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    Use "tongue-lashing" in a sentence

    tongue-lashing example sentences


    1. Angry, loud, male voices riveted her brain, holding her suspended in place, with the mighty tongue-lashing taking place

    2. Never before had he received a tongue-lashing like that

    3. tongue-lashing of her life

    4. But they just took Joey’s responses as futile tongue-lashings and continued laughing

    5. That asshole will need a good tongue-lashing later on

    6. It was understandable that there would be pressure under the circumstances though Wickland felt sorry for the poor person on the other end of the line who was receiving quite a tongue-lashing

    7. “Begging your Pardon, Sir,” said Paul, quite wither’d from the Tongue-lashing, “I was merely admiring the young Lady’s Plumage and thinking how rare ’tis, i’faith, that the Tail Feathers are of the self-same Hue as those on high, for, as Horace says, ‘Mutum est pictura poema,’ or, for those ignorant of Latin, ‘A Picture is a silent Poem,’ and what is this Lady’s precious Cunnicle but a Picture, which e’en if we ne’er enter it, we can nonetheless enjoy with our Eyes

    8. And the tongue-lashing began

    9. Of the perhaps three hundred who had come to ease their anguish by tongue-lashing me, every one was mad through and through—those who had lost a few hundred dollars as infuriated as those whom my misleading tip had cost thousands and tens of thousands; those whom I had helped to win all they had in the world more savage than those new to my following

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