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    Use "to the amount of" in a sentence

    to the amount of example sentences

    to the amount of

    1. relationship that grows in direct proportion to the amount of time we

    2. He had to compare it to the amount of photons that are being exchanged by stars to get a larger flux

    3. over non-essential uses, but there was a limit to the amount of work

    4. Compared to the amount of actual investigating he’d done, he spent way too much time looping in thought on the horror that Ava really was

    5. If one allowed that the natives really did not age then there is no way to relate the youthfulness of her appearance to the amount of knowledge she could have picked up

    6. extended in proportion to the amount of both ; and the sum or amount of his profits is in

    7. Gold and silver, therefore, to the amount of eight hundred thousand pounds, will be sent abroad, and the channel of home circulation will remain filled with a million of paper instead of a million of those metals which filled it before

    8. By establishing a bank of a particular kind, which he seems to have imagined might issue paper to the amount of the whole value of all the lands in the country, he proposed to remedy this want of money

    9. 21, the bank purchased of the South-sea company, stock to the amount of £4,000,000: and in 1722, in consequence of the subscriptions which it had taken in for enabling it to make this purchase, its capital stock was increased by £ 3,400,000

    10. In 1773, however, their debts, instead of being reduced, were augmented by an arrear to the treasury in the payment of the four hundred thousand pounds ; by another to the custom-house for duties unpaid; by a large debt to the bank, for money borrowed; and by a fourth, for bills drawn upon them from India, and wantonly accepted, to the amount of upwards of twelve hundred thousand pounds

    11. And for security reasons (again the risk of Elusiver infiltration into the base) only he could know what the numbers meant, how they translated into the amount of temporal erasure he’d be exposed to

    12. In 1719, the proprietors of the annuities for thirty-two years were induced to accept, in lieu of them, South-sea stock to the amount of eleven and a-half years purchase of the annuities, together with an additional quantity of stock, equal to the arrears which happened then to be due upon them

    13. Your mind will immediately process this visualization as a real event due to the amount of sensations, emotions, and feelings attached to it and will imprint it in your memory as an episode of your life that it considers real

    14. For in 8 years she falls behind to the amount of 80 days, all the days she falls behind in 8 years are 80, and the year is accurately completed in conformity with their world-stations and the stations of the sun, which rise from the portals through which it the sun rises and sets 30 days

    15. During the summer months in the Arctic, sleep is an ephemeral blessing that bears no relation to the amount of sunlight

    16. For in 8 years she falls behind to the amount of 80 days all the days she falls behind in 8 years are 80 and the year is accurately completed in conformity with their world-stations and the stations of the sun which rise from the portals through which it the sun rises and sets 30 days

    17. relation to the amount of pain I have felt, and in the meantime, at

    18. slowly, to the amount of therapy I have

    19. does not always correspond to the amount of commitment invested

    20. years, according to the amount of hydrogen that can be burned and

    21. You receive riches from life in direct proportion to the amount of effort you put in

    22. Production slowed to the amount of Sprugs

    23. Production slowed to the amount of

    24. Illness, diseases are all a response to the amount of negative in your planet

    25. what this is, is a direct response to the amount of negative in your planet

    26. are not directly related to the amount of negative in the planet

    27. proportional to the amount of pain and hurt they gave you

    28. to the amount of love and service you give

    29. Under such circumstances, it is doubtful as to the amount of good

    30. onstage a wagon of animal fat equivalent to the amount of weight she had lost

    31. Due to the amount of time Greg had previously spent alone, Brownie and Sam had assumed he was more comfortable with his own company than with others

    32. The painting that probably is about one thousand Euros worth at the most, is now brought to the amount of two thousand Euros

    33. Paying attention to the amount of saturated

    34. to the amount of upset that you are experiencing

    35. Paying attention to the amount of saturated fats in the food you

    36. This is grossly unfair and I recommend that along with the thirty-hour maximum, we also set a five-hour limit to the amount of overtime one can put in during each week

    37. Would there be a limit to the amount of personal property you could leave in the

    38. He waited eagerly in hopes of garnering a flattering reply from his partner to give indication as to the amount of effort it would require to gain her affections

    39. related to the amount of gold held

    40. account, thereby reducing your trading volume to the amount of margin

    41. According to the amount of resistance, and in Gordon’s case this meant posing the same question 9 times over

    42. it assumes that a stock is worth its intrinsic value in net income relative to the amount of

    43. When it goes to growing your seed, you have to be like that little kid at the fondue fountain who believes that there is no limit to the amount of chocolate that he can receive

    44. rate does not rise in correspondence to the amount of debt; 2) beta does not rise when more

    45. estimate” to the amount of operating leverage

    46. amount of variation, the harder it is to prove a premise is true; a sample type and size must mathematically adjust to the amount of variation or the study will be inconclusive

    47. explained variation to the amount of total variation

    48. statistics will refer to the amount of data points above a certain level with less reference to the average, and more regard to the level: high medium or low

    49. the association is high because there is less regard to the amount of change and more

    50. (Note, a policy holder is able to take a tax-free withdrawal from their policy only up to the amount of total premiums paid into the policy to date, subject to surrender charges, because those funds were taxed before they went into the policy

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