a symptomatic carbuncle just when all of the numbers in the raffle had already been sold
12. and sweetened it with two lumps of sugar and a bit of honey
13. One category of interest is the food industry’s reliance on sugar and sweetened foods
14. combination of sweetened formula and juice, high in acids and sugar, will likely result in corroded teeth and a sickly childhood
15. Oh, and order me a sweetened iced tea with a lemon, with a long straw
16. sweetened with xylitol had a reduced risk of ear infections
17. ” her somber tone suddenly erupted into can't help myself giggling, and by way of explanation she pointed to #1's in vogue beverage, which last week won Greend's Entrepreneur of the Month, for bringing another organically sweetened drink to the already saturated alternative palate
18. The pill was sweetened when they decided to raid Altrincham’s high street for suitable eveningwear, as well as a wardrobe of everyday clothes
19. Water is always the best drink, but if you need something with flavor, try unsweetened or lightly sweetened iced tea
20. sweetened consensed milk, and I think it has a more of the flavor of Key
21. For Lucy waits with sweetened smile in the tunnel of sensitivity
22. Brioche, the sweetened bread
23. beans, and had a cup of coffee sweetened with chancaca
24. Excuse me: the name for the most ancient Greek musical instrument is not spelled: liar: It’s spelled lyre…as in lyrical … preserving the older spelling: instead of the modern one… The ancient lyricism of Greece: its legends, myths, words and music, and poetry etc; are all sweetened lies
25. Talk about ancestor worship that is so whitewashed and sweetened with artificial lies and arterial corn sweeteners so the masses will swallow it
26. They then retired within the walls, and first offering up their thanksgivings for past mercies, and petitioning for a continuance of the Divine favor throughout the coming night, they laid their tender forms on the fragrant couch, and in spite of recollections and forebodings, soon sank into those slumbers which nature so imperiously demanded, and which were sweetened by hopes for the morrow
27. When I had entered he was sweeping the shop, and he had sweetened his labors by sweeping over me
28. Oonagh prepared an infusion of herbs sweetened with honey, which Caris drank hot three times a day
29. ” Duchairn sipped the hot tea, liberally sweetened with honey, appreciatively
30. The spartan breakfast before them—little more than two bowls of porridge, sweetened with the last of Wyrshym’s chef’s jealously hoarded sugar and enormously out of place on the expensive, polished table—was another sign of that army’s tightening belt
31. But overeating on a consistent basis—or taking in too many calories too quickly, like when we eat sweets or drink sweetened beverages—turns insulin into the boy who cried wolf
32. On a noonday in mid-November, they all sat grouped about the dinner table, eating the last of the dessert concocted by Mammy from corn meal and dried huckleberries, sweetened with sorghum
33. fell voice was lowered, and he would have sweetened it if he could
34. To receive the best of both worlds–the crispy sweetened lamb fat and the tender meat of the rack–all the tendons need to be removed
35. Huck found a spring of clear cold water close by, and the boys made cups of broad oak or hickory leaves, and felt that water, sweetened with such a wildwood charm as that, would be a good enough substitute for coffee
36. I wasn't about to beg; that would have only sweetened the moment for him
37. I loved the racket, talking, and laughter in the auditorium, the opportunities for sitting on a back bench, and letting the measured voice of the professor lure one into dreams as one contemplated one’s comrades, the occasional runnings across the way for a snack and a glass of vodka (sweetened by the fearful joy of knowing that one might be hauled before the professor for so doing), the stealthy closing of the door as one returned to the auditorium, and the participation in “course versus course” scuffles in the corridors
38. Her nervousness and her desire for simple expression soaked her speech in a kind of sweetened slanginess, from which, usually, she was able to wring out her thoughts into very clean English
39. Pies were very closely allied to pioneer, and the Colonial housewife of early days was forced to concoct fillings out of sweetened vegetables, such as squash, sweet potatoes, and even some were made of vinegar
40. It has been found that children will drink flavored, sweetened milk when they will simply not touch pure milk
41. In order to demonstrate how universal the craving for sweetened, cold drinks has become, and how easy it is for the milkmen to cater to this demand, Prof
42. The less expensive forms of cream, in that and every other city, are those based on a thin white sauce, sweetened, flavored, and frozen
1. So when a new process was discovered of refining sugar cheaply and in large quantities honey began to lose its popularity as a sweetening agent and became increasingly less available as sugar became more so
2. We have, in our highly stressed modern society developed the habit of sweetening ourselves too often! This we now realize is a stress habit
3. He was sweetening the phrases with the condescension extended to those who are prompt to be deceased
4. _ Now, in these early September days, this season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, of cloudy mornings and calm evenings and golden afternoons, he has turned his back on the hills and forests, on the reddening creepers and sweetening grapes, on the splash of water among ferns and rocks, on all those fresh, quiet things that make life worth having, and is sitting at a desk somewhere in Berlin doggedly bent on becoming, by means of a great outlay of days and years, a _Landrath_, a _Regierungsrath,_ a _Geheimrath_, and a _Wirklicher Geheimrath mit dem
5. Without sugar or cream it was bitter as gall, for the sorghum used for “long sweetening” did little to improve the Yankees because they kept her from having real coffee with sugar and thick cream in it
6. Since, thus, the prevision of his own unending bliss could not nullify the bitter savors of irritated jealousy and vindictiveness, it is the less surprising that the probability of a transient earthly bliss for other persons, when he himself should have entered into glory, had not a potently sweetening effect
7. And sure as I stood there, Lancelot’s Hands play’d about my Thighs, his Fingers began to twine in my womanly Vegetation whilst his Tongue danced along my Scar, cooling its Rage and sweetening its Sourness
1. (The tree that sweetens the bitter waters is the Tree of Life
2. Aaron sweetens the offer with a smile
3. In all that humbles, sweetens and consoles
4. This feeling, now, that belt of magnetic electricity which leaps out to stay in contact with you wherever you are, that mind that feels like we are sharing a global consciousness rooting in the sky our hilarity makes, that glow that never leaves but only sweetens to the peace of a child quietly suckling insight, that body mirroring where my entire electric charge is connecting, sharing, amplifying yours – I feel always upon me the lifeprint of your ecstatic force
5. Satan sweetens the lie with a little
6. Nutmeg, on which these birds habitually gorge themselves, sweetens their flesh and makes it delicious eating
7. —No, rejoined the other, I appreciate to the full the motives which actuate your conduct and I shall discharge the office you entrust to me consoled by the reflection that, though the errand be one of sorrow, this proof of your confidence sweetens in some measure the bitterness of the cup
8. The charm of adventure sweetens that sensation, the glow of pride warms it; but then the throb of fear disturbs it; and fear with me became predominant when half-an-hour elapsed and still I was alone