Use "timeless" in a sentence
timeless example sentences
1. This Self is ageless and timeless
2. He spoke with her about love and truth and timeless bliss, imagining her voice
3. around four and went to the beach just to listen to the timeless roll of the waves
4. swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless
5. reflection in the deep ruby fire of his timeless stare
6. Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless landscape should possess
7. Lucy could swim in his eyes forever, she felt, as she gazed at her own reflection in the deep ruby fire of his timeless stare
8. She dreams in a timeless land of cold days,
9. in the timeless drift of her contemplation
10. Timeless, remote Sophia is just like this
11. Sun's rays picked out tiny flecks of plankton and algae, planets in timeless space, and then the sound of my body breathing was the only sound
12. Sprawled in a corner was a group of sleeping, travel-weary Romanies, their timeless faces seeming familiar, like those in my books, but they weren't familiar at all, I just wanted them to be
13. Pouring tides of the timeless sea brings forth what should have
14. That most timeless celebration of the season: A MidSummer Night's Dream
15. The vastness of this timeless land was unnerving, especially to those who were used to the claustrophobic closeness of the Angolan jungle
16. It was no less than that of the Legion, the timeless dragon symbol, but applied in black
17. Intriguingly, it also offers loving messages and timeless wisdom from the Other Side to help with our living in this 3-D world of ours
18. Firstly, in my opinion, one would expect to find that whatever evidence we are looking at, would be timeless
19. It should also be relevant and timeless
20. This information can then be considered timeless and will be as valid today as it was in 1,500 B
21. I saw only the timeless hills and the trees
22. Who else but Mark Twain could have written this timeless work, along with „Puddenhead Wilson," and „A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court?"
23. He didn’t believe in the afterlife anyway, he believed that life was life, and all else was timeless oblivion
24. The expression ―Feet of Clay‖ implies a transitory, material existence that is essentially weak or flawed or (otherwise) subject to decay; contrasted with spiritual existence that is eternal, everlasting and timeless
25. The skeptic or nonbeliever, on the other hand, is likely to repudiate the divine ―promises‖ of timeless standards; that is to say, of rewards and punishments, in favor of transitory principles lacking (eternal) assurances and meaning
26. They are handed to us by the infinite, boundless, and timeless part of ourselves and
27. eternal, some (future) event, perhaps, already exists, not (will) exist; that is to say, it exists in time as a pre-determined fact or in a manner that is understood within the capacious boundaries of timeless time as already existing
28. Although laws are not in every respect universally binding, many generally underscore the nature of time-honored (moral) precepts; that is to say, eternal truths and timeless values transcending the limits of parochial custom(s) and tradition(s); whose eternal precedence have been intuitively understood by a (variety) of people among a (variety) of cultures across the course of History
29. “What? Why? I spend a lot of time reading the Bible and what is said there often has what feels like a timeless quality,” said Michelle
30. A spring should come again, a timeless toy,
31. The Essences of Timeless tone
32. The Timeless tone of years, days,
33. It also points a way forward from the suffering experienced in the creation – to the means of liberation and timeless freedom
34. Important are the timeless principles behind the narratives
35. He learned that the soul, or atman, in his body did not belong to him; rather, it was an immortal and timeless quantity that was continually reborn
36. In that moment, a timeless moment of past, present and future, she realized how terribly
37. At Christmas time we also hear the timeless story told
38. “The hold of the Blackness is broken,” said another, one that spoke with a voice timeless and strong and deep: the sort of voice an ancient tree might have, if it could speak
39. essence is the root, the foundation, the timeless and spaceless
40. When the past and the future are seen in the timeless
41. the timeless reality, unbelievably hard and solid
42. tion between the timeless and spaceless and the here and now,
43. dreaming as a steady hold on, and timeless abidance in reality
44. M: It is timeless and changeless
45. billion dew drops, so is the timeless endlessly repeated
46. It is a timeless state, ever present
47. as witnesses only, dimensionless and timeless centres of ob-
48. search is the ultimate and timeless reality
49. movement; awareness by itself is motionless and timeless, here
50. Q: You say you are in a timeless state