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    thwarting example sentences


    1. Wouldn’t it be irrational to elect a Congress controlled by a Party that differed from the President's Party? —The voters would be thwarting their own desires to obtain the spending levels that they themselves prefer! Sure, it is possible that some people might not understand this, but most people will be able to see that voting a split ticket would allow politicians to continue lying to us about their intentions

    2. However he would stand against them, after several attempts on his own life and being expelled from the Magicians’ sect hundreds of years ago as the prize for obtaining an insight into their ultimate goal, he had now decided to spend his every breath thwarting any conditions that would aid in the God Queen’s release

    3. It is evident that the Plane of Order has taken an active stance in thwarting the movements of the Plane of Chaos in this Realm as in others

    4. The sand slipped away beneath its feet like slimy stones on the seafloor, thwarting its pace, but impartial time saw the determined skeleton at last reach the western coast

    5. There was nothing more thwarting to me than

    6. He bitterly resented thwarting

    7. He fought on, thwarting 56

    8. Life is not as unkind to the self-introspecting man as it is to a self-reflecting bull for it lends him the scope to contain the damages the vagaries of his habit occasions; but still, save a Gary Sobers, who said he never committed the same mistake twice, man fails to benefit from the let-offs of fate, and that only proves that man is more adept at thwarting the perils without but not at averting the banes within

    9. enemy X: that which threatens you by thwarting you

    10. They, the citizens bringing suit against corporatenisms, are costing us money and therefore thwarting us in our pursuit of wealth

    11. Anyone shown to be an ally of the government is now seen as part of the anti-us they are triggered to feel are thwarting them, thus cascading a hysterical response of primal frustration:

    12. hair-trigger, a suicide or offend dead end, a super hero incognito overcoming the evil self within, or the monster capitulating to obstacles bending them towards retaliation against the thwarting of their unnatural intentions

    13. The implication is that there are constraints thwarting me from making a free choice liberated from the threat of inequitable costs or consequences, e

    14. The clearness now in his life if only he had not done that! Nobody sofa-ridden in it, no grown-up thwarting daughters, and himself vigorous, distinguished, entirely desirable as a husband, choosing with the mellow, yet not too mellow, wisdom of middle life exactly who was best fitted to share the advantages he had to offer

    15. And now he had found this--this thing, he thought, looking at her in the kind of fury that seized him at the merest approach to any thwarting that touched his work, of light and fire and cleanness, this little hidden precious stone, hidden for him, waiting for him to come and make of her a supreme work of art, and she was putting forward middle-class obstacles, Philistine difficulties, ludicrous trivialities--Robert, in short--to the achievement of it

    16. He knew he must change the style of his traps so that he stood the greatest chance of thwarting Duval, and he gained not a small amount of satisfaction at the thought of costing them the loss of another dog or man

    17. “Maya, it should be remembered, is not an actual arch-deity thwarting us from on

    18. ones where you crave to a particular place, but something is constantly thwarting your

    19. It expressed, plainer than words could do, the intense anguish at having made himself the instrument of thwarting his own revenge

    20. This is not much connected with Miss Isabella's affair: except that it urged me to resolve further on mounting vigilant guard, and doing my utmost to check the spread of such bad influence at the Grange: even though I should wake a domestic storm, by thwarting Mrs

    21. Inquisitive reporters tried to find her and uncover her story, but the nuns were vigilant, thwarting attempts by journalists and others to speak with or photograph her

    22. Who would have thought that this affair was to prove to me the means of an easy riddance of Mr Hickery? But so it turned out; for whether or not there was any foundation for the traffickings with him which she pretended, he never could abide to hear the story alluded to, which, when I discerned, I took care, whenever he showed any sort of inclination to molest the council with his propugnacity, to joke him about his bonny sweetheart, “the Tappit-hen,” and he instantly sang dumb, and quietly slipped away; by which it may be seen how curiously events come to pass, since, out of the very first cause of his thwarting me in the lamps, I found, in process of time, a way of silencing him far better than any sort of truth or reason

    23. Half the town would almost take trouble for the sake of thwarting him

    24. You have aided in thwarting me

    25. It expressed, plainer than words could do, the intensest anguish at having made himself the instrument of thwarting his own revenge

    26. This is not much connected with Miss Isabella’s affair: except that it urged me to resolve further on mounting vigilant guard, and doing my utmost to cheek the spread of such bad influence at the Grange: even though I should wake a domestic storm, by thwarting Mrs

    27. ” She also demanded that Melson tell Marilyn to stop thwarting her attempts to have communication with “the people running our country

    28. The 3rd thing I wanted to write was that when a man is put in the necessity of choosing between an act which is clearly beneficial to others, but with the thwarting of the demands of conscience (the will of God), then the problem is only one of short-sightedness, because the man sees in the immediate future the good which will arise from his act, if he thwarts the will of God, but he does not see in the more remote future the other good, which is an infinite number of times greater, which will come from the abstention of this act and the fulfilment of the will of God

    29. said that the motions were recommended to the House by their being founded on permanent principles, to which the nation may adhere in every alternative; and in addition to the attention due to them because they were of a permanent character and not merely temporary expedients, they might contribute to some of those measures of temporary policy deemed proper, and without a possibility of thwarting, might perhaps aid any project the Government might adopt

    30. He gave the little minority praise for having kept the Administration in check, under the salutary restraint of a rigorous examination of their acts—although the Administration had run away with the credit of wishing to take a strong attitude, and had thrown the blame of thwarting their measures on the opposition

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    Synonyms for "thwarting"

    foiling frustration thwarting frustrating frustrative counteraction opposition disagreement conflict antagonism contravention

    "thwarting" definitions

    an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts

    preventing realization or attainment of a desire