Use "telegram" in a sentence
telegram example sentences
1. sent an express telegram to the high command of the rangers: “Send
2. Allcock that a telegram had just arrived for Mr
3. Two days later Harold and Chloe separately contacted Harry through telegram of their pure delight at the proposed Honeymoon destination
4. Kaitlyn was just weeks away from completing the year's course of instruction at the Memorial Theater when she received an unexpected telegram from her father
5. Telegram" was the reason why Greece and
6. To dream that you are sending a telegram indicates that you are trying to make an aspect of yourself known without being too direct about it
7. However I was wrong about the amount of time I had and just five days later a telegram arrived informing me that I should report to the Battalion at a transit camp on Salisbury plain
8. He fired off a telegram to Secretary Welles and also sent a message to the commander of the United States Navy
9. the earlier telegram from the secretary directing a search for the Shenandoah, and that the Saranac and Suwanee were both in pursuit of the rebel ship on that date
10. The day I received the telegram in North Africa was very devastating for me as I lost control and cried for a long time
11. Your telegram concerning the navy entering Santiago Harbour received, and your action thoroughly approved
12. The Zimmerman telegram, an offer from Germany to ally with Mexico in exchange for the return of the southwest to Mexico, was what pushed Wilson to change his mind about war
13. The telegram was deliberately leaked to the US Ambassador by British intelligence
14. Considering my own training, short and bitter, learning in, (or on,) a Henri Farman ‘Shorthorn,’ I wondered why this gentleman would send a telegram to me, a wounded junior officer; and one without much future
15. I sent your telegram,” Howard-Smythe recited, as we walked back toward the train
16. I’ll send her a telegram with the instructions
17. stopped at the Western Union desk, where she sent a telegram
18. telegram, just that he’d secured an appointment with a Seattle
19. In January, she received a telegram that had been forwarded from Pennsylvania, informing her that her husband was missing in action
20. I have sent her a telegram, although I have addressed it to her sister and worded it in such a way that it is not obvious I am requesting her presence here
21. After sending the telegram, it occurred to me that my location can be determined from the telegram, although it is now too late
22. If that is the case, I have no doubt it was from the telegram that I sent several days ago
23. I returned to the telegram office nearby to see if there was any reply from my wife; not only was there no reply but the clerk informed me that two men had been in there asking for me yesterday
24. One of them was sitting outside the café immediately across the street from my rooms earlier today, pretending to read a newspaper, and the other one I am certain I caught a glimpse of as I made my way to the telegram office
25. While they were still in Fuentesnuevas, Roger’s brother Antonio sent a telegram from Havana, Cuba, that he was arriving in Madrid
26. Just wondered," Wolf said, the lie as readable on his face as a telegram
27. The Superior Evening Telegram, 30 January 1970
28. I was just notified by telegram that fellow you
29. I needed to send a telegram as soon as possible
30. She suggested he send his old friend a telegram
31. George smiled at Lydia as he handed her the telegram
32. A telegram from the Admiral at Lemnos tells us that this life has closed at the moment when it seemed to have reached its springtime
33. Tāgore sent a telegram to Gāndhiji saying:
34. Her intention was cut short by the arrival of a dreaded telegram that arrived from Margaret telling her that their mother had died
35. She was the one who had sent me the telegram, after all
36. When Gautam's telegram was delivered to them at the Nithya Nursing Home, the happy parents were in seventh heaven
37. The duty officer announced that a telegram had arrived from Moscow
38. Alone, he sat at the table and read the telegram
39. A telegram was traveling on its way
40. when Ian MacAlistair showed up at the Tap with that telegram from the
41. brought this copy of the telegram into the Tap and showed it about to us, you
42. family receives a Western Union telegram to the effect, ‘I am
43. “I received a telegram from the government this morning
44. ” We all knew what was in the telegram
45. the Long Beach Press Telegram
46. “Congratulations, dear friend,” he told Úrsula, showing her the telegram
47. In that telegram which was never made public, he denounced the first violation of the Treaty of Neerlan-dia and threatened to proclaim war to the death if the assignment of pensions was not resolved within two weeks
48. After waiting two weeks for the telegram telling of his death, Aureliano Segundo sent a messenger to him in order to warn him, thinking that he might not know about the threat that hung over him
49. The president of the republic sent him a telegram of condolence in which he promised an exhaustive investigation and paid homage to the dead men
50. After the burial he drew up and personally submitted to the president of the republic a violent telegram, which the telegrapher refused to send
1. secretary of the treasury to the secretary of the navy containing copies of telegrams received by the Treasury from the collector
2. There was mail, some telegrams, some papers to sign
3. We shot telegrams, teletypes and phone calls back and forth, with me standing in front of the big board at field number one and perhaps Howard-Smythe, or Bernie, or Dawley on the other end, staring at the map on their board
4. in London, drafting telegrams and letters for the
5. who had the courage to send the telegrams!” Lydia was furious now and she spoke with
6. when he received thousands of telegrams, letters and phone calls begging him to run,
7. Rick Spalding had followed with interest the flurry of telegrams and phone calls in and out of the Presidential residence in the last few weeks
8. In order to build a strong union of laborers on the dock Richard had taken to writing advertising copy, letters to editors, telegrams to politicians and whatever means he could muster to stir the controversy pot
9. She would not let him out until the fourth day, when the telegrams received from different places along the coast made it clear that the fury of the invisible enemy was directed only at the brothers marked with the crosses of ash
10. Amaranta fetched the ledger where she had written down the facts about her nephews and as the telegrams arrived she drew lines through the names until only that of the eldest remained
11. They claim that four days before the attack, FDR could have sent telegrams of condolence to the families of the servicemen he was allowing to be killed
12. telegrams on the morse code, light the fire in winter and any other
13. Churchill pretended to be captured by the Boers, then he pretended to escape from a Boer police station and he spent six months running around South Africa popping into Post Offices to send telegrams to the London press in which he self-publicized himself with fake heroic exploits
14. The old gentleman liked the fun, and amused himself by sending odd bundles, mysterious messages, and funny telegrams, and his gardener, who was smitten with Hannah's charms, actually sent a love letter to Jo's care
15. The first cable was put down during the years 1857–1858; but after transmitting about 400 telegrams, it went dead
16. "Can I have been intercepted by French telegrams to the pontifical authorities?" He resolved to end his anxiety
17. Tom Bolles rushed to the Western Union office in Poughkeepsie and fired off telegrams back home
18. In short order, telegrams began to rattle out of Dix’s office to the chambers of commerce of every city, town, and hamlet in the state
19. Rogers Takes a Stand on New European Dispute,” in Will Rogers’ Daily Telegrams, vol
20. He hardly opened his lips during that weary trudge across the moor, nor would he enter the school when he reached it, but went on to Mackleton Station, whence he could send some telegrams
21. I found his story in the memories of Olympians, former POWs and airmen, Japanese veterans, and the family and friends who once formed the home front; in diaries, letters, essays, and telegrams, many written by men and women who died long ago; in military documents and hazy photographs; in unpublished memoirs buried in desk drawers; in deep stacks of affidavits and war-crimes trial records; in forgotten papers in archives as far-flung as Oslo and Canberra
22. Even the triumphant issue of his labors could not save him from reaction after so terrible an exertion, and at a time when Europe was ringing with his name and when his room was literally ankle-deep with congratulatory telegrams I found him a prey to the blackest depression
23. Alexey Alexandrovitch took the telegrams and opened them
24. That he had some, and pressing ones, was soon borne in upon me by the number of telegrams which he received
25. During the six days of my visit he had never fewer than three or four telegrams a day, and sometimes as many as seven or eight
26. It was very late when it occurred, for my relative, who had been receiving even more telegrams than usual during the day, went off to his study after dinner, and only emerged when the household had retired to bed
27. "I happen to know that the late Lord Southerton's valet was in his pay, and that he used to have telegrams from him every few hours to tell him how he was getting on
28. After dinner several telegrams were sent to people interested in the result of the election
29. The so-called financial services are organizations that send out uniform bulletins (sometimes in the form of telegrams) to their subscribers
30. Telegrams from commanding officers to dead soldiers’ next of kin began that way
31. Oh, by the way, all telegrams for the Yard are coming here, so when they come in, do take them down to the basement, won’t you?’
32. ‘Are those our telegrams from the FO? What are you doing with them?’
33. " The telegrams from London have been the same, "no further report
34. But he wrote letters each day and sent telegrams that said brief, nice, direct things to Alice and baby
35. But he wrote letters each day and sent telegrams to Alice and the baby
36. ‘How many telegrams have you sent out in the last four or five hours?’
37. In fact, she said that she had sent telegrams to many of the actors apologizing to them and asking them to return
38. That left the eleven telegraph operators in Hildebranda Sanchez’s province who had handled telegrams with their complete names and exact addresses, and Hildebranda Sánchez herself, and her court of indomitable cousins
39. They had moved far afield of the subject when a maid interrupted them to hand Fermina Daza a letter that had just arrived by special urban mail, a recent creation that used the same method of distribution as telegrams
40. A passenger on the Carpathia said there was no wonder that none of the wireless telegrams addressed to Mr
41. I have heard the captain criticised because he did not answer telegrams, but all that I can say is that he showed us every possible courtesy, and if we had been on our own boats, having paid our fares there, we could not have had better food or better accommodations
42. Franklin then produced a thick package of telegrams which he had received in relation to the disaster
43. Senator Newlands suggested that the telegrams, some signed by the name of Mr
44. I foresee that every morning a regular crowd of them, provided with quarter-roubles from the editorial office, will be flocking round me to seize my ideas on the telegrams of the previous day
45. Yes, I know all about the sending of the telegrams to inquire whether 'the old woman is likely to turn up her toes soon
46. However, it is not you, Prascovia, that I am blaming; it was not you who sent those telegrams
47. In the meantime tens of thousands of telegrams flew from Russia to France, and from France to Russia
48. The same occurs in the telegrams which were exchanged between the Emperor of Russia and the President of France
49. Again there is in both telegrams a gratuitous mention of peace, which has nothing in common with the celebrations of the sailors
50. A vast number of cities and provinces decided to send special deputations to Toulon and Paris, in order to welcome the Russian guests and to offer them presents to remember France by, or to send to them addresses and telegrams of welcome