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    Use "to no avail" in a sentence

    to no avail example sentences

    to no avail

    1. Her pleas were to no avail

    2. Using the tea towel, I try to get the thing to budge, but to no avail

    3. By the time a year had passed since she rode that android to no avail, Glenelle had pretty much settled in

    4. She walked up and down the beach calling them, to no avail

    5. she tried everything she could think of but it was all to no avail

    6. Two more arrows sang out in quick succession but to no avail; they hit a tree

    7. It was to no avail as far as Sonia was concerned; and now it was about to payoff

    8. then another, but all to no avail

    9. Harry and the young ladies sipped their tea, and strained to hear something of the conference, but to no avail

    10. The headmaster continued, “The heads of each department were enlisted to scour your submissions for any flaw, whatsoever, to no avail

    11. Emma called several times to her, as she approached, but to no avail

    12. Through Video Intercom, the Hesean Governor tried to stop her, but to no avail

    13. "Jim," she insisted, but to no avail, his grip was stronger than she was

    14. All to no avail

    15. A day or so after the funeral he had gone down into the cellar hoping quickly to find the secret entrance his father had mentioned, but to no avail

    16. He was not bearing down as heavily as he had the previous night when she had tried this same action, to no avail

    17. Oh, the pitiful bleating of that she-goat! “The indignity !” “The betrayal !” But it was all to no avail

    18. Once, he had tried to communicate with its earlier version – to no avail, perhaps as a mere mortal he was not worthy of a response

    19. We could no longer see the unit to our right and our Officers had tried telling the unit on the left that they were moving forward to quickly but to no avail

    20. I had tried talking to him but it was all to no avail he had only spoken to me once saying

    21. At all of these stops, Davis did everything in his power to ignite the spirit of the Southern heart, but to no avail

    22. " I strongly protested against this ad, to no avail

    23. “I’m sorry this has had to happen but I can assure you that Colonel Jack has fought all the way for you but it has all been to no avail HQ has got their example and whether it is right or wrong they will go ahead with the execution

    24. Again, she screamed for Bosco and Coal, but to no avail

    25. They shouted time after time, but to no avail

    26. They splashed about in the beginner’s pool as an increasingly frustrated instructor tried to teach them the basic principles of swimming, all to no avail as they were “obviously f commies and longhaired liberals in disguise incapable of f learning to swim

    27. I looked all over the flat to see if he was there but to no avail, he had already left

    28. The old badger pushed on with his search, even though he knew it was all to no avail

    29. But all to no avail of course, because try as they might, they just couldn't locate the source of that smell

    30. I pointed all this out, but to no avail

    31. But it was to no avail, for he could not appear out of thin air

    32. His surprise alerted his reflexes and with a sudden and deft move he was on his feet, his head turning in all directions, trying to establish some sort of enemy direction to no avail

    33. Truman had repeatedly called to Edgar’s home too, but to no avail there, either

    34. They knew not where to look, so they cruised the streets of wretched poverty and questioned a few whose misfortune it was to call this place home if they knew of Herminia, her ‘mother’ or her three children, to no avail

    35. It was as if the market of Pyr had secretly gathered in here, each man trying to sell his wares to no avail

    36. There was a pandemonious roar in the room for a while and Krill banged his gavel to no avail for a couple of minutes

    37. A floating slab of gray metal had appeared in the middle of the night out of nowhere, and the Pilgrim had attacked it to no avail with his knife

    38. I kissed it a little, rubbed it with my tongue and fingers, but to no avail

    39. Terror filled her when her mind recoiled at the possibility they just might give up; simple-minded fear taking over them, begging for their lives to no avail

    40. At that exact time, her son woke up from his sleep crying loudly in her arms and she tried to rock him back to sleep again to no avail

    41. He instinctively yelled at the machine and went for the transparent closet, trying to find a knob or handle to no avail:

    42. It was to no avail, the only tracks that were found were three, all giving the appearance of moving quickly, obviously, made by those who had been beating a very hasty retreat

    43. I’ve spent thousands of years trying to find a chink in his armor, but to no avail

    44. He was searching for a sight of her, but to no avail; for the first time the thought entered his mind that perhaps she was already running away

    45. calling out with his mind to no avail

    46. Since the death of my client in Oct, 1998, I have written several letters to the Embassy with intent to locate any of his extended relatives whom shall be Claimants/beneficiaries of his abandoned personal estate and all such efforts have been to no avail

    47. later, Polk continued the offer to no avail

    48. But in the end even their ministrations were to no avail, for the King’s heart was broken and he went into exile

    49. All of this, however, was to no avail

    50. “All the women that have tried to touch that stone you call a heart but to no avail, was all for her in the end?” she asked, turning to look me up and down bitterly

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