Use "theatre of war" in a sentence
theatre of war example sentences
theatre of war
1. As an instructor, my leave didn’t coincide with any great gathering of men such as often happens when a class graduates, or a unit embarks; or returns from a theatre of war
2. Throughout history, you may have heard the expression, “theatre of war
3. The Muzz will state that anywhere not total y Islamic is a theatre of war
4. Then they’d been told that the Earth was flat and now they were being addressed by a hardcore military warhound, who was informing them that they were about to be dropped into a combat theatre of war
5. But, sir, I forewarn gentlemen of the Southern country—I do beseech them, with a sincerity which no man can have a right to question—to beware how they transfer the theatre of war from the rocks and snows of Canada to the sandhills, the rice-fields, the tobacco plantations of the Southern States