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    tenable example sentences


    1. Tactical Space Command have been following events around Jupiter closely, and we can see that your position there is no longer tenable

    2. In some patients there is so little brain left, one wonders if this explanation is tenable

    3. intellectual capacity is not in fact tenable

    4. recommendations are accused of tenable complaints – its time to hit the hay, goodnight

    5. But then, as more and more funds disappeared and more and more accounts were emptied and closed, including some holding quite small amounts, this theory became less and less tenable

    6. The only tenable

    7. The more direct and tenable the threat, the greater the stress, and, therefore, this increased pain makes it more desirable to be avoided

    8. [152]� Oddly, in those acts of kindness toward others, I made my attitude toward myself more tenable, and I continued in what I see and feel now as a search

    9. The apostolic writings seem to lay far greater stress on the real distinction in the Persons of the Godhead than on any idea of consubstantial Unity; though this also is tenable under ante-Nicene modes of stating this transcendent mystery

    10. which would be legally tenable, the Member(Technology), DoT wrote a letter to the

    11. "Our decision should be speedy," said Duncan, gladly availing himself of this change of humor, to press the more important objects of their interview; "I cannot conceal from you, sir, that the camp will not be much longer tenable; and I am sorry to add, that things appear no better in the fort; more than half the guns are bursted

    12. Plymdale that comforting explanation seemed no longer tenable

    13. Are these assumptions tenable? Let us consider first the case of Company B

    14. If this were continued, the barricade was no longer tenable

    15. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more

    16. I ask you now, is such a theory tenable?”

    17. People, whom fate and their sinful mistakes have placed in a given condition, form such views of life generally that they are enabled to consider their condition useful and morally tenable

    18. He probably acts under a conviction that, in the present temper of the Eastern States, a war could not fail to produce a dissolution of the Union; or he may have profited by the mistakes of his predecessor, and is inclined to seize the present opportunity to prove to the world that he is determined to be the President of a nation, rather than the head of a faction; or he has probably gone thus far to remove the impression on the minds of many that he was under the influence of France, in order that he may, with a better grace, and on more tenable grounds, quarrel with Great Britain in the progress of negotiating a treaty

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    Synonyms for "tenable"

    tenable well-founded justifiable impregnable

    "tenable" definitions

    based on sound reasoning or evidence