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    Use "tally up" in a sentence

    tally up example sentences

    tally up

    1. The second step is one that is totally up to you, if you want to spend the

    2. Before pulling himself totally upward, William tested the surety of the higher rock by pulling on it a bit more than his weight

    3. There was some decline in business at supper-time, so that Colling and Ferguson were able to tally up the day’s receipts

    4. Others never fully enjoy the hours that God has given to them because they are sleepy, they feel bad, or they are physically or mentally upset

    5. “Let’s tally up this money,” I said

    6. Okay then, let's tally up

    7. „Get real! Max was totally up his own arse

    8. And that was to buffet her brutally upon the side of the head with his open hand, so that stars flashed before her eyes and her head rolled on her shoulders

    9. Even the auctioneer is totally upset

    10. The choice is totally up to you

    11. However, those complex automatic cellular and molecular processes can be altered by even small chemical changes, and the sophistication of chemical processes is so great that what seems a simple cure for one ailment can fatally upset the balance of critical biologic function

    12. It’s totally up to him

    13. The rest will be totally up to you

    14. Skye was totally up for Skate City

    15. Tally up all the benefits on one side… then tally up all the costs on the other side

    16. " She had overheard Massie and Alicia discussing a fashion show in homeroom and was totally upset that she hadn't been invited to join

    17. Since you are in charge, many decisions may be totally up to you

    18. “I’m totally up for that

    19. It was so high a situation, this field, that the rain had no occasion to fall, but raced along horizontally upon the yelling wind, sticking into them like glass splinters till they were wet through

    20. Here’s a quick refresher of how SPV works: If you know you’re interested in a single wallet ahead of time, you can just tally up how much money is in that one wallet as you pull the entire historical blockchain off the Bitcoin network

    21. However, Berniece’s arrival totally upset any routine she had been trying to establish at Ana’s

    22. The typical progression for technology is to grow incrementally up to a plateau, then leap to the next level

    23. As one of my former trading mentors told me numerous times, “Why dick around with ticks when you can tally up the points?” Indeed

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