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    Use "throw it up" in a sentence

    throw it up example sentences

    throw it up

    1. just keep it bite sized chunks and throw it up here and there

    2. We are commanded to pray always, to pray without ceasing, to continue in prayer, because we must always have in us a disposition to this duty, must be constant to it, and never grow weary of it, or throw it up; and yet we cannot be always praying, we must come down from this mount; nor may we be over-long, so as to make the duty a task or a toil to ourselves, or those that join with us

    3. What happens when young people swallow this shit? They throw it up

    4. She’d eat, but maybe she could throw it up later, so that if Andrina did manage to make her listen to any deadly tapes, she wouldn't have the strength to go through with Operation Reckoning when she transformed

    5. “Drink this, and don ’t bother to eat dinner – you’ll only throw it up

    6. No one has ever complained yet of being too much loved; and besides, you are free, you could throw it up tomorrow

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