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    Use "the purple" in a sentence

    the purple example sentences

    the purple

    1. Deep within the darkest hours the purple shades of a newly

    2. Deep within the darkest hours the purple shades of a newly rising day would come and with them the rattle-bag voice that ground out the hours of his incarceration

    3. She took a wherry across the river to the Southwark side where the warehouse was situated, strolling along the lanes behind the Shakespearean theatre where herb gardens, supplying the nearby centre for the Herbmasters, occupied neat little patches of ground carefully tended by a cadre of gotteswomen specially trained for the purpose, the purple outfits of their calling showing up clearly as they toiled amongst the neat rows of plants

    4. He had the same silver on the ridges down his back and around his eyes accented with the purple

    5. with the rising of the sun beyond the purple edges

    6. A few wisps of cloud on the far horizon glimmered red and gold as they reflected the falling of day into the purple dusk of night

    7. The hawthorn is now in full leaf and showing signs of blossoming fairly soon, there are bluebells here and there and speedwell twining round the purple-leaved bugle which is heavy with buds

    8. This court attracted flocks of colorful wildlife, and it was one of the quietest places within the walls as the purple grey of dawn battled the chill of dark down among these mossy stones

    9. The purple and green marks on

    10. Heather pulled the gold ribbon off the box and tore into the purple paper

    11. The Purple Raiders were ranked fourth in the state, and

    12. The purple fingernails still haunted his dreams

    13. The syringe that was on the table… the purple liquid… Vex

    14. There was only the shadow of the former soldier, drifting in the purple haze that was once his undoing

    15. The purple drug first appeared on the streets 11 years ago, merely 2 years after the people of Alataria rebelled, among other things, against the infestation of illegal drugs in the country and the police's poor actions to fight it

    16. sexy love amongst the purple haze of the

    17. He did not see the gilded flag of the purple lion enter Saparen, or the Thanes, their armor gleaming in the rising sun, cut through the line of ern

    18. I looked at the purple metal, the adorned sheath, the black leather, the intricacy of the silver on the

    19. Pretoria has a tree called the Jacaranda (from Australia I think) and the purple Jacaranda flowers made the road very slippery indeed

    20. Studying the purple garment with a critical eye, he shook his head and tossed it on the bed, deciding on a green one instead

    21. To obtain a clean pink, you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with red (the lowest frequency)

    22. Especially the purple ones

    23. I can see it in the turned-down corners of his mouth, in the purple skin under his eyes

    24. Soon, though, the purple sands of time began to run out, and Mantis returned to speak with us

    25. wrapping it in the purple cloth, and then disappeared into the barn

    26. They were completely alone for two days and they had never been allowed to take a sip of the purple wine as it was said to change the mind of such young creatures

    27. The purple creature had retired having satisfied itself of a

    28. He admires it and zooms in on the purple exotic looking molecule with the clear egg-shaped balls moving around it

    29. The purple molecule shoots beams in different directions to disrupt the gravity around the fire

    30. A small orange projectile torpedo is shot from under the purple molecule

    31. ‘Shit! What was that?’ The electricity dances around the shields and goes into the purple molecule

    32. Energy from the purple molecule is beaming in front of the ship

    33. After inspection, I noticed the purple, bluish beginnings of a bad bruise, but before I could finish my sentence of “This is going to bruise”, the healing was complete

    34. Monica pulled herself to the table and flipped the box top open to pour the cereal into the purple bowl

    35. 3 And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with cunning work

    36. “What does the purple crystal do?”

    37. in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with

    38. The purple sky also

    39. As the purple color

    40. My eyes roamed over the purple walls of my childhood bedroom

    41. 5 Jesus therefore came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple garment

    42. The Air Force Cross, next to the Purple Heart, was authoritative and new

    43. When they had mocked Him they took the robe off of Him took the purple off of Him and put His own clothes on Him


    45. Sarah fetched the bonding blanket, and the purple Light of Breath was shining all around when Mother placed it over us

    46. Pilate said to them And Jesus which is called the Messiah what shall I do with him? They all cried out and said Crucify him; And Pilate spoke to them again for he desired to release Jesus; but they cried out and said Crucify him crucify him and release to us Barabbas; And Pilate said to them a third time What evil has this man done? I have not found in him any cause to necessitate death; I will chastise him and let him go; But they increased in importunity with a loud voice and asked him to crucify him; And their voice and the voice of the chief priests prevailed; Then Pilate released to them that one who was throw into prison for sedition and murder Barabbas whom they asked for and he scourged Jesus with whips; Then the footsoldiers of the judge took Jesus and went into the praetorium and gathered to him all of the footsoldiers; And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet cloak; And they clothed him in garments of purple and plaited a crown of thorns and placed it on his head and a reed in his right hand; and while they mocked at him and laughed they fell down on their knees before him and bowed down to him and said Hail King of the Jews! And they spat in his face and took the reed from his hand and struck him on his head and struck his cheeks; And Pilate went outside again and said to the Jews I bring him out to you that you may know that I do not find in examining him even one crime; And Jesus went outside wearing the crown of thorns and the purple garments

    47. glance over his shoulder at the purple lipped body, “Solmund is

    48. Nelson had Frank by the arm and together they moved toward the purple

    49. staircases, the purple and golden fabric carpets and the sheer

    50. That from the purple came

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