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    swindlers example sentences


    1. wil prove to be greater swindlers than the Governors

    2. There are way too many swindlers and tricksters and assassins running wild in this backwater and we’ve got to keep things as low-key as humanly possible

    3. For some reason physical dice and cards seemed, to most gamblers, harder to rig than software, and since most of the players here were swindlers anyway they demanded nothing less

    4. been warned that he’d have to be mindful of unscrupulous swindlers

    5. while quacks and swindlers often went out of business shortly after opening their doors or they traveled from town to town seeking new simpletons to whom they could peddle their snake oil

    6. Once settled on Earth or in a space installation, then expect a crowd of swindlers and fraudsters to descend on you and try stealing your gold

    7. But wait up! If we have established that you can’t live a life that is over, then how does it differ in real terms, if they have swindled you out of your life, out of the fantastic life you could have been living if you hadn't been surrounded from birth by swindlers, rogues and clowns like this?"

    8. The overbearing, oppressive and clumsily gummed up together 'legal' conglomerate is entirely justified and necessary, considering the astounding number of swindlers, murderers, psychopaths, rapists, gangs, STD’s, daredevils, protostar hoppers, insanely violent religious organizations, and sinister plots to destroy and annihilate every single living thing in the system

    9. swindlers out there that will sell you subscriptions, provide you with

    10. Because of these swindlers and the huge number of challenges presented on the

    11. A lawless insane gang of swindlers, courts run by outright bribery while constantly screaming about the sacredness of the Law and judicial legality, while inventing and practicing every legal corruption possible

    12. Americans are still don’t realize that in a fear-based society, in a hate-based society, in a greed-based society… the ones yelling louder are not the ones who are more confident, or more intelligent, or better leaders; they are the ones who fear more, hate more and are greedier and are more cunning, sneaky swindlers

    13. The European swindlers did not earn the land which they stole from North American natives: as a result, the land itself became worthless in value except as an excuse which was used to despoil it and destroy it as quickly and as completely as possible

    14. Every Corporation on this Earth is merely imitating what the first Industrial robbing swindlers did to get rich… By constantly, reflectively, selectively, and pyramidally: focusing on what poor people never do: money

    15. It works in the opposite way that all pyramidalized human society works In Hierarchical human society: it is the most venal, the weakest, the most diseased specimens who are preserved and perpetuated, the worst, and lowest win out against the best and healthiest… it is the dumbest, the worst cowards, the most dishonest cunning, selfish swindlers who win out against the most intelligent, most honest, most generous, the most loving, the most sensitive, the most humane

    16. Throughout all human history, behind the smokescreen of these and other excuses, if you examine the result of mankind’s inhumanity: you will discover that there is a secret universal selectivity going on…it is always the most intelligent, the most beautiful, the most healthy, the youngest, the most innocent, the most honest, the most courageous, the most kind, the most sensitive, the most decent, the most humane, the healthiest, the strongest of humans who have been killed and destroyed… regardless of which side of the conflict they are on… leaving only the ugliest, the most ruthless, the most brutal, the most insensitive, the most dishonest, the more canniving, cunning deceitful liars and thieves and swindlers and thugs and murders and rapists and criminals to survive; while the best of humanity is massacred and killed over and over again

    17. This in turn would have toppled the entire corrupt secret banking Rothschild cartel of mobster swindlers who had amassed huge fortunes and were pulling the strings of all govts and creating wars in order to profit from them

    18. I am speaking, as before, of injustice on a large scale in which the advantage of the unjust is most apparent; and my meaning will be most clearly seen if we turn to that highest form of injustice in which the criminal is the happiest of men, and the sufferers or those who refuse to do injustice are the most miserable--that is to say tyranny, which by fraud and force takes away the property of others, not little by little but wholesale; comprehending in one, things sacred as well as profane, private and public; for which acts of wrong, if he were detected perpetrating any one of them singly, he would be punished and incur great disgrace--they who do such wrong in particular cases are called robbers of temples, and man-stealers and burglars and swindlers and thieves

    19. "It's five-and-twenty pound, Mum," echoed that basest of swindlers, Pumblechook, rising to shake hands with her; "and it's no more than your merits (as I said when my opinion was asked), and I wish you joy of the money!"

    20. All other swindlers upon earth are nothing to the self-swindlers, and with such pretences did I cheat myself

    21. It is not much to be wondered at that when they became a little older they were so degenerate intellectually that they imagined that the surest way to obtain better conditions would be to elect gangs of Liberal and Tory land-grabbers, sweaters, swindlers and lawyers to rule over them

    22. As he stood there in the forefront of this company, there was nothing in his refined and comely exterior to indicate that his real function was to pander to and flatter them; to invest with an air of respectability and rectitude the abominably selfish lives of the gang of swindlers, slave-drivers and petty tyrants who formed the majority of the congregation of the Shining Light Chapel

    23. strength to the wiles of swindlers and to the pitiless enthusiasms of leaders inspired by visions of a high destiny

    24. I suppose you could find “swindlers who act like kings and brokers who break everything” in the 1860s just as easily

    25. ' that's what they say, and that's all, but I think it's enough ! But that's not the point; whatever happens, and even if I had those letters in my pocket now, yet to be associated with those swindlers, to be their accomplice for ever and ever ! To lie to Russia, to lie to my children, to lie to Liza, to Lie to my conscience !

    26. Our peasants are swindlers, and don't deserve to be pitied, and it's a good thing they're still flogged sometimes

    27. They are swindlers, only there the scoundrel wears polished boots and here he grovels in filth and sees no harm in it

    28. “Consideration! Ah, they are swindlers! They'll ruin him

    29. In particular they kept a lookout for pickpockets and swindlers, who simply swanned in the roulette salons, and reaped a rich harvest

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