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    Use "too heavy" in a sentence

    too heavy example sentences

    too heavy

    1. Jorma's head was feeling too heavy already to stretch this out any more, "What then?"

    2. Kate asked Jake if they were too heavy for him

    3. In several weeks time Daniel's queen was too heavy to carry any longer

    4. In spite of the lightening they had done, and losing a lot of their gear to the kranjan weeks ago, Alan's pack was still way too heavy to be running with

    5. The practice of this exercise will not only improve your balance but fine down calves and ankles that may be a little too heavy for your liking

    6. Daphne and her business associates were much too heavy for a lightweight like me

    7. The trunk was far too heavy to move

    8. And with that, the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa tried to grab the nearby pocket knife; however it was too heavy, and he had no fingers to use to hold onto them, only stuffed paws

    9. It looked like some kind of layman’s history, just a thin little thing that wouldn’t be too heavy to carry and written in plain language that he could understand

    10. This was too heavy to move so he put up a nice stone torch in there and kept it filled, one of seven lanterns he maintained on that stairway today

    11. No, of course a sword or staff or sounding rod is too heavy for anything less than a great tempest to lift

    12. It was a vicious looking thing but much too heavy for me to try to do anything with while I was so weak

    13. Whatever, in time of peace, might be the ordinary occupation of those who go to war, so very tedious and expensive a service would otherwise be by far too heavy a burden upon them

    14. It was too heavy for him

    15. It was, indeed, too heavy to be permanent

    16. He felt too heavy to move at all

    17. They were too heavy

    18. �She is too heavy,� the little kookaburra said, and before the other kookaburras could rush to his aid, he let go of Tiger

    19. You would not believe this but in none of the wars we deal with in this chapter was body armour ever issued nor requested being too heavy and cumbersome

    20. Moral Relativism lacks a supporting structure; that is to say, lacks a universal standard by which to (correctly) assess the proposed merits of some moral or ethical proposition whereas Moral Absolutism, drawn to its own (unconditional) point(s) of reference or final conclusions, oftentimes assumes too heavy a burden that must otherwise be lessened by degrees or fall under its own weight

    21. Too heavy to go by helicopter, which were used in the exploration

    22. And anyway the guys are too heavy

    23. Too heavy to carry easier to drag

    24. bag she was dragging was heavy, but it was not too heavy for Junya to lift into

    25. It was cold and uncomfortable, but not too heavy

    26. Tobias sits with slouched shoulders and a lowered head, like his body is too heavy for him

    27. 4 For my iniquities are gone over my head: as a heavy burden they are too heavy for me

    28. It was too heavy to stay

    29. Things were too heavy

    30. "Mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden, they are too heavy for me

    31. Yukino pulled with all her strength, but he was too heavy—her body jerked

    32. He stepped into the courtyard wearily, pulling the gates shut as though they were too heavy for him

    33. The coat you wanted me to send you, your Aunt said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with all the metal buttons, so we cut 78

    34. 19 And Judah, seeing that the men of Gaash were getting too heavy for them, gave a most piercing and tremendous shriek and all the men of Gaash were terrified at the voice of Judah's cry, and men fell from the wall at his powerful shriek, and all those who were from without and within the city were greatly afraid of their lives

    35. Soon the canvas bag was full, and too heavy for her to

    36. If your followers know of it and have to bear it with you they are likely to let go if it becomes too heavy, but if they do not know they are carrying it, if you exude confidence and a strong belief in what you are doing, then they will continue to the end

    37. 19 And Judah seeing that the men of Gaash were getting too heavy for them gave a most piercing and tremendous shriek and all the men of Gaash were terrified at the voice of Judah's cry and men fell from the wall at his powerful shriek and all those who were from without and within the city were greatly afraid of their lives

    38. My clothing is too heavy

    39. The load is too heavy

    40. The boy couldn’t possibly hold Simon here; he was too heavy for the child

    41. “But it seems to me,” she says, rising to her feet and shaking out her skirts, “that having no name is a burden too heavy for a young child to bear—too heavy also for an adult, I think

    42. It’s too heavy for these old arms

    43. We were lucky to avoid rush hour traffic becoming too heavy, and we pulled up in my driveway a few minutes before four o’clock

    44. of placing too heavy a yoke upon the people

    45. The spear was far too heavy at the tip and its prolonged use would cause accelerated fatigue on the upper arms and shoulders resulting in inaccuracy

    46. My darling, my heart is too heavy to write you everything of which I think

    47. I blinked, but couldn’t open my eyes again, they were too heavy… maybe just

    48. It was too heavy so the fox snorted, gave in, and dragged his prize back into the forest from whence he came

    49. My chin grew too heavy to hold, so I lowered it, and left with this gentleman

    50. He wore a gray military outfit with a wool coat too heavy for the warm

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