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    Use "symmetric" in a sentence

    symmetric example sentences


    1. The circuit is usually drawn in a symmetric form as a cross-coupled pair and each element of pair have two states (On and Off)

    2. 1Random numbers are used in both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography as a way of generating keys and for the random values used in the operation of some algorithms

    3. What we perceive to be physical reality is actually our cognitive deconstruction or suppression of complementary attributes of the symmetric void

    4. Self-consistent universes appear as a result of cognitive suppressions by minds making measurements and breaking the symmetry of a perfectly symmetric void

    5. If each particle is considered a pixel, we can imagine an infinite perfectly symmetric 2d checkerboard screen of complementary pairs of pixels of plus 1s and minus 1s

    6. It is proposed that the observer (with his limited mind) isolates a logically self-consistent asymmetric universe from the superposed symmetric void

    7. This sequence will be repeated over and over again until the local multiverse finally dissolves into the implicate order of the unmanifest, perfectly symmetric, void state

    8. A person who has developed both brains to very high levels leads a two-fold existence — functioning rationally in an asymmetric universe, while abiding in a symmetric void

    9. 6 Yet Matte Blanco says this is the symmetric logic used by the unconscious

    10. Mystics who have been using language based on superposed or symmetric logic have had mixed responses — from amusement to accusations of being illogical

    11. In the nearly perfectly symmetric event horizon (the full-void), polarities and dualities become meaningless and irrelevant as they are indistinguishable

    12. In the perfectly symmetric empty-void they cancel out

    13. The former is a perfectly symmetric awareness, often called a ‘non-manifestive consciousness,’ which is neither attracted nor repelled by opposites and beyond dualities (i

    14. The void is symmetric

    15. Taimni says that when action comes out from an integrated (unbounded, symmetric) consciousness it comes out from the consciousness as a whole and not from any particular act of willing — as in the case of mind 27 — much like creative ideas that appear almost from nowhere

    16. Every asymmetric manifestation is reflected by its opposite by the perfectly symmetric void

    17. The perfectly symmetric void is frequently referred to as the ‘unmanifest’ in religious and metaphysical literature

    18. Similarly, there are no measurables associated with the perfectly symmetric non-manifestive ‘consciousness’ of a ‘liberated’ person (as described in Buddhist and Hindu religious literature)

    19. If a universe of contrary attributes is experienced holistically it will be both a perfect unity and a perfectly symmetric void

    20. 26 (We have already argued earlier, however, that the vacuum or void does indeed have both physical and psychological attributes — although they may be superposed or cancelled-out in a perfectly symmetric ‘consciousness

    21. Symmetric logic [of the void], by contrast, has considerable freedom, it can move in a variety of directions

    22. Each time symmetry breaks there is a force that builds up — pushing consciousness back to the perfectly symmetric void

    23. all the symmetries in nature are less symmetric than the cause that gives

    24. symmetric (it would therefore appear as a contradictory ‘full’ vacuum from

    25. By the mid-1980s, Sequent introduced the first symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) server-class computer using the NS 32032

    26. How symmetric the lines are, perfect in form and symmetry

    27. so that it would gain more “regular”, symmetric features

    28. and Pingala, are symmetric in their kind and presume that a practitio-

    29. The market is symmetric around the value of $2

    30. The slope coefficients on the five forward rates have a neatly symmetric tent shape (—2

    31. A final strand of criticism debates the theoretical motivation that is claimed for fundamental indexation: whether it is appropriate to assume symmetric pricing errors centered around an unobservable fair value, as fundamental indexers do, rather than around the observable market price

    32. • A straddle position—long both at-the-money (ATM) calls and puts—has no directional bias and a symmetric payoff profile

    33. A symmetric volatility smile could be explained by fat tails in the real-world asset return distribution; while an asymmetric skew/smirk could be explained by greater downside volatility (the market’s greater propensity to jump downwards rather than upwards)

    34. Given that a dispersion trading strategy can hedge away delta and vega risks (equity and volatility risks) and has a reasonably symmetric return distribution, correlation risk seems to be the main explanation for the richness of equity index options and thus the profitability of option selling

    35. Before the crash, the implied volatilities of index options exhibited a symmetric smile rather than a one-side smirk as both OTM calls and puts had higher volatilities than ATM options

    36. After the crash, realized fluctuations of the index have been reasonably symmetric but implied volatilities disagree: they implicitly forecast a much higher probability of a large downside move than of a large upside move

    37. For all combinations of {criterion threshold × strikes range}, portfolios created using one-week options are less symmetric than portfolios constructed of two-month options (compare the top-right and bottom-right charts in Figure 1

    38. Five variants of call-to-put ratios (one symmetric and four asymmetric) are created for each combination: 3:1, 3:2, 1:1, 2:3, 1:3

    39. While long combinations during this period were on average symmetric (the call-to-put ratio approximately equals 1), in short combinations the number of put options was two times higher than the number of calls

    40. The higher the absolute value of the slope, the more asymmetric the payoff function (if the slope is zero, the payoff function is perfectly symmetric)

    41. For every underlying asset we construct a sole combination (either strangle or straddle) possessing the most symmetric payoff function relative to the current underlying price

    42. To form such an initial set, 30 stocks were randomly selected, and a single combination (either strangle or straddle) possessing the most symmetric payoff function was constructed

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    Synonyms for "symmetric"

    symmetric symmetrical

    "symmetric" definitions

    having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts