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    Use "tedious" in a sentence

    tedious example sentences


    1. With a great deal of very tedious effort he was able to trace Linshere to a proxie cherub account administered by a diagnostic link

    2. and the endless, tedious scrape of existence on her eyelids

    3. Looking through people and at the fatuous décor inside night clubs has become a tedious necessity

    4. The journey across the city was tedious

    5. It would be tedious to find out if Jorma was in the city twenty one decades ago

    6. “Harry,” Kaitlyn began, “we certainly understand all the efforts made in the renovations to the White's residence,” then Chloe added, “And we most assuredly think all your instructions of 'just so' and the like were tedious but well meaning, even useful

    7. In order to satisfy ourselves upon this point, it will not be necessary to enter into any tedious or doubtful calculation of what may be the lowest sum upon winch it is possible to do this

    8. Education in the ingenious arts, and in the liberal professions, is still more tedious and

    9. his own so tedious and expensive education, but of that of more than twenty others, who are

    10. education would generally in this way be more effectual, and always less tedious and

    11. The long, tedious, and expensive education, therefore, of those who are, will not

    12. This was a far from tedious task as he

    13. Silver is very seldom found virgin, but, like most other metals, is generally mineralized with some other body, from which it is impossible to separate it in such quantities as will pay for the expense, but by a very laborious and tedious operation, which cannot well be carried on but in work-houses erected for the purpose, and, therefore, exposed to the inspection of the king's officers

    14. The rest of that long war is tedious

    15. Consequently, it was a long, tedious three days from

    16. Secondly, the use of several very ingenious machines, which facilitate and abridge, in a still greater proportion, the winding of the worsted and woollen yarn, or the proper arrangement of the warp and woof before they are put into the loom ; an operation which, previous to the invention of those machines, must have been extremely tedious and troublesome

    17. “I have the feeling this is going to be a very tedious and trying conversation, but I’ll do the best I can

    18. I thought it necessary, though at the hazard of being tedious, to examine at full length this popular notion, that wealth consists in money or in gold and silver

    19. I had followed the Professor’s lecture up to a point, but by now it had become too tedious for me

    20. This man approached his task not as a tedious job, but as a challenge

    21. Whatever, in time of peace, might be the ordinary occupation of those who go to war, so very tedious and expensive a service would otherwise be by far too heavy a burden upon them

    22. This took six years to compile, was tedious and time-consuming, but provided Panin with the tools with which an in-depth analysis could be performed

    23. He'd found that even the most tedious tasks could be enlivened by a lack of clothes - a maintenance report for the local office in

    24. This would have been extremely tedious to undertake in previous centuries without the technology that we have today and it is amazing that people found some of these codes as early as 1200 AD

    25. But for golfers who are something less than pros, your handicap may be a tedious piece of paperwork

    26. “You are a tedious pain, woman

    27. Well, this is the least tedious chat I’ve had in a long time, and I could use a distraction

    28. This will involve long, tedious research

    29. Nostalgia, assured by tedious inaction following strenuous exertion, is invariably augmented by fever

    30. “We would not want to waste your talents in the tedious work of a daily life,” insisted Em, warming, “when you could be much more instrumental to the entire region’s salvation as our intercessor

    31. would be as tedious as my stoker job

    32. However, not to dampen the young officer’s zeal, he listened, albeit impatiently, to his account, tedious for its attention to minute and mostly unrelated detail, of a death the previous night

    33. Yet, as he followed, in heightening fascination, those same tedious details gave depth to a grizzly scene that began in the early hours

    34. Surely a machine of your higher intellect and quite evident power can only treat this inadvertent mishap as nothing more than a tedious trifle and I must say so, I’m considered well traveled from where we come from but I’ve never met such a charismatic personality such as yours

    35. A rather long and tedious journey! However, Paris is everything we thought that it would be and we have endeavored to pack as much as we possibly can into the few days that we have here

    36. 1 For the ungodly said, reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious, and in the death of a man there is no

    37. 7 But regarding the Gentiles it were tedious

    38. With the help of these, I was soon freed of my tedious teacher who continually turned the discussion toward his religious beliefs

    39. Most times, however, this does not happen and sooner or later we find ourselves having to do those awful, tedious, sometimes teeth grinding and heart wrenching things

    40. are struggling with some hard decisions, it can be confusing, tedious

    41. 7 But regarding the Gentiles it were tedious to tell how they always wrought impiety and wickedness and never wrought righteousness

    42. These questions, and many others that it would be tedious to mention, are put to the leaders and common people of the pagans, not in an offensive and irritating way, but calmly and with great moderation

    43. me while I was wading through volumes of his tedious selections,

    44. tedious work of maintaining and repairing sections of rope

    45. And so began the very tedious task of constructing psychological profiles of everyone most likely to sympathize with Raidan

    46. little while and is tedious

    47. They also tend to contain tedious exercises such as this:

    48. They think: "Why bother to sign that stuffy old contract with all those tedious ‘work, discipline and focus’ clauses? I could have it all for free merely by tuning in to the bounty of the universe!"

    49. Tedious and cumbersome, but safe

    50. Therefore it is extremely tedious for me to even communicate with you

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    Synonyms for "tedious"

    long-winded tedious verbose windy wordy boring deadening dull ho-hum irksome slow tiresome wearisome burdensome lifeless ponderous heavy

    "tedious" definitions

    so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness

    using or containing too many words