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    Use "talked" in a sentence

    talked example sentences


    1. I talked to you about this when we swam at that beach on the West Island

    2. activity? How can I use my time more effectively in order to create and live the life I want? How about those little times that we talked about, like putting something in the microwave

    3. They had talked awhile before that

    4. "Oh she let me know she was worth aluminum, I knew she could put up that camp with her left hand, she talked about putting up a whole plank villa

    5. The one who was organized, kept promises and understood everything they talked about

    6. In the time management section we talked about how two hours of

    7. Vera and I talked and flirted over its sizzling corpse, head and everything

    8. We talked about commune with the Holy Spirit

    9. He talked to her about the car but not the statue

    10. While they talked, she had told Jorma that Kulai was finally the one

    11. I’d never really talked to them before in school

    12. "Has it been that long since we talked last?" she asked

    13. When Ma had left for work, Peter talked to the only one who listened in these situations: his pop

    14. While they talked she had found the Gengee City waterfront schedule

    15. The fact he talked Emma into having Barney baptised at the church says it all really – Emma is not what you would call religious minded

    16. Whatever it was he talked about, he talked about it at length and wanted his chin scratched two or three times during the lecture

    17. The Ava that Tahlmute talked of was not listed as one of them, though quite a few were of the same general look

    18. The women he'd been with talked of little else once the sophistication charade ended

    19. her very often and talked to her on the phone

    20. They talked about her

    21. sociable, she talked of her home in the mountains, of how it had all been sold and how

    22. They talked her thru to the life support controls, those were the first any space-suited humans would make in re-activating the ship from this state

    23. They talked about the situation according to what their

    24. They scolded each other about how long it had been since they'd actually talked instead of just leaving quick notes for each other

    25. ‘I suppose so, but he’s never talked about it

    26. ‘When we last talked about it, things were different … they’ve changed now …’ he lets the sentence hang, almost nervously

    27. We have met a nice guy there, whose name is Dimitri Papayannis; he came and talked to me after he had recognized me as an old schoolmate from junior high school

    28. Especially this morning, she revealed to me many things about herself: She is 23 years old, very sociable and popular, with a large circle of friends! I talked to her about myself too, adding a fib or two, that I also have many friends and that I often go out to discos and clubs

    29. So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

    30. I will see to it!” she had reassured me when we talked on the phone earlier in the afternoon

    31. I introduced these people to my games, and in my head we laughed and we talked

    32. We talked for hours, breaking off only to slip our hoods on and sit quietly on our mattress rolls when the guards brought in the evening meal

    33. Half of what they talked about didn't have a Portuguese word to go with it and the population difference was still fifty million to one

    34. "Yes," he sighed, she talked like such a native

    35. During the meal she talked him into taking her up to henarDee to tell Kulai personally

    36. The karga medallions were magnificent but she was unimpressed and let him finish hers while she talked of karga social sophistication

    37. She talked with slow, fluid gestures and had blue, blue dreamy eyes that sometimes focused on the phonecam, making Alfred afraid that she had spotted the lens

    38. While he ate and drank his wine, of which she accepted one small glass to be sociable, she talked of her home in the mountains, of how it had all been sold and how she roamed the world now, stateless but always with a casket of earth from her own land by her side as a reminder of home and her beloved family

    39. Maybe if they talked for a while, maybe if they got their breath back they could try it all again, he thought

    40. ‘Well, there’s only me … the thought that there might be family on Errd’s too attractive for words … and Gran talked a lot about the cousins she left behind

    41. In the previous secret, we talked about releasing resistance,

    42. "Luray talked mainly of your knowledge and musical talent when she talked of you

    43. In the four days since she'd talked with Alan there hadn't been a good opportunity to continue what they started back in week Zawmathii and her desire had only grown since then in spite of her worry about Alan

    44. I told you that when we talked about it a couple weeks ago

    45. ‘We talked a lot on the trip to Abery

    46. we talked away the hours,

    47. talked to Nihar about her studies and needlework which

    48. doing, even though it was all they ever talked about when they

    49. They had caught up on what he had talked about with Luray, the ephemeral nature of Earth life

    50. The doctors we had seen on Earth talked of viruses and complications, but, with hindsight, I reckon she’d just given up …

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