Use "terrifying" in a sentence
terrifying example sentences
1. I’m telling you, the thought of leaving this earth without leaving this information for my children was terrifying to me
2. was no feeling of terrifying panic
3. that was truly terrifying, mortifying, humiliating
4. The same big bruisers as the previous night, Rafa and his hulking, menacing, terrifying side-kick
5. The terrifying storm of debris came off the junk’s bow like a wake as the 50-meter boat plunged into the densest part of the cloud, coming straight at them
6. In those terrifying moments when he could see though the ship and his own flesh like it was made of nothing at all, the sphere of roiling hellfire filled the sky
7. The situation is still frightening but no longer as terrifying as it was
8. Not as terrifying as I expected
9. Jo going to dinner with Alastair’s wife, whatever her name is – now that would be a terrifying occasion … and to think I had been nervous about going to the vicarage for dinner with Simon!
10. It was the most amazing and terrifying experience of my life
11. Faced with the terrifying ruthlessness of Big Al and his
12. violence of this sudden attack was terrifying, and when
13. Without that terrifying memory from my childhood,
14. that whole episode in Italy must have been absolutely terrifying for her
15. She had never before felt the fear of persecution for having too much faith, and it was a much more terrifying fear than her fear that in Gordon’s Lamp she had too little
16. It’s difficult to explain to someone who never met her, but Bunty was a very empathetic woman, it was as though she had been in the situation herself and understood just how terrifying it is
17. That level of ignorance was downright terrifying
18. I shall laugh at your pleas for mercy as I burn your house to the ground and force you to watch! Fear me! I am the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
19. “Watch in horror as I slice your face apart with this simple pocket knife!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
20. And with that, the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa tried to grab the nearby pocket knife; however it was too heavy, and he had no fingers to use to hold onto them, only stuffed paws
21. “Hnnnnnnnnnnng!!! Hnnnnnnnnnnng!!!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
22. “No, I’ve got it, I’ve got it!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
23. And then The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa had a brilliant idea, a brilliant idea that was as terrifying as it was terrible
24. It was the voice of The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
25. The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa said, and then Tipene stepped on him as he left the room and went off to milk the cows
26. “Hooooooik, ptoi! The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa just spat in your cereal! Wince in disgust and fear as your source of morning nutrients has been spoilt by the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
27. “Hmm… maybe The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa could roll over this jar of almost-finished marmalade off the shelf!
28. You would still have the jam, but you’d have a broken jar on the floor and that would be most inconvenient!” Said The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
29. “Argh!!! This very much upsets The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!” Said The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
30. He turned to face The Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
31. “You shall fear me! I am evil incarnate! I am a horrifying monstrosity contained inside a child’s plaything! Why does that not terrify you? I am the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!”
32. Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
33. “Look, listen to me, Lord Ursa,” began Tipene, before he was interrupted by the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa
34. “You’re not terrifying, and you’re only terrible in the sense that you’re terribly lame,” Tipene said
35. A terrifying monster who had limbs that
36. sometimes, when she closed her eyes, she could still hear Queen Oizys’ loud, terrifying voice
37. realised how terrifying the place would be at night -
38. None of them knew what to do, for the simple fact that they had never been in a situation quite so terrifying before
39. But this changed as the doors slammed behind him and there in front of him, in the flesh, standing at 50 feet tall, was the enormous and terrifying figure of Justice
40. “Its that's blasted TV Robert bought it has no proper channels its all so terrifying, frightful, Paul its driving us out of our minds!”
41. Not just because he had anxiety about being around several mages at once -- an environment which was far too similar to his imprisonment at the High Tower -- but even more terrifying than that was the girl Emily and the way she looked up at him with those wide brown eyes
42. one of his horse’s legs, but only succeeded in terrifying
43. sides and the sheer drop from the ridge was terrifying
44. Ostedes had always appeared formidable, but now he was terrifying to behold
45. Each one more terrifying than the last
46. Last night had been terrifying
47. “Did you enjoy your mothers’ journal?” His accent was as dark and terrifying as the rest of him
48. All he remembers is that it was terrifying
49. While the dragon that initially pursued them was most certainly a quite sizable and thus terrifying foe, somehow this Dwarven-DRAFTChapter 12 229
50. Yes, well, in my defense, they’re a pretty terrifying sight for a small child!”
51. She launched herself at terrifying speed toward the lead animal
52. Then the great head shot forward with terrifying speed and encased Ben in its teeth
53. With terrifying speed a crack tore along the ledge for several metres between Fletcher and the edge of the crevasse
54. “I will tell you another thing one of them was gut shot and you lot have no idea how bad that is the pain is terrifying and that Turk had one of the worse I have ever seen the rounds had ripped through his stomach shredding it
55. Some connected with terrifying force, knocking Raven back, but others he avoided
56. Meeting Raven was a terrifying prospect
57. And another more terrifying thought was creeping up on him
58. He kept his head down and did all he could to take his mind off the terrifying reality that tonight Seraphia would be gone
59. What could he say? It felt revolting? Terrifying? Lonely? None of these answers would have done it justice
60. That terrifying thing that was like nothing he’d seen in anyone else
61. Saw it and shuddered, for it was more terrifying than any of the carnage he’d
62. There had been a few terrifying adventures, no question, but still, Wyll’s arrival had given Dorro the gift of a family
63. (Indeed, there were few things more terrifying in Thimble Down than the sight of the Sheriff flippin’ his lid and employing that formidable voice of his
64. Really something special and terrifying in a way! Unfortunately we were not issued with bayonets, and we made up for that deplorable oversight by purchasing the biggest knifes we could find
65. Having lost control of his mind, his psyche could do little now, other than crouch in a terrifying darkness, surveying the world from another badger's eyes
66. Nature, presented to an observer in its (most) primitive, ‖unrefined‖ and starkest form can be both terrifying and wondrous to behold (provided that the observer has sufficient imagination to perceive a diamond in the rough)
67. She wanted to capture the majesty of it on film, but before running for the camera bag, she needed to overcome a terrifying sense that, if she approached the rail too closely, she would tumble into the abyss
68. Images and feelings shuffled like a deck of cards in a terrifying blur
69. Her imagination was into the stratosphere, wildly conjuring deceitful plots and terrifying images of the madmen behind the curtain, in the closet, under the bed and in every shadow
70. Not to see what was coming was frankly terrifying
71. For one terrifying moment he thought he was falling - falling into that big, jagged maw
72. What had seemed terrifying had become a crown set upon her head
73. Others out there, facing a terrifying world without any of her skills, depended on her
74. Swift as lightning, she flew at him, shrieking a call more terrifying than any barbarian hordes could raise
75. What else could be the cause of those terrifying screams?
76. is more terrifying than being dragged over bumps, rocks and
77. The possibility was terrifying, and the hour drawing close
78. Hilderich grinned and the effect on Amonas was for the first time totally disconcerting, perhaps even chillingly terrifying
79. The man was a terrifying mystery, an uncanny wildfire people tried to steer away from
80. There is little that is more terrifying than the everyday becoming hostile and unfamiliar and such was the effect of this presence which had set foot in his bedroom
81. And then a terrifying sound assaulted Hilderich’s senses, a terrible high-pitched screech that boomed and echoed like the primordial lightning storm that bore the universe and all of creation:
82. And the most terrifying thing is the notion that one is simply losing one’s mind, one’s self
83. It’s terrifying but powerful and so incredibly mystic
84. Everything was new and terrifying
85. I was still afraid of him, I knew, but in a different way—I was no longer a child, afraid of the threat my terrifying father posed to my safety
86. There could be good trips and bad trips—trips with terrifying perceptions
87. There had been something terrifying about him
88. Cinder still tried to make for escape from the terrifying abyss, but it would
89. The ambition from her genetic pool would be terrifying
90. He was like a human snake but even more disgusting because his human features were so distorted and his teeth so sharp and long he would be terrifying to anyone human if they saw him
91. It was still as terrifying as I remembered
92. It fell away in opposite directions until you could see directly into the previous room, and the terrifying sight awaiting me
93. But their eyes were the most terrifying
94. “We assume you mean that the flames were terrifying to the beast… since you, as you said, were not afraid,” she said
95. There was nothing more terrifying than the sounds of the souls in agony
96. Huss had given her something terrifying and incredible in the truth which he had revealed to her, and now he was gone
97. Whether their NDE was beautiful or terrifying, NDErs commonly report the experience
98. It is in addition, a terrifying act of savagery that has unmasked a new
99. Eliminate these illusions, though, and you are confronted with this raw truth: despite being enslaved in a finite body, you are an infinite mind yearning to make sense of a perplexing yet terrifying reality
100. He listened for a few minutes and then proceeded to the bedroom when he heard the terrifying words: “The Senator has been shot”